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E.T 'go home' Ben Rich LOCKHEED Off World Vechiles UFO_USO TicTac Go Fast Gimbal Flir NIMITIZ

misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
At the end, your not going to just see, an off world vechile,you are going to see, an off World vechile, piloted by an off world entity, and you think, I am joking? or going to share, some clap trap, really?
Well, you will be wrong.A lot to read and digest, best saved until last
(to wet your appetite) way better than Roswell,way better than Rendelsham-Bentwaters, why?
All filmed, witnessed by professionals, professional television film camera crew, professional airline crew, what makes this, very very different?
All professionals,all filming, the entire 'incident' filmed from a freight airliner on both its outbound, and inbound flight
The 1979 Kaikoura 'ufo', which blows the entire thing, way way out of the water.

1908 the Wright Brothers
Think 1908, think 2021 = 113 years,half that figure is 56.5 almost my lifetime, and maybe yours to.
113 years ago, this image, was, cutting edge flight technology.

Take in, that image, then your only logical conclusion must be, wow, women man kind, certainly taken a Quantom leap forward, in the last 113 years 'and we did it, all on our own'!!!

To try to make the point, Wright Brothers 1908,and below, a Lockheed Nighthawk 2018, from that, to that, in 110 years.

But there is more, much much more.

Two excellent pieces of filmed footage, both filmed in 2013, you can go watch and enjoy both, and what you see flying, filmed in 2013 is another Quantom leap forward > the Wright Brothers > the Lockheed Nighthawk > the active airframe in both ideos below
I know exactly what's in both these clips, do you?

If, no interest in exotic propulsion, Airframes (craft)
Aurora, Black Manta, TR3 (series) there's more than one, TR3b is but one,The Green Lady, or the HOPELESS DIAMOND? that's a real deep Lockheed Skunkworks deep Black Budget Special Project, if no interest, best stop reading.

Bill Sweetman anyone?
Not just a Brain the size of a Planet, one of equally , the most intelligent and nicest fellas, I have ever met in my life.
Bill's credentials and Bill's published book, all about the Billion Pound Black Budget exotic Airframe, Aurora, that 'doesn't officially exist' LOL, lol and lol.

Tic Tac Go Fast Gimbal Flir, all under the same umbrella, being, the leaked Navy Nimitiz footage
The intention of who did it, and confirmed as such by Commander David Fravor, was;
To get, the GENIE, out of the bottle,once and for all, which it is, now, unlike, for example Bob Lazar, which was akin too, rapidly attempting to get the Genie back in the bottle. Ultimately, failed, thank God.

to dismiss that, (only a complete in denial idiot) would dismiss Commander David Fravor (who confirmed) a Military Navy insider, leaked via a secure German server, Nimitiz, and all that's exploded with it.
What repeatedly cracks me up, 'armchair pseudo skeptics' who know more, much much more, than the likes of Commander David Fravor, Chad Underwood the Navy fighter pilot top gun who filmed some of this, Kevin Day Nimitiz Operations Speciist and Radar tracking genius.

The list, of still Razor sharp Military minds, that were hands on with this, goes on and on and on.
And, it does not just go on and on and, each and every single one, has and have, not just gone on public record with this, in depth,they have all gone on public record, in depth, to such a degree, that, 'this time' Zero amount of;
Pseudo Skeptic debunking, that 'this time' Zero amount of special opps character assassination, Smoke Mirrors Deflect (think Bob Lazar) and I will prove that, this time as well.
The discredit and hush this up stuff, is not working on this subject matter, anymore.

I hope, we have not got, a (any) usual suspects, a (any) usual Toby's reading this, and, for clarity, to land the juicy stuff, right in front of your eyes, which I will, that's not coming yet, for a good few hours, hopefully, by this evening, but, if anyone, really wants to press my buttons, and make me go, Code Red, then let's be avin you
who? First up, to start questioning the Integrity of the Navy gals n guys.

Brexit, 24-7 relentlessly, for years, The never ending Headline News
then came, Coronavirus (what happened to Brexit?) well it didn't actually, as Coronavirus has been around for centuries, otherwise known, as a common cold or flu, any sharp minds notice? the Lecturn Advert Wording, subtlety changed (lmao) too, Coronavirus will be with us for years.
Subliminal word play, at work
What? at a stroke, just as Brexit effectively vanished, would do the same for 'Coronavirus?' can you imagine, the news, going a week, with Coronavirus not getting so much as a mention, (COVID) . COVID19, why, how..
Well, 'confirmed Off World Vechiles' not ours, would be a pretty good start.

I implore you, if your interested in the subject matter, but, want, need, require enough evidence, to convince you, to add into the overall evidence I will present, I implore you, please spend 2 minutes, watching this very short video.
You need to know;
exactly who Ben Rich was, exactly what Ben Rich achieved, did in his life, who Jan Harzen is, and it is Jan, speaking for less than two minutes, in this video below about Ben.
It's an excellent 'mind opener' just put the details in youtube, easy to find.

This, below, is the exact two minutes, I implore you to listen to, intently.
The details below, a simple search takes you instantly to this exact two minutes.
I just rechecked, and listened to that two minutes,listen intently until the very end, makes, just made, shivers down my spine, goosebumps everywhere, right at the end, Ben Rich has asked a question, about ESP (not extra sensory perception) it's about.... This....

All points in space and time are connected. One of the students, stumbles out that answer, to which Ben Rich says, yes, that's exactly how it works. Exact how ' it works' is this, all points in space and time are connected, hence, to get from A-B petrol engines, diseal engines, rockets, Mercury or Nuclear power is Wagon Train stuff.
To get from A to B, you bring B to A, because all points in space and time are indeed connected, like a flexible fabric.
It's easy, except for, the fuel source to make this magic happen, is not here on earth, cannot be synthesised (yet) and as sure as eggs is eggs, future generations of academics will be kept (soon, real real soon) very very busy, as, Defacto, every single History and Science book, will be needing an urgent recall, re write, quick time.

Ben Rich we now have the technology to take Et home

That's been the starter, next the main course, but, desert is well worth waiting for 😉


  • IamAll_EnIamAll_En Member Posts: 46
    I get the impression you're not a very trusting person.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Please read,the evidence I am going to provide,when all has been posted (two further huge posts) please read both, then happy to debate the subject matter.

    We have to go back, to go forwards.

    Specifically selecting the following, which all collectively make the case, prove the point, it might take me until tomorrow, but, at the end, Verbatim proof, of an off world vechile, piloted by an off world entity.

    For transparency, not plagurising someone else's efforts,my own stuff.

    Matters not, if 99% not interested or bothered, if 1% learn something, that they are not aware of, that would be great.

    Must include;
    George Adamski, who connects to Tim Good (World Class Violinist,World Class Researcher,World Class fella) I spent more than enough time, in private company with Tim,who is more than well aware of plenty evidence, that, for legal reasons, has not been published, and probably won't, can't be,since Tim has retired, but you never know.Author of, Above Top Secret Beyond Top Secret and much more, Tim Good links to Admiral of the Fleet Peter John Hill Norton (rip) World Class man, because Tim and the Admiral became the closest of friends.
    I will throw in Nick Pope the UKs self appointed Foxx Mulder, less,is more on him, but, in the late 90s live on the James Whale weekday evening talk radio show, special guest Spooky Mulder got schooled live to London by misterpj, that's a Verbatim fact, that debate still 'out there' if I can be bothered, I will find it, and share, suffice to say, with very good reasons, not much time for Mr Pope, who Ironically, resides not far from me.
    At the other end of the Spectrum, we must include President Dwight David Eisenhower, very very important, as full disclosure, was once upon a time, full green lighted, only for at the very last moment, that Green light, went full code Red stop, this don't forget 50 years ago, but,12 seconds, of the real thing, escaped the directors cut,that can be viewed, by anyone wishing to view it, the Famous Holloman AFB landing.

    Do you think, a distinguished Military man, like Admmiral of the Fleet Peter Hill Norton, would put personal forwards, backing Tim Goods Integrity, to the hilt, one things for sure, the Admiral would never have scribed a single word, to anything authored by Foxx Mulder!

    only time Pope ever gets a mention, between an Admiral of the Fleet, and a President, lol.

    and, unfortunately Mr Pope has spent 25 years, taking the 'UAP' stateside and here, I can prove that, if required, with FOI documents, but, a scintilla of a side issue, not relevant to this,save for James Whale Talk Radio live special guest, the UKs Foxx Mulder, the man himself, Mr Nick Spooky Pope, who couldnt so much as raise a leg v 'misterpj' but that's a side issue

    Ed Walters,gets a very deserving mention, two major reasons, make that three.
    A reasonable starting point, the little known facts, that Ed Walters had his own construction business, more mute, at this exact time, this all played out, Ed Walters was running for Mayor.
    Ed Walters own book

    The secondary point, the multiple camcorder videos, which do (did) do still exist, yes the still pictures everywhere, but that craft, on the cover of that book, was camcordered in multiple locations, including daylight, on different dates, and independently witnessed, by many many Floridian residents.
    The 'famous' single infamous still (picture) the hovering one, a, single yard above the road, always made (makes) me chuckle, the sweeping assumption (by experts) that the illumination on the road surface is reflected light,I am not going to state what it is, but more than happy to declare, what it's not.
    That is not in any way or form, any type of reflected light, it is 'matter' not saying what, but its not light.
    Not just camcorder footage, Polaroid still pictures multiple, including a seperate lab secured tamper proof 'test' Kodiak Polaroid, the third point, Ed Walters on live TV anialateing (to raucous independent audience applause,) arch sceptic Phillip J Klass, and the fourth point, all analysed, and passed and declared legitimate to this very day, by a time served optical physicist Dr Bruce Macabee

    1.Ed, got the Bob Lazar treatment
    2.I kicked sand along a Florida beach and drank cold beers with Ed, in person in Wisconsin when I spent an all to short a time, in Florida, Inc Keys.
    3.Ed became,even more of a personal hero,when on live American television, in a very very rare personal appearance, Ed Walters, gave arch pseudo skeptic, general nasty bully, Phillip J Klass, not just one new 'Heiny, but two'
    For staunchly backing, standing by and proving Ed Walters stuff, Dr Bruce Macabee, an Optical Physicist Genuis, because Dr Bruce really knows his stuff, stood by Ed Walters, since day 1, to the present day, Dr Bruce interviewed very recently, 2021,stated to camera, (stated to camera in 2021 and prior, exactly that, in the docu below)
    he knows Ed Walters was being honest, so do I for that matter, and because, Ed Walters was bang on the Bob Lazar timeline, Ed Walters, got the full Bob Lazar treatment, and plenty more, because, some of Eds stuff, including the crystal clear cloudless sky, sunny day daylight footage, of the 'real thing, the real craft' shimmering over a Florida Ocean with people on the beach, was to good to be true, Ed Walters, didn't film this just once, he filmed this, several times, several locations, day and night, (yes he did video these, cam corder) I am not referencing, the 'famous known still pictures' I am referencing the multiple cam corder footage, analysed in depth by Dr Bruce Macabee, what seals the deal, rather than the debunkers, skeptics, dis info merchants, who had plenty good reason to go to work, on Ed Walters, just like Bob Lazar (same timeline dateline) was the fact, plenty other, plenty unconnected Floridians, did actually, witness the exact real same 'thing' same time frame, witnessed, photographed, same object, completely different people, different locations, Ed Walters had the MotherLoad.

    So, just like, George Adamski and Bob Lazar, Ed Walters got the full monty dis info treatment.

    If you wish to see Dr Bruce Macabee reiterating his own research based, non wavering belief in Ed Walters, you can, here, interesting entire episode, but without the MotherLoad camcorder footage, which, I will bust my whotsits to produce.

    Through out the 80s,the place to be, Inc Pensacola, so much, irrefutable camcorder footage, gone AWOL.

    Full List Referenced, thus far in order

    Ben Rich, The Wright Brothers, Bill Sweetman,Bob Lazar
    Commander David Fravor, Chad Underwood,Kevin Day, Gary Voorhis
    Jason Turner, PJ Hughes,Ryan Weigelt,Jan Harzan
    specific single reason *° George Adamski °* special single, sole, solitary reason.
    Nick Pope misterpj, Tim Good, Admiral of the Fleet Peter Hill-Norton
    President Eisenhower, Ed Walters, Dr Bruce Macabee Philip J Klass.. continued

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Will be adding, but before that.

    I am not interested, in anything 99.9% of anything, to do with, connected to George Adamski.
    Not interested in, cardboard cut out 'ufos' not interested in 'suspended by string ufo's, not interested in' ufo images stuck to glass windows' not interested in dustbin lids, hub caps, thrown in the air, and or suspended by string, not interested in double exposure camera trickery 'producing spectacular' '' ufo''' pictures, one good thing, because of the 'era' eras being discussed at present, it is most invigorating knowing, the Good ole CGI Tom foolery is not in play, and neither will it, in attempting ultimate proof, to your satisfaction, tomorrow, as its Verbatim circa 1979.

    But,what I am interested in, most definately, is
    Gravity Lensing, Gravitational Red Shift, see,
    I know a **** of a little
    about a **** of a lot
    but I know one **** of a Lot
    About a little
    Love being a lone under dog

    Also, please do not even bother, insulting my, or anyone else's intelligence, 'digging up some complete nonsence' about a 'mystery' find, a, crude stylo foam little thing, found containing archetects drawing plans, months after the event, on and underneath lagging insulation in a certain loft roof, please don't go there, about as credible as? Manchester United winning the Premier League 😉

    Have to add, a few paragraphs on the Pheonix Lights and Guvnor Fife Symington, very important to the overall balance of evidence.
    And paragraphs on Holloman AFB landing
    President Truman and President Eisenhower

    Must also, produce the best ever case, vindicating Bob Lazar
    after that, will get into the good stuff, the really really good stuff.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    I dont see any proof Paul.

    Just copied and pasted stuff from the internet.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    must get anything remotley associated with Adamski dealt with

    I would not waste my time, save for this.

    All Fake? All Real? fifty fifty?

    First one, simply a curve ball! only because a Costa Rican Military Pilot filmed it.
    Photo Date 1954
    Photo place Lost Creek California
    Photographer Mr John Sheets
    It's actually cine movie camera footage, and a still from a filmed cine movie
    A long way distanced from a certain 1965 Maryland Silver Springs footage

    Photo Date 11th May 1975
    Photographer Rutaro Umehara
    even got some motion blur going on
    A long way distanced from a certain 1965 Maryland Silver Springs footage

    Photo Date 1968
    Photo place Benedum Airport
    A long way distanced

    Photo Date 1968
    Photo place USA Oregon
    Photographer Fritz Van Nest
    A long way distanced

    Photo Date 1954
    Photo Place Australia
    Photographer W C Hall
    A long way distanced

    The only marginal thing of interest, Adamski related
    Cine Film Date 1965, very specifically, pm
    Friday February 26th 1965
    Cine Film Location, very specifically
    Nelson & Madeleine Rodeffers
    Silver Springs Maryland Home (Guvnor Rodeffer)

    the 21 seconds of cine film footage (8mm) there is actually 2 minutes plus cine film footage, this was shot, initially by Madeleine Rodeffer
    (a state Guvnor at the time)
    on her own cine 8mm recorder.
    This wasn't filmed by Adamski, this wasn't Adamskis camera, this was state Guvnor Madaleine Rodeffer, filming outside her own home, using her own 8mm cine camera, Adamski's only involvement, he was their, as a guest, and only finished off the filming element, when Madaleine Rodeffer was to shocked, at what she was witnessing, to continue.Adamski passed away, very shortly after this footage,my interest, more Madaleine Rodeffer (a guvnor) than adamski, Rodeffer who went on record to state, she witnessed this, at her own home, on her own 8mm cine camera.
    Seen nothing, using a 1965 8mm cine camera, that can replecate motion blur, lensing, distortion and obvious movement of something mechanical
    (the pod movement, not the craft)
    One inch cut out vinyl stickers, stuck on a window, static, and motion created by camera movement, yes can be done, but not convinced.

    The pictures, in sequence from above, then the importent 21 seconds film clip
    In that clip, what are your thoughts, on the distortion, the distorting shape, the distorting right hand side, the clear movement, power out, retraction in, of the obvious pod, (one of three) equidistant spaced,that do an awfully good job, '1965' style, mimicking a gravity wave guide.
    Not a reactor, not a generator, but, since Gravity has subsequently been proven to be a wave,by 2000-2021 science, to be indeed a wave
    what did Bob Lazar say?
    what did Ben Rich say? hmmmm.!

    The only way, to get the specific 21 second silent footage, not any of the other multiples out there, not the daily motion clip, or any of the others, not varients on YouTube, to find this specific one, use Google, it will be the tenth down result, from the top, if you search as shown.
    Not saying its this, not saying its that, not saying the other very similar pictures are this, not saying the other very similar pictures are that.But,if all fake, that's a, good few similer fakes, between 1954 1975, spread far and wide around the globe. And, back to this specific 21 second bit of footage from 1965,if you do watch it, closely, only focus your eyes, on the right, lower right, 90 degree portion of the 'craft' If, you think it is possible, to 'fake' that, with a 1965 8mm cine camera, using a 1 inch cut out sticker, stuck to the inside of a window pane, and create all 'motion effects' by cine camera movement filming a static miniature sticker, you will be doing well.
    For a tiny bit of balance, adamski perceived as Charlaton in Chief, of ufo fakery, by a distance,and may well be so, but every single 'browne lol envelope lol 😉' must always be given, a reet good look into!
    Glad that's adamski dealt with (almost) not relevant at all, in the grand scheme, however Guvnor (Government Official Mrs Madaleine Rodeffer) is very relevant, adamski simply a guest staying at her and her husbands home,Rodeffers home, Rodeffers cine camera, Rodeffers intellectual properties rights, she owned the home, camera, film inside the camera, and even took the footage,
    Adamski took Rodeffers own camera of her, when disbelief set in.

    This exactly Google and the specific 21 second silent clip is the tenth result down from the top TENTH Down not daily motion, not the other nonsense on YouTube.
    Make of it, what you will. If you are going to the trouble, of finding the clip, full speed, then 3-4 speed then 1/2 speed then 1/4 speed,way better optical analysts than myself have poured over this,I will go further, forget a 1965 8mm cine camera, take any state of the art piece of kit (2021) kit, then on self adhesive vinyl, your choice, an inch? 5 inches, cut out a saucer bell shaped craft, and stick that to the inside of any window pane, remember, your image is static.
    Now film it, and use camera movement to trick out the optical illusion of image movement,below, your direct route to the specific 21 seconds of footage

    These, a selection of stills, I pulled of the footage, not easy to fake the full effect, unless a 1965 Stealth DRONE!
    Be aware, doubters, this is 21 seconds of a constantly moving 'thing'
    If you wish to argue, it is a static thing, then you must be able to replicate this (sequence of stills) timed stamped at, 0.07 seconds & 0.09 seconds those two stills alone, go from seriously distorted right hand side,to a clear sharp image and a 'mystery' wave guide down (the hover the float) within earth's atmosphere, omicron-deltacron-vertical-horizontal etcetera, then replicate me the stills at 11.0 & 12.00 & 17.00 & 20 seconds, total six still images, taken with time stamps to assist you, replicate the movement, motion, distortion, lensing and rad shift, and sharpness.
    See, it wasnt 'zip' to do with Adamski, who tinged this by association, pseudo skeptics hear adamskis name, and are so fast out of the traps, this was about what Madaleine Rodeffer saw, filmed, and testified to.

    Coming up;

    President Truman, very relevent
    President Eisenhower very relevent
    Holloman AFB footage very relevent
    Guvnor Fife Symington and the Pheonix lights very relevent
    Bob Lazar very very very relevent
    Argosy flight Kaikoura 1979 very very very very very relevent

    Teaser, but at the end, when I get to the last item on that list above, it's very real

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Well mate, sorry you don't see any proof
    Which only 'proves'
    You don't read in full, and or, which is fine, you are not interested.
    So why (obviously bother part reading ?) your logic is flawed.
    As stated, proof saved till the end, and as stated, only a third of the way through
    When anyone, with a sharp mind, is attempting to prove something, maybe any said individual, who might be, so passionate so determind even driven, by the knowledge, by the FACT that they know something is unequivocally TRUE.
    Here, for mumsie (who I know loves Poker) is an example, using Poker.
    I am not going off Topic, neither did, do, will I, but, when I read this (from a Poker loving forum member)

    Feel, I have a right to reply.I will use, one Poker example, just for mumsie, then straight back to the subject matter.

    Well mumsie,as I know you love Poker, here is an example, using your Logic
    Based, on your reasoning, 'you don't see proof' all you see is copied and pasted stuff from the Internet

    Therefore, do we assume, the Marco Chadwell Johnson case, simply isn't good enough for you?
    Professional Poker player, Marco Johnson, his famously known player name Crazy Marco
    One hand, final table, 2 left heads up,not just any tournament, a $1000 buy in, known in the trade, as 'the hand that started it all'.
    The 10 high call
    Two points, Marco Johnson, simply wasn't having, Variance, Run Bad, Downswing or Bad Luck.
    If Marco Johnson accepted that, this would not have been brought, bang on top.
    But, Marco had a stroke of Poker Good Luck, what do you think happened?
    We, and the Poker World, have never found out, but it is narrowed down to one of only two things

    Either, someone made the most catastrophic unintentioned error of all time, releasing the full mother load of hand histories to Marco, or, someone had the biggest crisis of consciousness ever, and deliberately released the MotherLoad of hand histories, either way, thanks to CrazyMarco who brought the house down like a stack of cards, a stack of corrupt cards

    A year later, different site, exactly the same, player NioNio, but I will let you check and research that.So,I have copied and pasted this off the Internet, question is, Is it Proof Positive enough for mumsie?

    And, the same thing, a year later, but, I copied and pasted it, off the Internet, so it's not proof..

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    back to (thankfully) the subject matter
    but I will thank mumsie, for adding to the debate, on what constitutes proof!

    Below, you will see reference to the name Ike
    that's not him, not the former professional footballer, sports presenter
    or the Son of God
    this Ike, is President Dwight D Eisenhower, affectionately known, as Ike.
    So (for mumsie) cumalitive body of evidence
    See the headline? See what's highlighted in Pink?

    This, below, is exactly that
    the MotherLoad of hand histories was not intended for Marco Johnson's possession, but Marco got them, and proved something, well he proved it, good enough for me, maybe not you?
    This 12 seconds, of cine footage, was not supposed to be made public, but it was, and its the real thing, been proved to be the real thing, by Forensic Imaging Experts, it is not fake, good enough proof for me, but maybe not you, even though, you, I and anyone, can freely watch this precious 12 seconds

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Now, I can't 'prove' any of the little below, re Holloman AFB
    Presidents Eisenhower or Truman
    It is a copied and pasted summary, but there is an excellent, 1970s rather lengthy but never broadcast documentary that will absorb anyone with an interest, in the subject matter.
    And that documentary, includes the 12 seconds of cine footage

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    most odd, but nicely odd, logging on from a hospital, but I can, so I have.

    See, the thing is, I could for example, simply scribe this.
    At 00.30 on new years day, 1979 out of New Zealand, an Argosy freight flight, outbound cargo newsprint, encountered 'space aliens' a little green man, having a bit of fun, buzzing the flight, just for fun(no harm intended) in his likkle disc, not once, but twice, on the outbound and in bound flights, with, low and behold, professional TV camera man,with professional camera, recording said occurrences, for posterity.
    'Can't tell you much more than that, please believe me'
    It's true.
    Not very convincing? is it.
    Why, when time, this week, will put forward, a more persuasive thessis
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Might take me, a little longer to finish this, but promise I will, and promise, it will be the best evidence, proof, ever produced

    Anyone's ultimate proof, simply has to be (like Bob Lazar) hands on, eyes on.

    Myself, I know what I saw, eyes on, 1978.
    I know what I saw,eyes on, 1996 East Moriches, streaking up from the Ocean Long Island right at and into TWA800
    Always had an interest in Subs, worked on them
    Faslane, big, bad, naughty nuclear ones
    eyes on, hands on, up very close, and personal.
    forboding menacing bits of kit.
    That day, TWA800 the US Trapang, a nuclear sub (with a very sketchy history) right smack bang under the TWA 800 flight path, if what, went up, didn't come from the Trapang, then it can only have come from something else, very close by. These are facts, not speculation, what went up, was caught on crystal clear VHS camcorder, I know that's a fact, as not long after, I was shown the VHS recording, of what I saw with my own eyes, and that tape, has vanished, apparently, from the face of the earth.What went up, was witnessed and reported by the flight crew of a French Commercial Airliner, up 'their' at the time as well.
    But, still pictures, close enough to the origenal event, the origenal VHS, are out their, fact.

    Like a good Poker player, not come remotely close, to revealing my full hand, on this subject matter., Believe it, or don't, matters not to me. The fella, that's cracked the 1979 New Zealand MotherLoad, is a lifetime trusted friend, I'm nearly 56, he is 57,better than that, (not UK) but ex special forces, fearless, the most intelligent living human being I know, not only that, the most incredibly wealthy, self made living human being I know, and the irony his company and the people he employs (only employs the very best, of the best, in their fields of expertise) that very private, very specialised companies, primary business, not directly connected to this, far from, but, the multi million pound cutting edge technology used, has multiple applications, thankfully for my mate and myself, it can also be used, to life the lid, of this.

    mumsie, and others, the fella I am taking about, in the late 80s ( special forces stood down) took it upon himself, solo, to trek out and into, undiscovered, and back from, a place called Tik a Boo Peak, don't care, if you believe or not, matters not, I know, exactly what my mate, has got on crystal clear footage, you don', he owns, the best pi company, on the planet.

    Have a think, on this.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    80,000 feet drop,in a nano second to 100 foot ocean level stable hover,then finger snaps to a cap point at altitude miles away, best fighter pilots,eyes on up close & personal.Exit & into the seas off Guadeloupe (fact)coordinates made public by the senior radar operator.

    you might? now 💋
    2004 NIMITIZ/PRINCETON (5000+ NavyAirforce personal)
    Eyes on,recorded,radar tracked,best pilots,new f18 super hornets,full beanz nuclear fleet, the lot.All,now gone on record.Commander David Favor, wing women Lieutenant Commander (miss) Alex Dietrich,Navy Veteran petty officer Jason Turner, Kevin Day Princetons senior radar expert,Chad Underwood 'real' Top Gun, current distinguished mititary career, 2004 when Chad Underwood filmed this, 4 year lieutenant,today July 28th active Commander, 21 years in.July 28th Chad Underwood the f18 pilot who actually filmed the footage, doing his first ever video interview,20 minutes long,verbatim, Chad states, as does Commander David Favor, that's two commanders, on record, stating, these 'craft' actively jammed, 'our' then cutting edge ingris radar systems,that's on board,out the box,new f18 superhornets,actively jamming radar, is today, and was then, an acknowledged act of war.Chad Underwood also states, he wishes 'the world could see' the full radar/camera footage,as is known to exist, but not public.
    Coming soon,August 8th & 9th,Kevin Day the same,on showtime stateside, in the trailer,this hard as nails military vet,tears, in his eyes, as he states to camera, the World had better prepare itself for what its about to learn.Do you seriously think? Crystal Clear, up close and personal footage, of this does not exist? Of course it does,don't take my word for it,wouldn't expect you too,but then,by default,you are calling,many time served with impeccable military records,delusional liars.

    so, here you go, a little delayed,my mate delayed the launch of his brand new, as in 'just out of the wrapper' site.for anyone interested, to fully understand and appreciate, strongly recommend viewing each and every video, in sequence in order, take a looksy. Irrefutable variety, obvious recommendation, is commence with Kaikoura, three separate video presentations (all using the origenal raw footage / data) you need to appreciate, filmed, outbound and inbound on a non commercial flight, by a professional camera crew, 1979, I would also recommend, this, the exhaustive work done, on the origenal, 'area 51'footage,as taken by Gene Huff & John Lear & Bob Lazar.Further, 'Mark' or Sander or A51 watcher, depending on how you know him, actually took his keister, solo to Groom Lake S4 / A51 1990_91, after Bob Lazar hit the news,not only took his own extensive footage, documented on camera, the entire trip,journey out, being 'in' the place, filming what he filmed, and his exit.A good selection of that, for your viewing pleasure on the site,Inc intruder alert going off, while 3 erm ' off world propulsion source' craft test flights taking place, very low altitude, immediately 'grounded at S4' no intruder ever found!
    all footage on camera Sander, year older than I, ex Dutch Military, smartest & tuffest mudda, I know.Do understand, his business, is Forensic Image Analysis, not formed or created for the subject matter being discussed, but for all sorts of real world applications,for example, taking raw data grainy blurred images, of say, a motor car, that's impossible to even identify the make and model, never mind the digits of a number plate, has to be 1st gen footage, then, with the cutting edge extraordinary tech, amazing things happen.I witnessed, first hand, how a blurred image of a small hatchback car, said image run through all applications (there are lots) was / is able, to focus any blurred image, and 'peel back the layers'Result, you could / can clearly read a previously ineligible number, my man sander, has a business / company specialising in this, employs recruits the best in their respective fields,nobody's fool, ascended dizzy heights Dutch Military,he is rather supreme, at de de bunking, the de bunkers!if you have interest in this subject matter, sanders team have the ability, to not only prove, but disprove, so I will start you with a disprove.The famous, infamous 'skinny Bob footage' claimed, recovered 'being' Roswell, not repeat not the Ray Santilli alien autopsy garbage, skinny Bob, just a puppet (rather good one) with anamatronics

    meet sander

    1979, this, below, exactly what was extensively filmed, recorded, from an airborne camera crew.

    And, when this happens (circa 2015) this is what can be achieved, dont forget, its footage from 1979, do have a 'think on' just what my man sanders team, could do (have done) with for example, footage taken 2000 onwards, they have got, 'stuff' right now, irrevocable mind blowing (for the masses) enhanced footage, that when released, will melt Internet.

    So, let's all take, a, sneaky peek, inside the Kaikoura off world 'craft' & pilot

    F18 super Hornet Pilot Chris Lehto (proper CHAP) been their, seen it, done it, plenty times over, follow the fella (very easy) to find, real time, been blowing a gasket at THE debunkers! for suggesting all these pilots, are idiots, ie, debrief after 'touch down' after radar tracked..... ;
    gimbal, go fast, flir, Nimitiz yes Commanding Officer;we chased & locked on to ;

  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    I’d presume you would have more chance of seeing a UFO whilst up in the air?
    So with around 40m flights per year,pilots and passengers should have a Birdseye view, with a lot of reporting.
    The passengers could be still p issed and asleep obv, but hopefully the pilots would be in better shape.
    Obv there’s auto pilot, ‘ look no hands’.
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