A few people have shown interest in having a bit of extra money on a personal side bet alongside the charity one. You must be registered for the Charity one to get involved though.
I think it would be best to use this thread to organise that to keep it seperate from the main one.
In so far
@waller02@NOSTRI@Allan23@Shelley7 @mumsie @cpfc_2010 @bigfatfish@LmfaoAllin @PKRPar @SR23 @MAXALLY @hhyftrftdr@Dollie @madprof Who out of the 20, is interested in this? I'm only willing to stump up an extra £20 with £10 going to the highest individual points scorer and £10 to the highest profit earner (of those that have opted in to the both the Charity AND Extra side bet). Unless there are other suggestions? Definitely £20 max for me though.
Register your interest here and we can sort it out between us.
GL all
It's obviously a totally optional extra and anybody that doesn't register their interest here by Midday (or by the start of the first MTT at the very latest) on Friday won't be included in the personal side bet.
Something to bear in mind if keeping your real life name secret is important to you, albeit it won't be in open forum, just to those who need to pay you if you win.
I don't rate my chances against any one individual.
I didn't realise there were two seperate threads, I just jump into threads without much thought or back reading.
Im more in it for of a league and trying to finish above better players.
For the avoidance of any doubt this is just because some people fancied spicing it up a bit more by adding an extra £20 for personal gain, as well as still donating the £20 to Charity.
This personal side bet is using your individual results only though. I just started a separate thread to keep it away from the other one. You don't need to do anything different though, just keep updating your results on the charity thread as normal.
Only the people who are in the Charity bet are eligible to register for this personal one though. So you can either just play the Charity one as normal or stump up an extra £20 to get involved with this personal one as well.
All good fun though, looking forward to it.....until day 3 when I wonder how I ever thought it might be fun.