Whilst getting into the car yesterday 50p fell out of my pocket and went straight into a drain, which had probably been placed there by the Government, determined to take more money off hard working taxpayers like me. Anyway I have contacted Customer Care at Skypoker and they seem unable to help, @Tikay10 this is outrageous and tantamount to theft, please sort it out or I shall be forced to contact the police.
Bring back the 10 bob note I say.
Talking of losing things....
I was in Vegas one year & someone gave me $2,000 (in two x $1,000 chips) to give to someone else I was due to see at The Venetian that day. I got in a taxi at the Rio, went to The Venetian, saw the bloke, but when I reached into my pocket to give him the 2 x $1,000 chips there was only one. The other must have fell out of my pocket in the now long-departed taxi.
What a gross spot, & of course I had no option other than to pay the "missing" $1,000 myself.
Wow, that's some tip, hope the taxi driver found it and enjoyed a spin up!
Whilst getting into the car yesterday 50p fell out of my pocket and went straight into a drain, which had probably been placed there by the Government, determined to take more money off hard working taxpayers like me. Anyway I have contacted Customer Care at Skypoker and they seem unable to help, @Tikay10 this is outrageous and tantamount to theft, please sort it out or I shall be forced to contact the police.
Bring back the 10 bob note I say.
Talking of losing things....
I was in Vegas one year & someone gave me $2,000 (in two x $1,000 chips) to give to someone else I was due to see at The Venetian that day. I got in a taxi at the Rio, went to The Venetian, saw the bloke, but when I reached into my pocket to give him the 2 x $1,000 chips there was only one. The other must have fell out of my pocket in the now long-departed taxi.
What a gross spot, & of course I had no option other than to pay the "missing" $1,000 myself.
That's horrid @Tikay10, those roulette tables in the entrance to the Venetian have a lot to answer for!
For the future it’s probably worth pulling timed tournaments from the lobby if they’re set to finish at the same time you’re expecting a site shutdown.
I’m sitting here contemplating my early morning post, wondering whether to
A) withdraw quietly As A but say thanks for sorting so promptly C) As A+B and also apologise for my insulation D) none of the above....
Best forum and supportive group of guys/ladies but when you get it wrong ... Every, I say every contact with CC( and Tikay) has been dealt with efficiently and to a high standard of customer care, which is why you are getting a little gentle ‘stick’
I’m a chef so happy to post a slice of pie to you....full of lovely humbles...
For the future it’s probably worth pulling timed tournaments from the lobby if they’re set to finish at the same time you’re expecting a site shutdown.
Whilst getting into the car yesterday 50p fell out of my pocket and went straight into a drain, which had probably been placed there by the Government, determined to take more money off hard working taxpayers like me. Anyway I have contacted Customer Care at Skypoker and they seem unable to help, @Tikay10 this is outrageous and tantamount to theft, please sort it out or I shall be forced to contact the police.
Bring back the 10 bob note I say.
Talking of losing things....
I was in Vegas one year & someone gave me $2,000 (in two x $1,000 chips) to give to someone else I was due to see at The Venetian that day. I got in a taxi at the Rio, went to The Venetian, saw the bloke, but when I reached into my pocket to give him the 2 x $1,000 chips there was only one. The other must have fell out of my pocket in the now long-departed taxi.
What a gross spot, & of course I had no option other than to pay the "missing" $1,000 myself.
I bought a drink for earlier for £1.25 and give the lady £1.30. She didn't give the 5p back and shut the till. I waited....... for about 6.32 seconds. The hand went up and got my 5p back. This wasn't a supermarket and was a local shop.
Btw it was more on principal than the money. Honest!
I went off Fredos when they started putting caramel in them. Off topic I know but hey a hazelnut in every bite means you're eating a bar of squirrel poop.
Oh and don't even get me started on the new Yorkie, apple and cinnamon ffs what's all that about.
For the future it’s probably worth pulling timed tournaments from the lobby if they’re set to finish at the same time you’re expecting a site shutdown.
I think the opposite.
If this is the fallout and subsequent forum entertainment with allegations of theft of 34p flying around like confetti, schedule as many timed MTTs as possible just before a site outage.
I was a little concerned about how this sentence was going to end.
I’m sitting here contemplating my early morning post, wondering whether to
A) withdraw quietly
C) As A+B and also apologise for my insulation
D) none of the above....
Best forum and supportive group of guys/ladies but when you get it wrong ... Every, I say every contact with CC( and Tikay) has been dealt with efficiently and to a high standard of customer care, which is why you are getting a little gentle ‘stick’
I’m a chef so happy to post a slice of pie to you....full of lovely humbles...
BTW GL at the tables! I mean that!!
Routinely, they always do, but there was some internal confusion over the start time of the Outage. Habitually, it's 4am, but this one was 0330.
I bought a drink for earlier for £1.25 and give the lady £1.30. She didn't give the 5p back and shut the till. I waited....... for about 6.32 seconds. The hand went up and got my 5p back. This wasn't a supermarket and was a local shop.
Btw it was more on principal than the money. Honest!
It’s the price of a freddo and no one wants to be one freddo short
Oh and don't even get me started on the new Yorkie, apple and cinnamon ffs what's all that about.
If this is the fallout and subsequent forum entertainment with allegations of theft of 34p flying around like confetti, schedule as many timed MTTs as possible just before a site outage.
And stock up on popcorn.
Ha, yes, it was all rather dramatic.
Don't know about the secret 7 or the adventurous 4.
OMG Nic you've sent me on a journey into my childhood. Folk of the Faraway Tree here I come.