Big Big difference, between, the suggested, and 'running bad' ie, today, 2 12 hours deep, on the bubble, flop 987 dsd looking down, at JJ, last to act, HU been 'told off, for limping😏' this one got me, to, earlier, all in pre!
Big Big difference, between, the suggested, and 'running bad' ie, today, 2 12 hours deep, on the bubble, flop 987 dsd looking down, at JJ, last to act, HU been 'told off, for limping😏' this one got me, to, earlier, all in pre!
The first one you are 12bb deep and get dealt JJ, now JJ is sometimes tough to play, I would venture to say that 12bb deep it's not, just pile it in. Then IF you get called by 65 and get outdrawn it's a bad beat. As it was you let him see a flop for nothing and he flopped the straight THEN you went all in! Only yourself to blame.
Second one happens now and again, imagine that happening with AA AIP against the other AA in a $1 million buy in tournament, now that's unlucky.
You play the hand as badly as is possible. And seek to blame it on bad luck, instead of your awful limp. With JJ. It is not run bad-it is play bad. If you don't want to know the difference, fine-keep donating. Like some sort of badge of honour. Sad.
RIGGED you should be winning 2 out of 3 times
A lot of players, are new to poker/playing for fun etc. Or some people just like to gamble.
But, I don't think Sky Poker is designed in that way.
More info on how the hand was played could be useful. Was it all in pre-flop? Cash game/tournament?
I wish you good luck in your games!
Any further questions?
With a sample size of one you're going to be disappointed, wait for it, one out of every three times!
Edit if this is @coo1-um's hand, that's what you get for just playing two card games mate, you should stick to PLO8.
for a really detailed explanation of how this is done may I suggest that you contact misterpj who will be happy to discuss this.
Big Big difference, between, the suggested, and 'running bad'
today, 2 12 hours deep, on the bubble, flop 987 dsd
looking down, at JJ, last to act, HU
been 'told off, for limping😏'
this one got me, to, earlier, all in pre!
Second one happens now and again, imagine that happening with AA AIP against the other AA in a $1 million buy in tournament, now that's unlucky.
You play the hand as badly as is possible.
And seek to blame it on bad luck, instead of your awful limp. With JJ. It is not run bad-it is play bad. If you don't want to know the difference, fine-keep donating.
Like some sort of badge of honour. Sad.