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anyone, 'beat this' for Run Bad? in a days session, of Tournament Poker.

misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
Do not, get this wrong because it is little old me, I live for Poker.

Here, is an example, before I get into the thread title, in the screenshot, below, a player I have huge respect for, 'Liam'.

we, played each other, hundreds of times, and used to poker argue, like Cat and Dog.

That, long time ceased, screenshot an example, of what I am really like

Below, is one tabling, intense day long session, of Tournament Poker, so, please compare, like with like.

ie, multi tabling, X 16 tables, dym and cash, is not comparing like with like.

If anyone, really wants to know, why I got christened, affectionately, the RunBad King, here you go.

One session, intense, playing my poker brains out ( for a particular challenge) that I won't mention here, as not ' directly related'

Matt Bates, I do respect you totally, if you take a look, at the following hands, and still conclude, I am not good enough, and I refuse to accept it,I will genuinely accept, with a metaphorically big hand shake, and, that I have lot to learn.

But, please, do not cherry pick, could maybe? have played, one of the AA, slightly different, maybe, layed down, on the River, to the luck out full house, but, here you go.

Factual Verbatim, as, I have checked, and rechecked, of course I fully understand, variance, but here is the rub, in exactly two full months, of Tournament Poker, I was on the wrong end, in one single day, yesterday, of suckouts, than I have dished out, in the opposite direction, in two full months, reason I can state that, unequivocally, is I am keeping, meticulous records, of, on, my poker.

11.04 hn 1515197845 misterpj Big blind pocket 10 9 suited spades, flop, the 10 high straight, on a 678 board, flopped it, 92% equity good, the turn 8 club, and river 9 club, got a pocket 5c to the straight flush. 92 percent equity good smoked,6000 tourney defining chip pot.

05.08 hn 1515534825 misterpj flopped straight ( yes, another flopped straight) £5.50 BOUNTY hunter, 4400 pot and a bounty 75 % equity lose on river to the flush chase.

16.47 hn 1515269587 33,000 chip pot, win it, away and gone, in the tournament, on bubble as well!
misterpj turns the straight, yep, another straight, misterpj big blind, blinds 500 1000, flop the up and down, spike the turn for the nine high straight, 78% equity good, 22 percent shot, rivers it.

05.30 hn 1515248926 three way 10200 chip pot, all action, on the turn, misterpj way way best 65% equity v 17 v 19,rivered,again,and again, another flush chase, strikes Gold.

04.53 hn 1515173025 £5.50 dym misterpj pocket KK bubble four left, all in, in front by shorty misterpj snap call, 83% equity, what did shorty shove? 8 10 off suit, flop, 8 10 7!

17.53 hn 1515930761 misterpj pocket A J suited hearts, big action pre, flop comes 567,rest of all the action, on the turn, one card to come, I am holding 82 % equity with AA v 99, river.. 9 for 9000 chips.

05.45 hn 1515174398, £5.50 BOUNTY hunter
not quite sure? why pocket A 4 betting flop? betting, at a very long odds speculative backdoor, misterpj pocket cards, AA! 87% equity pre, 93% equity on the flop, holding AA, 6% flush chase gets there, turn river runner runner,.

07.16 hn 1515539571 final table £5.50 buy in, chance for, winning a bounty, leaving just four players, and being chip leader, misterpj pocket 10 10, feeling good, snap call all in shove, 57% equity good, the shove? A Q off, insta spikes it. 6000 plus chips.

Saved, the best, till last,

07.43 hn 1515540882 £5,50 bounty hunter, really amused me, this one especially, as the player, taking this hand, down, against me, Two hands prior, had, a chip, and a chair, 125 chips left, in two hands, to taking this down, remarkabke 'Jeff'

misterpj pocket AJ suited spades, turn river runner runner K spade, Q spade, gave misterpj the A spade, nut flush.
No chance, river made the miracle Qs full, amazing.

Lost,each,and every above, one day's, Tournament Poker, bet sizing bet timing, 100% optimal, yep, I have run it checked it.

Could have played, AA slightly more aggressive, possibly laid down monster hand, to the river made boat, there you go, factual.

Each, and everyone, tourney defining spot. Of, course, if requested, would, post each hand, in glorious technicolor detail.


  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    misterpj said:

    Matt Bates, I do respect you totally, if you take a look, at the following hands, and still conclude, I am not good enough, and I refuse to accept it,I will genuinely accept, with a metaphorically big hand shake, and, that I have lot to learn.

    No one can tell anything from what you have posted.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    misterpj said:

    Do not, get this wrong because it is little old me, I live for Poker.

    Here, is an example, before I get into the thread title, in the screenshot, below, a player I have huge respect for, 'Liam'.

    we, played each other, hundreds of times, and used to poker argue, like Cat and Dog.

    That, long time ceased, screenshot an example, of what I am really like

    Below, is one tabling, intense day long session, of Tournament Poker, so, please compare, like with like.

    ie, multi tabling, X 16 tables, dym and cash, is not comparing like with like.

    If anyone, really wants to know, why I got christened, affectionately, the RunBad King, here you go.

    One session, intense, playing my poker brains out ( for a particular challenge) that I won't mention here, as not ' directly related'

    Matt Bates, I do respect you totally, if you take a look, at the following hands, and still conclude, I am not good enough, and I refuse to accept it,I will genuinely accept, with a metaphorically big hand shake, and, that I have lot to learn.

    But, please, do not cherry pick, could maybe? have played, one of the AA, slightly different, maybe, layed down, on the River, to the luck out full house, but, here you go.

    Factual Verbatim, as, I have checked, and rechecked, of course I fully understand, variance, but here is the rub, in exactly two full months, of Tournament Poker, I was on the wrong end, in one single day, yesterday, of suckouts, than I have dished out, in the opposite direction, in two full months, reason I can state that, unequivocally, is I am keeping, meticulous records, of, on, my poker.

    11.04 hn 1515197845 misterpj Big blind pocket 10 9 suited spades, flop, the 10 high straight, on a 678 board, flopped it, 92% equity good, the turn 8 club, and river 9 club, got a pocket 5c to the straight flush. 92 percent equity good smoked,6000 tourney defining chip pot.

    05.08 hn 1515534825 misterpj flopped straight ( yes, another flopped straight) £5.50 BOUNTY hunter, 4400 pot and a bounty 75 % equity lose on river to the flush chase.

    16.47 hn 1515269587 33,000 chip pot, win it, away and gone, in the tournament, on bubble as well!
    misterpj turns the straight, yep, another straight, misterpj big blind, blinds 500 1000, flop the up and down, spike the turn for the nine high straight, 78% equity good, 22 percent shot, rivers it.

    05.30 hn 1515248926 three way 10200 chip pot, all action, on the turn, misterpj way way best 65% equity v 17 v 19,rivered,again,and again, another flush chase, strikes Gold.

    04.53 hn 1515173025 £5.50 dym misterpj pocket KK bubble four left, all in, in front by shorty misterpj snap call, 83% equity, what did shorty shove? 8 10 off suit, flop, 8 10 7!

    17.53 hn 1515930761 misterpj pocket A J suited hearts, big action pre, flop comes 567,rest of all the action, on the turn, one card to come, I am holding 82 % equity with AA v 99, river.. 9 for 9000 chips.

    05.45 hn 1515174398, £5.50 BOUNTY hunter
    not quite sure? why pocket A 4 betting flop? betting, at a very long odds speculative backdoor, misterpj pocket cards, AA! 87% equity pre, 93% equity on the flop, holding AA, 6% flush chase gets there, turn river runner runner,.

    07.16 hn 1515539571 final table £5.50 buy in, chance for, winning a bounty, leaving just four players, and being chip leader, misterpj pocket 10 10, feeling good, snap call all in shove, 57% equity good, the shove? A Q off, insta spikes it. 6000 plus chips.

    Saved, the best, till last,

    07.43 hn 1515540882 £5,50 bounty hunter, really amused me, this one especially, as the player, taking this hand, down, against me, Two hands prior, had, a chip, and a chair, 125 chips left, in two hands, to taking this down, remarkabke 'Jeff'

    misterpj pocket AJ suited spades, turn river runner runner K spade, Q spade, gave misterpj the A spade, nut flush.
    No chance, river made the miracle Qs full, amazing.

    Lost,each,and every above, one day's, Tournament Poker, bet sizing bet timing, 100% optimal, yep, I have run it checked it.

    Could have played, AA slightly more aggressive, possibly laid down monster hand, to the river made boat, there you go, factual.

    Each, and everyone, tourney defining spot. Of, course, if requested, would, post each hand, in glorious technicolor detail.

    Hey Paul

    See my PM, that’s why you were the bubble boy in this one!
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