Some of you may have met a lad named Andy Wilson at a few SPT's, mainly in Manchester. He's a very serious young man, & plays on 'Stars under the alias "BowieEffect", where I gather he does OK.
This morning he Tweeted a photo of his set-up.
I'm a pure recreational, and to be honest, the photo sort of scared me & bothered me. He's got all sorts of player aids open there in the form of various charts. Don't think they quite count as RTA, but that line is blurry.
I should stress that this is not a pop at Andy, I imagine many (most?) Pros & Semi Pros have the same sort of thing to a greater or lesser degree. It's all perfectly legit & within the rules AFAIK. I expect many of Team Big Boy on Sky Poker do the same sort of thing.
If you were a recreational just starting your poker journey, or an existing recreational, it's a bit daunting. This is what we have to beat.

What is your initial reaction on seeing that set up?
I played with this guy at SPT Manchester on 2 different tables and he never said a single word the whole time.
He is about as close to being a robot as a human could be, live and online.
Wonder how many players on other sites are getting in a tricky spot and putting it into a solver to tell them what to do? (whilst also slowing the game down, and putting recreational players off)
No idea what the need is for that amount of monitors if it really is his setup.
Here's the actual Tweet. The Comments are well worth a read.
Ha, looks like I may have got whooshed. Perhaps he was making some sort of point? I know he was a bit cross with GG's line on RTA.
If he is just using the screens to show multiple tables that is fine, but if he is doing that then why show a picture with range charts? Just seems a bit dumb if you aren't planning to use the extra screens like that. Just seems a big own goal. I wouldn't want him using all that stu
FWIW If I am in team big boy, I normally have 6 tables max. My only external stuff is a bit of music, and maybe youtube/sky sports if I have fewer tables. I have no tracker for other sites as it broke a few months ago and I got used to doing without. I think I observe better
I think it is wrong to assume we all do this kind of nonsense, and I don't think it is good to imply we do @Tikay10
Morning David.
Well I wrote "many (most?)", and I believe "many" is correct, though perhaps not "most".
Looks like the whole thing may have been a spoof anyway. Marv.
Why do you want to appear like a cheat though, just seems a really dumb strategy?
This looks like @Essexphil
Guess he's making some kind of point. Bowled me all ends up, fair play to him.