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site unreal for seeing big hands all the time

coolhanalcoolhanal Member Posts: 32
edited April 2021 in Poker Chat
every hand on here is a st8 or a flush just a joke


  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    funny that, mine aren't
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2021
    Hi, before everyone piles in, and to a certain extent with some justification, can I just say a few things.
    If you go through a few other pages of posts here, you will find people complaining how big hands are always beaten by “ junk” hands or lucky hands, other posts claim regulars are outrageously lucky or get preferential treatment from Sky.
    You may have had some bad luck, you may well be disappointed with losing, hey we all get that, but, poker is a game where these things happen, those who play live as well, see some absolute killer hands, and every time someone says, “ hey, imagine if that happened on line, the stink that would cause “ no one and I mean no one , questions the dealer, or the house, you just come to the realisation that these things happen.
    Sometimes you win with hands you shouldn’t win with, and, as sure as night follows day, sometimes you lose with hands you shouldn’t lose with.
    If you can come to terms with that, understand it, embrace it, the more you will enjoy your poker and be able to ride with the punches.
    Good luck in your next pot and remember everyone knows what you are going through.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2021
    just posting as its already at the top of the forum but why do these threads get replys and keep getting bumped
  • coolhanalcoolhanal Member Posts: 32
    just unreal what u see on here had st8s flush hit sets not won a hand
  • coolhanalcoolhanal Member Posts: 32
    going back to playing just the odd game fed up with same rubbish on it
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056

    From the Results Thread, February 19th;

    £2,000 Mini Hitman (£2,200)

    Well well well, we have a story at last. coolhanal was winning a Bounty Hunter Mini for the 2nd time in 8 nights, he's also ran 2nd & 3rd in BH Minis recently

  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited April 2021
    coolhanal said:

    every hand on here is a st8 or a flush just a joke

    I'd be happy with a straight or flush "every hand". What do you want, a full house or quads? That's a bit greedy.

  • HUGHMANSHUGHMANS Member Posts: 135
    Re good hands. I was in Vegas last year at the Venetian where 30 odd tables contested best hand of the hour for $1000. I was equally amazed that FHs didnt stand a chance. Quads and SFs won it every time. It kinda makes the point that really good hands are cropping up somewhere all the time. Just annoying when you dont see them yerself I know, but hey, it happens and is happening. Get over it.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,325
    edited April 2021
    The Thread Title.

    site unreal for seeing big hands all the time

    When someone comes up with this title, how can can they be trusted to pay their rent ?

    They reply

    just unreal what u see on here had st8s flush hit sets not won a hand

    Can they be trusted to go to the shops without stripping naked and blowing the baby milk money on glue ?

    This chap and quite a few other serial moaner posters seriously dont get poker and shoudnt be allowed to play for real money maybe not freerolls either.

    Sky surely have a duty of care ,a few gamble-aware posts dotted about the place are clearly not enough.

    Can someone from sky intervene and make sure this chap in particular isnt ruining his or other people lives , you need to send someone around to his street.

    I remember a few of years back when sky had a dodgy few days with tournaments crashing completely , payouts got screwed etc.

    Someone put on the sky Facebook page at the time that he his missing winnings were needed to feed his kids .

    Even though he was probably joking , Sky imposed a self exclusion on the chap or banned him or something , i think it got lifted , my memory isnt reliable here tho.

    I seriously think some kind of self exclusion should be forced upon people who come out with the nonsense @coolhanal comes out with.
  • or8treacleor8treacle Member Posts: 88
    Hows that going for ya cool? Moaned it in there! Can I just day ahead of tonight's schedule I always lose to royal flushes and quads. Would love to hit a backdoor flush or straight draw on the flop just for a sweat....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056


    Ha, incred timing.

    Today's UKOPS Results Thread may just make mention of this thread.....
  • irishpaddyirishpaddy Member Posts: 10
    I think the op was spawned from an unhealthy bout of entitlement tilt fwiw
  • or8treacleor8treacle Member Posts: 88
    Wow it actually worked! 🤣
  • coolhanalcoolhanal Member Posts: 32
    did u win one or8treacle I won everytime I made a post lol
  • or8treacleor8treacle Member Posts: 88
    Yeah I won mini gold rush! Must be a good omen posting on here.
  • alyssammyalyssammy Member Posts: 61
    mumsie said:

    The Thread Title.

    site unreal for seeing big hands all the time

    When someone comes up with this title, how can can they be trusted to pay their rent ?

    They reply

    just unreal what u see on here had st8s flush hit sets not won a hand

    Can they be trusted to go to the shops without stripping naked and blowing the baby milk money on glue ?

    This chap and quite a few other serial moaner posters seriously dont get poker and shoudnt be allowed to play for real money maybe not freerolls either.

    Sky surely have a duty of care ,a few gamble-aware posts dotted about the place are clearly not enough.

    Can someone from sky intervene and make sure this chap in particular isnt ruining his or other people lives , you need to send someone around to his street.

    I remember a few of years back when sky had a dodgy few days with tournaments crashing completely , payouts got screwed etc.

    Someone put on the sky Facebook page at the time that he his missing winnings were needed to feed his kids .

    Even though he was probably joking , Sky imposed a self exclusion on the chap or banned him or something , i think it got lifted , my memory isnt reliable here tho.

    I seriously think some kind of self exclusion should be forced upon people who come out with the nonsense @coolhanal comes out with.

  • alyssammyalyssammy Member Posts: 61
    i know where he is coming from there does seem to be more of the same suit and paired boards. but i think its because sky pay for the cheapest rng which is not that random enough as in live games this doesnt happen as often with a pack of cards trust me i know and why dont u grab a pack of cards shuffle them then deal hands u will see the difference
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,654
    alyssammy said:

    i know where he is coming from there does seem to be more of the same suit and paired boards. but i think its because sky pay for the cheapest rng which is not that random enough as in live games this doesnt happen as often with a pack of cards trust me i know and why dont u grab a pack of cards shuffle them then deal hands u will see the difference

    I've followed your advice and bought a pack of cards, I aim to start dealing hands at 9 am this morning and will deal about one round per minute (of 10 hands and a board) allowing for shuffling as well as noting all the hands down. This may drop off a little as fatigue and hunger set in.

    Could someone just confirm how long I would need to keep dealing for in order to have a statistically meaningful sample?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    alyssammy said:

    i know where he is coming from there does seem to be more of the same suit and paired boards. but i think its because sky pay for the cheapest rng which is not that random enough as in live games this doesnt happen as often with a pack of cards trust me i know and why dont u grab a pack of cards shuffle them then deal hands u will see the difference

    Happy Shopper RNGs are the nuts
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