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rabbit11rabbit11 Member Posts: 1
Hi...has anyone noticed the dramatic increase in bad beats starting around the beginning of July????.. I ve played this site for 15 years and never had a doubt but now i find that i can just about call in the cards on turn and river. Of course there are bad beats but 4% on the river comes in around 20%.. in fact I feel confident if im allin with AQ-AJ against AK and the amount of runner-runner to make a flush or straight is getting ridiculous. Any views or is it just me and my imagination??


  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    If you're noticing more bad beats since July then some other people are noticing good beats since July. That's how zero sum games work, minus the rake of course.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited August 2020
    rabbit11 said:

    Hi...has anyone noticed the dramatic increase in bad beats starting around the beginning of July????.. I ve played this site for 15 years and never had a doubt but now i find that i can just about call in the cards on turn and river. Of course there are bad beats but 4% on the river comes in around 20%.. in fact I feel confident if im allin with AQ-AJ against AK and the amount of runner-runner to make a flush or straight is getting ridiculous. Any views or is it just me and my imagination??


    15 years?

    If you think you've been playing here 15 years, it's undoubtedly your imagination.

  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    edited August 2020
    Only thing I have noticed an increase in, is chip dumping on HU cash tables.

    The bad beats is just your imagination.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    ask mr pj he may beg to differ
  • RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2020
    rabbit11 said:

    Hi...has anyone noticed the dramatic increase in bad beats starting around the beginning of July????.. fact I feel confident if im allin with AQ-AJ against AK and the amount of runner-runner to make a flush or straight is getting ridiculous. Any views or is it just me and my imagination??

    I'm not sure if you've made a typo but last time I looked AK was miles in front of AQ-AJ so you can't really put them in them bad beat category against AK.

    The other thing is there's a little box you can open on any player at the table and make things called notes. Perhaps players have been making notes on you along the lines of:
    "Raises with AA-QQ, AKs-AJs, AKo-AJo"
    "Gets married to top pair"

    Then they add another line:
    "Might be worth calling with mid suited / unsuited connectors to see a flop and as ses. Very good implied odds against him so proceed if open ended or 4 to a flush as implied odds dictate possibility of stacking him off"

    So rather than it being you've experienced bad beats you've pretty much had your game worked out and more players are taking a chance calling your raises. If that's the case then yes, you will experience a significant rise in bad beats than if everyone folded either pre flop rather than seeing all the streets.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Hi Gpc, all good babi..

    Cracking, afternoon, racing 2day,..I digress,

    Well, misterpj, bought into 1 (one) mtt, today, this morning, flopped, the straight, all in, all in 80% good, huge (relative, spot, pot) turn, river, runner runner, its a BELTER, 😂😂😂😇😇👍👍💋 in, Beats, Variance,.. another word, in the tag line, I? think, its brag, but, wouldn't, have a scooby, in fact, I have the best, very best, posted, evidenced, collection,.. All coolio, pull, my, chain. Pj, bless
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Bounty hunter, 19 left, for, huge outright chip lead, bounties, etc, you, tell, me?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    You already posted this exact same post & hand on another thread just moments earlier.

    Once is bad enough, twice within minutes serves no purpose.

  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    Yeah same but i am getting all the run gd beat bates in a flip yesterday.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi PJ
    That’s pretty much like my exit hand in WSOP main event ( Did I mention I played in that 😏)
    Only I was the AK guy v QQ
    The flop was AK, turn and river same though , #liveisrigged 😉
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,656
    rspca12 said:

    Yeah same but i am getting all the run gd beat bates in a flip yesterday.

    Bluff, post a hand history or it didn't happen.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,656
    tomgoodun said:

    Hi PJ
    That’s pretty much like my exit hand in WSOP main event ( Did I mention I played in that 😏)
    Only I was the AK guy v QQ
    The flop was AK, turn and river same though , #liveisrigged 😉

    I didn't know you played the main event @tomgoodun, was that the same year I was out there?

    My exit hand from the WSOP event Sky put us into that year was KK v JJ. I 5 bet pre with KK and left myself a pot sized bet on the flop, I was loving the J 7 2 flop until my opp snap called and turned over his JJ.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Well, go, yee, ahead, yumm.

    Bought into, ONE [1]..mtt,all day,. the first, on the micromasters, roster.

    2 hours, plus, ubba tight, disciplined, quality play, for this ;

    Utter, farcical nonsense.

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    paul why you limping in with ak as played it's not unlucky,had you 3x pre and s/b calls and u get all your chips in the middle on the flop or turn and oppo spikes 2pair on river then it's time to shrug your shoulder's and make the decision that your never limping again.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    For, the exact reason, 3 years, run rotten, puts my oppos, on, the NUTZ!

    All in, all in, 94%good,one card, to come, almost gt cash..
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Gpc, respect always, friendship always, that was, calling, the turn all in shove, 94% good?
    Not. Skilled poker? getting rinsed?
    Run, supreme. Pj. Xxx
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Not in the slightest bit unlucky
    With the exception of the flop which is ok you played every other street about as badly as is possible
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