Hi everyone,
Tonight it's the 5K GTD Bounty Hunter with Richard Orford and Tikay.
This is the official thread for all your comments so make sure you get them in early.
So we have another Poll for tonight's show!!!!
All the posts will be eligable for tonight's prize "Winning at Poker - Essential Hints & Tips".
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Look how early I'm in the office today, preparing for tonight's show. Now, THAT'S commitment.
What's that you say? I deserve a raise? I couldn't agree more.
Right, get your comments in for this poll, serious and light-hearted. And of course, use this forum to post any questions, comments, stories, shout-outs, birthday greetings, well-wishes, brags, rubdowns, jokes, poems, writs, etc, etc.
I will endeavour as ever to read them all out over the course of tonight's show and all contributors on this thread will go into the hat to win that poker book.
Thanks for posting and good luck!
Hope your wife didnt hit you to hard on sat/sun when you got home. It was great to see you again, very enjoyable to share a table with you and Ann was impressed you spent so much time talking to the likes of us lol.
You are a top bloke in my eyes gl mate.
I voted for the laying down a big hand to see you were behind.
Why, well i feel that it is always nice to maximise your monsters but in my opinion, you feel a lot better when you dont lose a lot of your chips when you are beaten in a hand, plus it means you spidey sence is working well. great show guys keep it up.
ps if i win the book can you give it to a new player as ive got 2 copies already
Wow, nice one, the question is did you beat tikay in ? PAY RISE FOR RICHARD, YOU LISTENIN SOOOOOTS
I think I could pick each and every one from the poll, allthough I would have liked to have been paid yesterday when I called with Kc 6c and the flop went Ac Qc 10c the nut flush, my opponent bet 200 I had to have a serious think, because this was going to be the hardest call in my poker playing life, called of course, the turn card yup Jc ROYAL FLUSH third one I have had, sigh checked down to the end
Cheers guys
Good luck with the show
If anything has improved my game since I started last year, it is having learnt to be willing to fold a hand.
I Voted "Other".
I would get most satisfaction from seeing Rich Cash in a SNG at a SPUKT Event.
He has gone 27 of them without a single Cash, after all.
Did he beat me in what? It'd be a first.
And no, he did not beat me into the Office. I was here at about 10am todaty. But I poppped out to see a man about a dog, just after lunch, so he thought he'd beat me in.
Thats very wicked but SOOOOO funny.
Plenty of e-Mails tonight, please. I like to see Rich kept busy. It gives him something to do, he's good at reading, & it means I can concentrate on the Expert Summary, without him asking me daft questions.
PS - I saw Concorde today! She's parked up, behind the BA Maintenance Area at Heathrow. Wonderful.
I was at Manchester airport once to pick some on up and was fortunate enough to see her take off .. MAJESTIC..
Oh .. by t he way i voted for laying down a monster... mainly cos I find it soo very very hard to do
He woke at 2.53pm looking at his post
I voted for laying down 2 pair on a rubbish board, i told him i thought he had hit a gut shot and i had 2 pairs
he showed it.
PS. If i am lucky enough to be drawn out can i gift book to pillowman, i have it already
I saw the A380 at Heathrow a month or so ago. VERY large, but no charisma, no "between the sheets" appeal. Just big. The 747 is a far better sight.
Tikay just approached me in the office and said "You're getting a bit of grief on that thread Rich."
Producer Alan, who was sitting nearby asked "Which thread?"
To which I answered, in a resigned voice: "Pick a thread, any thread".
Right guys and gals, another producer here: the lovely Ling, aka Sky Ling on the forum, has asked, nay begged, nay DEMANDED that I ask you lot for 'hand requests'.
Asking you for a hand request may be misconstrued(!) so let me explain what I mean...
In tonight's Bounty Hunter (or indeed any game on Sky Poker) if you are part of a hand which you think is of interest then please note the hand I.D. number at the top of the page (or go into the hand history to find it).
Then please post it on the 'Play My Hand Requests' thread under 'Sky Poker TV Channel' on this forum.
The hand could be anything from a mad all-in fest with 4 pocket pairs, to an example of excellence from a particular player (probably your good self) to querying a play- perhaps asking if you played it correctly.
The hands will then be analysed on the next few editions of The Club by Matt and Dan, which will be recorded this Wednesday.
You should of found time to come to my area of the woods, and come to the Fairford air tatoo, i only live about 3 or 4 miles from there, im sure you have heard of it before