A big day for the priority money challenge. Only 2 tournaments played.
Was hitting well in Omaha and took it down.
Took a timely shot at the £20 Mega Stack Bounty Hunter and grabbed 5th. Was in 4th chip position with 30bb or so heading into the FT however could not get anything going there. The top 2 were well chipped and did a good job maintaining the lead.
One word to describe tonight - satisfying and also a good injection to the sky roll.
Not used Excel tonight as by the time I sat down for a game I wanted to just play without faffing about with a spreadsheet.
Played the following last night
19:18 O hi lo - finished 2nd. Had a big stack and chiplead with 4 remaining as things were going well until maybe a bad calldown vs the guy 2nd in chips at the time,
One for review and very likely a mistake.
19:45 Omaha - another 2nd. Had a chiplead with 4 remaining and lost a big hand versus the opponent 2nd in chips again. Sure I was slight favourite with the all the chips going in pre-flop with the added dead money in as a 2nd opponent was squeezed. That hand was likely for the win, wasn't to be.
20:30 Mini Major - had a nice stack heading into the final 1/3rd of the tournament. Something like 23/90 at the time.
50 paid.
Lost chips by being bet out of hands and found myself in position 46 out of 56 remaining when I picked up 44. Big stack from the HJ min-raises, he seemed like a good player with moves so 44 seemed ok to shove with 15bb from the button. He shows 55, disaster! No miracles so out. Could have waited until the bubble burst as well, was happy enough with the play.
20:15 £5 - £500 Guaranteed Deep Stack freezeout
A win and a nice one at about £140. Won every race and hit a set vs an overpair when down to the final 10 or so with the chips AIPF.
22:15 - Turbo Freezeout - Played while the Deep Stack was still going so a filler game to get two tables going. Bust about 10 away from the bubble.
A bit of an free advertising for Keith and Jamie who started a Mental Health peer to peer support group for Men in the area wishing to discuss their individual 'mind challenges'.
Hope this is ok to post this admins?
There has been a local group running in Saltcoats since August last year where men can meet up to talk in a non-judgemental environment with anonymity.
These guys are heroes in the area and the group was started when the creator Keith lost his best friend to suicide, 3 months later he started the group in tribute to his good friend. The group itself is called A New Hope and is in reference to one of the Star Wars films.
Below is their first podcast and it went live last night.
Discussed is:-
An Introduction to the guys What a peer to peer group is What the guys themselves think about it
Played a few satellites and managed to get into the Main and the Mega Stack. Had a good run in the main and missed the money by 10 places finishing in 36th.
Unfortunately only managed one bounty in the two tourneys combined.
Won the Omaha earlier, two flips in decent positions was enough to get me over the line.
One of our local shops has stocked up on American sweets and drinks so we had a look at the stock on offer. Duff beer and root beer being two.
He was very impressed with the stock and got pretty excited about it all. We placed the 'beer' and root beer on the window pane when we got back which got Rudy asking if Homer will appear. Haha!
He is a keen gamer and classes himself as a YouTuber. I don't know exactly what classes kids as a YouTubers however I believe it to be someone who posts videos. Not going to debate that one with him, he's a YouTuber and that's that
Last night was the weekly group meeting Zoom call with the guys. New members appearing week on week and getting referral's from a few sources now. The word here is certainly getting out about this.
Many things discussed last night from films to maritime history to GP's.
Was about to post something about the weather this week and will likely get to that over the weekend.
Don't try to acknowledge stories like this for the same reason I tend to stay away from the News on TV. Too bleak! This one hit close to the bone. Awful!
Seem to have lost or not saved my results from yesterday
If I find them they will be added here.
Last couple or so days fairly briefly.
Thursday 25/06/2020 - got a result in the Sunday Main freeroll. Managed to nab a spot and secure a seat at the big table
Thanks for the chat and mini rail MadProf.
Have played about 10 or 11 of the big Sunday games in the past and never managed a cash. From memory the last time out I was almost in the money and couldn't quite manage to break the hoodoo.
Friday 26/06/2020 - some nice results last night.
Got 3 final tables, well 4 if you include the Omaha £75 guaranteed game
Was chiplead with 4 left, a healthy one and had KO'd the 2 final opponents (if memory serves) to get HU.
HU was vs a well known Sky player, had a good chiplead and plenty of BBs in play.
Lasted nearly an hour I believe and by a distance was the longest MTT HU battle on I have been involved in on Sky. Needed and received small pep talks at periods throughout the battle. Thank you guys!
2 big bluffs went wrong and opponent made good calls. Also had made a call-down after being check-raised on the turn for the 2nd time and ran into the straight
Managed to get them in 20bb AQs vs KJs. Sure it was a K on the flop and was presented with, what was to be my 2nd silver medal of the night. The other was in the Omaha game.
The other FT's came in the 23:00 £3 Turbo Bounty Hunter. Grabbed a 3rd there and one other
Bankroll sitting at £582.18 plus the big ticket. Would take £50 the now if was offered, let's see if the unthinkable can be done on Sunday.
Missed about everything last night.
Bubbled PLO and could not hit a barn door.
Bankroll sitting at £130.62
Had a couple of big results this morning so stay tuned!
My favourite - sweary words
Bankroll - £206.05
Keep it up gl gl.
Was hitting well in Omaha and took it down.
Took a timely shot at the £20 Mega Stack Bounty Hunter and grabbed 5th. Was in 4th chip position with 30bb or so heading into the FT however could not get anything going there. The top 2 were well chipped and did a good job maintaining the lead.
One word to describe tonight - satisfying and also a good injection to the sky roll.
Bankroll is now £314.22
A big Sunday night for the challenge.
Not used Excel tonight as by the time I sat down for a game I wanted to just play without faffing about with a spreadsheet.
Played the following last night
19:18 O hi lo - finished 2nd. Had a big stack and chiplead with 4 remaining as things were going well until maybe a bad calldown vs the guy 2nd in chips at the time,
One for review and very likely a mistake.
19:45 Omaha - another 2nd. Had a chiplead with 4 remaining and lost a big hand versus the opponent 2nd in chips again. Sure I was slight favourite with the all the chips going in pre-flop with the added dead money in as a 2nd opponent was squeezed. That hand was likely for the win, wasn't to be.
20:30 Mini Major - had a nice stack heading into the final 1/3rd of the tournament. Something like 23/90 at the time.
50 paid.
Lost chips by being bet out of hands and found myself in position 46 out of 56 remaining when I picked up 44. Big stack from the HJ min-raises, he seemed like a good player with moves so 44 seemed ok to shove with 15bb from the button. He shows 55, disaster! No miracles so out. Could have waited until the bubble burst as well, was happy enough with the play.
20:15 £5 - £500 Guaranteed Deep Stack freezeout
A win
22:15 - Turbo Freezeout - Played while the Deep Stack was still going so a filler game to get two tables going. Bust about 10 away from the bubble.
Bankroll is now £497.61
Hope this is ok to post this admins?
There has been a local group running in Saltcoats since August last year where men can meet up to talk in a non-judgemental environment with anonymity.
These guys are heroes in the area and the group was started when the creator Keith lost his best friend to suicide, 3 months later he started the group in tribute to his good friend. The group itself is called A New Hope and is in reference to one of the Star Wars films.
Below is their first podcast and it went live last night.
Discussed is:-
An Introduction to the guys
What a peer to peer group is
What the guys themselves think about it
To Keith and Jamie,
You are doing the community a massive service and I wish to thank you personally for starting the group. You are doing an amazing job!
Hats off to you both and complete respect.
Whoever can guess who the straight man is gets a bottle of Scotch Mist.
A bit of a nearly day
Played a few satellites and managed to get into the Main and the Mega Stack. Had a good run in the main and missed the money by 10 places finishing in 36th.
Unfortunately only managed one bounty in the two tourneys combined.
Won the Omaha earlier, two flips in decent positions was enough to get me over the line.
Rest, pretty uneventful.
Profit's profit
starting at my favourite of the playlist
Weather report this week.
It's been fairly sticky here the past few days especially.
Need to move to Jersey or to the South East/West for a bit of sun.
Caused a bit of storm in the US years ago while performing with Madonna and Nicki Minaj on stage with a one finger salute.
Onto poker:-
Couple of satellite misses and one tourney the Omaha. Was a miss.
Bankroll - £498.18
One of our local shops has stocked up on American sweets and drinks so we had a look at the stock on offer. Duff beer and root beer being two.
He was very impressed with the stock and got pretty excited about it all. We placed the 'beer' and root beer on the window pane when we got back which got Rudy asking if Homer will appear. Haha!
He is a keen gamer and classes himself as a YouTuber. I don't know exactly what classes kids as a YouTubers however I believe it to be someone who posts videos. Not going to debate that one with him, he's a YouTuber and that's that
Last night was the weekly group meeting Zoom call with the guys. New members appearing week on week and getting referral's from a few sources now. The word here is certainly getting out about this.
Many things discussed last night from films to maritime history to GP's.
GL on the mid-week grind folks!
Don't try to acknowledge stories like this for the same reason I tend to stay away from the News on TV. Too bleak! This one hit close to the bone. Awful!
Not for everyone.
Tiktok star suicide at 16. What a tragedy with so many unanswered questions and trail of devastation to leave behind.
Lovely looking girl as well.
What a screen presence.
If I find them they will be added here.
Last couple or so days fairly briefly.
Thursday 25/06/2020 - got a result in the Sunday Main freeroll. Managed to nab a spot and secure a seat at the big table
Thanks for the chat and mini rail MadProf.
Have played about 10 or 11 of the big Sunday games in the past and never managed a cash. From memory the last time out I was almost in the money and couldn't quite manage to break the hoodoo.
Friday 26/06/2020 - some nice results last night.
Got 3 final tables, well 4 if you include the Omaha £75 guaranteed game
19:40 £500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter - > £100 profit here.
Was chiplead with 4 left, a healthy one and had KO'd the 2 final opponents (if memory serves) to get HU.
HU was vs a well known Sky player, had a good chiplead and plenty of BBs in play.
Lasted nearly an hour I believe and by a distance was the longest MTT HU battle on I have been involved in on Sky. Needed and received small pep talks at periods throughout the battle. Thank you guys!
2 big bluffs went wrong and opponent made good calls. Also had made a call-down after being check-raised on the turn for the 2nd time and ran into the straight
Managed to get them in 20bb AQs vs KJs. Sure it was a K on the flop and was presented
with, what was to be my 2nd silver medal of the night. The other was in the Omaha game.
The other FT's came in the 23:00 £3 Turbo Bounty Hunter. Grabbed a 3rd there and one other
Bankroll sitting at £582.18 plus the big ticket. Would take £50 the now if was offered, let's see if the unthinkable can be done on Sunday.