I will try again. Usually the Gtee is exceeded by entrants on all your biggies. The Prize Pool goes up as more entrants exceed the Gtee. So, if 501 enter, ordinarily, the prize pool goes up to £100,200. But here 200 got in free so will the Pool go up beyond 500 entrants or 700? Hope you get it??
Those who won seats in the Giveaway are exactly the same status as everyone else, in effect they are paid entries. Every entry in the Lobby, whether won in Giveaway, Satellites or DBI's represents £200.
Hi Thanks for my free ticket. As I have already qualified for the tourney, does this ticket mean that I will get the cash instead? I have had no notification of what happens or any credit to my account.
Hi Thanks for my free ticket. As I have already qualified for the tourney, does this ticket mean that I will get the cash instead? I have had no notification of what happens or any credit to my account.
9. If a player wins a seat via this promotion after they have already qualified via satellite or other means they will receive the buy in amount of £220 in cash.
So I would assume you should get a credit some time today.
This is awesome thank you. As mentioned previously, I’ve been trying to win a few Bob to buy in, then last night I was lucky enough to win a seat from a £2.30 satellite. And today I see this, fab promotion.
Thank you, Thank you SKY. I am actually on a late shift at work tomorrow so will be trying to run a supermarket whilst playing on my phone for the first 4 hours. Hopefully can survive until I get home. Wish me luck.
Those who won seats in the Giveaway are exactly the same status as everyone else, in effect they are paid entries. Every entry in the Lobby, whether won in Giveaway, Satellites or DBI's represents £200.
Think I've just realised what you were trying to say.
To clarify, when it gets to 501 entries - no matter how they got in - the prize pool will be £100,200.
Does that answer the question?
Thanks for my free ticket.
As I have already qualified for the tourney, does this ticket mean that I will get the cash instead?
I have had no notification of what happens or any credit to my account.
9. If a player wins a seat via this promotion after they have already qualified via satellite or other means they will receive the buy in amount of £220 in cash.
So I would assume you should get a credit some time today.
I checked with the Office & I understand the credits will be sorted out this afternoon, so it should be in your account later today.
Well done on the double bink.
GG to everyone who won! (Lucky b*stards 😜)
As mentioned previously, I’ve been trying to win a few Bob to buy in, then last night I was lucky enough to win a seat from a £2.30 satellite.
And today I see this, fab promotion.
Thank you, Thank you SKY.
I am actually on a late shift at work tomorrow so will be trying to run a supermarket whilst playing on my phone for the first 4 hours. Hopefully can survive until I get home.
Wish me luck.