Oh well where to begin. Ok with 603 days left all I've managed to accomplish is to allow my often fragile mental state to go into meltdown culminating in a drunken session in a large paddling pool leaving me with a somewhat sore upper body.
Ultimately any attempt to walk, hike, exercise or even sit on the sofa results in pain and I'm not the noblest Roman of all and really don't enjoy pain which means for at least a few more days the physical aspect of this challenge isn't going to happen.
Poker wise I reloaded the account and spent most of Monday late and Tuesday day dribbling funds away so I'm hardly pulling up trees on that front and I can't see it getting any better tbh. I'm playing ok ish but keep getting outdrawn when it's vital.
So currently at the van but going back to Stoke tomorrow for foodbank then back here either straight after or Thursday morning depending on what other commitments the missus finds for us to do.
really not sure when the blue touch paper gets lit but I'm really hoping that by day 595 to go everything's as it should be and the programme is under way and following a dedicated structure.
If not I'm only too aware that the challenge may be over before it's effectively begun.
**** mental fragility, **** alcohol and **** myself for my own stupidity.
Wow isn't it funny how little things can really inspire you to climb out of the depths of darkness and feel motivated and energised.
Massive thanks to long time late night opponent and chat box friend @leeahick26 for a few encouraging words during last nights 23.15 deepstack.
It's now 3am or thereabouts and I'm pulling the still yucky skin off my burned body but instead of feeling sorry for myself I'm really looking forward to the next few days and getting this freaking challenge into gear.
The itinery is this.
Friday 10,000 steps around Brickfields Pool Rhyl, watch football, play poker.
Saturday Cwm Idwal and the Devils Kitchen, watch football, play poker.
Sunday Snowdon via The Rhyd Ddu path 7 miles total 700M ascent, watch football , play poker.
Monday Home to Stoke ,Spin at the gym 30 mins, watch, play etc then back to gym.
Tuesday as per Monday inc footy etc
Wednesday daughters birthday so make it up as I go, beer n bbq will be part of the day. If I try to watch footy this evening I will get butt f*****.
Thursday Dovedale to Milldale and back daytime, footy if there is any any then gentle bike at gym in evening. Oh and poker
Friday Spin, gym and footy and poker
Sat rest day,
Sunday Airsoft then back to the caravan.
Apart from The birthday bash on Wednesday there will be NO ALCOHOL and the eating plan will be in place.
This freaking challenge is going to happen, the support you gave me in March was amazing so I'm not going to s*** all over that kind of goodwill just because my heads telling me I'd be better off dead and all that cr4p.
So please allow me to put my confused ramblings into the forum and keep me honest and accountable as always.
Maybe you don't realise but even the posters I regularly disagree with such as @HAYSIE , @VespaPX , @chilling, @hhyftrftdr all help to keep me sane, functioning and alive.
Those of you who support, encourage and inspire me deserve that support , encouragement and inspiration to transform into something positive. With your help I raised £1000 for cancer research and found something within me into the bargain, and whilst the EBC trek isn't a fundraiser at the moment I can assure you it will be used for a greater good.
The blue touch paper is lit, the fuse it burns, time to smash the granny out of this baby.
Hi everyone and it's not good news on the challenge front as after seeing a doctor for a physical examination this afternoon, I am currently on a zero exercise regimen until I've been assessed by the Cardiology Unit at Royal Stoke.
It would appear the wild fluctuations in heart rate, oxygen levels, and breathing, complete with chest pain are down to Angina. The symptoms have been presenting for about 3 weeks now and finally after struggling badly in a spinning class this morning I was able to secure an appointment at my GP's.
Symptoms explained, tests done and the Cardiology referal forwarded as both Doctors concluded that It's classic signs of Angina, with the footnote of NO exercise until seen by Cardiology.
Don't know what the full implications are for lifestyle, training, the challenge and whatever, but to be told you've almost certainly got some form of heart disease is pretty sobering.
I will keep you guys updated, when I know, you'll know.
Hi everyone and it's not good news on the challenge front as after seeing a doctor for a physical examination this afternoon, I am currently on a zero exercise regimen until I've been assessed by the Cardiology Unit at Royal Stoke.
It would appear the wild fluctuations in heart rate, oxygen levels, and breathing, complete with chest pain are down to Angina. The symptoms have been presenting for about 3 weeks now and finally after struggling badly in a spinning class this morning I was able to secure an appointment at my GP's.
Symptoms explained, tests done and the Cardiology referal forwarded as both Doctors concluded that It's classic signs of Angina, with the footnote of NO exercise until seen by Cardiology.
Don't know what the full implications are for lifestyle, training, the challenge and whatever, but to be told you've almost certainly got some form of heart disease is pretty sobering.
I will keep you guys updated, when I know, you'll know.
Speak soon, love you all.
Sorry to hear this news Mark. Hope that you get good news about your health, everything else is unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Hi Mark, not good news on the challenge front, BUT....... I think it may be a blessing in disguise. I don’t want to rain on your parade or dent your ambitions to follow a dream. Your health is paramount, you will get the best medical help and advice, which I’m pretty sure will start with lifestyle decisions beginning with diet and alcohol intake. Take this onboard, follow the diet and stay off the booze, if you can do this for six months , I promise you things will look incredibly different come Christmas time. Have a short break to enjoy the festive period, a week will do you no harm, then get back on the wagon and you will be amazed how different things can look. It may even include a chance to resurrect your ambitions to get to base camp. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to change habits of a lifetime, asking someone to think six months ahead, but if you start now, stick to it, time will go incredibly quickly. The Chinese have a saying for things like this, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take care, if you want to talk dm me. Nick
Hi Mark, not good news on the challenge front, BUT....... I think it may be a blessing in disguise. I don’t want to rain on your parade or dent your ambitions to follow a dream. Your health is paramount, you will get the best medical help and advice, which I’m pretty sure will start with lifestyle decisions beginning with diet and alcohol intake. Take this onboard, follow the diet and stay off the booze, if you can do this for six months , I promise you things will look incredibly different come Christmas time. Have a short break to enjoy the festive period, a week will do you no harm, then get back on the wagon and you will be amazed how different things can look. It may even include a chance to resurrect your ambitions to get to base camp. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to change habits of a lifetime, asking someone to think six months ahead, but if you start now, stick to it, time will go incredibly quickly. The Chinese have a saying for things like this, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take care, if you want to talk dm me. Nick
Thanks buddy. I will take you up on that, just need to process the situation and get my head around it for a couple of days.
What devastating news. Especially with you being so determined and enthusiastic about this dream of yours, after your immense success with your recent walking. But as others have said, your health is most important.
I'm wishing for the very best outcome from your cardiology appointment and that you are still allowed to safely continue with all your ambitions in the future!
Really sorry to read that the challenge is on hold Mark, but your own health is the most important thing. Hope you get good news at the cardiology appointment so you can still pursue your goals.
I have to keep a phial of that to hand at all times. It's THE most amazing thing how quick & effective it works. It widens your blood vessels in an instant, & that allows the blood to circulate easier.
Don't ever go anywhere without it Mark, it's a genuine life-saver.
I Drove across to Stoke this morning and attended the Cardiology unit and underwent some more tests. They are not completely convinced that it's angina due to the rapid onset of the presenting symptoms but are continuing to treat it as angina until I have further tests.
To that extent they have ordered a CT scan as a priority and I have been prescribed Asprin and Bisoprolol Fumrate to start tomorrow and will be prescribed Statins from July 1st.
I have been advised that I can resume exercise with the proviso that I listen to my body don't push it and keep the Glyceryl Trinitrate to hand so that's a positive.
I will be taking a small stroll around Brickfields Pool in the morning which will be blooming brilliant and maybe another along Rhyl Prom in the afternoon prior to the England game.
I asked about diet and alcohol and the lady said she didn't want to commit to anything until she had the results of the CT scan but we all know that it's going to be less red meat, no fried stuff, more fresh veg, fruit and lean meats and NO alcohol, so I'm implementing that off my own initiative as of today.
I asked about the implications for this challenge and although I wasn't told directly that it's not going to happen the look she gave me sort of said "Really, like are you serious".
Ok whilst I accept that right now it's looking unlikely, I need a target to aim for so until it's medically scratched I'm using it as motivation.
Poker wise I've managed a couple of FTs recently so the BR is back into the mid £30 range and I'm enjoying the games. Grabbed a 2nd place in the Orfy league so have an entry into Fridays £11 bh to look forward to alongside my regular games.
Whatever you're doing, be lucky and have a great time.
Ultimately any attempt to walk, hike, exercise or even sit on the sofa results in pain and I'm not the noblest Roman of all and really don't enjoy pain which means for at least a few more days the physical aspect of this challenge isn't going to happen.
Poker wise I reloaded the account and spent most of Monday late and Tuesday day dribbling funds away so I'm hardly pulling up trees on that front and I can't see it getting any better tbh. I'm playing ok ish but keep getting outdrawn when it's vital.
So currently at the van but going back to Stoke tomorrow for foodbank then back here either straight after or Thursday morning depending on what other commitments the missus finds for us to do.
really not sure when the blue touch paper gets lit but I'm really hoping that by day 595 to go everything's as it should be and the programme is under way and following a dedicated structure.
If not I'm only too aware that the challenge may be over before it's effectively begun.
**** mental fragility, **** alcohol and **** myself for my own stupidity.
The results of stupidity. OUCHIE.
Massive thanks to long time late night opponent and chat box friend @leeahick26 for a few encouraging words during last nights 23.15 deepstack.
It's now 3am or thereabouts and I'm pulling the still yucky skin off my burned body but instead of feeling sorry for myself I'm really looking forward to the next few days and getting this freaking challenge into gear.
The itinery is this.
Friday 10,000 steps around Brickfields Pool Rhyl, watch football, play poker.
Saturday Cwm Idwal and the Devils Kitchen, watch football, play poker.
Sunday Snowdon via The Rhyd Ddu path 7 miles total 700M ascent, watch football , play poker.
Monday Home to Stoke ,Spin at the gym 30 mins, watch, play etc then back to gym.
Tuesday as per Monday inc footy etc
Wednesday daughters birthday so make it up as I go, beer n bbq will be part of the day. If I try to watch footy this evening I will get butt f*****.
Thursday Dovedale to Milldale and back daytime, footy if there is any any then gentle bike at gym in evening. Oh and poker
Friday Spin, gym and footy and poker
Sat rest day,
Sunday Airsoft then back to the caravan.
Apart from The birthday bash on Wednesday there will be NO ALCOHOL and the eating plan will be in place.
This freaking challenge is going to happen, the support you gave me in March was amazing so I'm not going to s*** all over that kind of goodwill just because my heads telling me I'd be better off dead and all that cr4p.
So please allow me to put my confused ramblings into the forum and keep me honest and accountable as always.
Maybe you don't realise but even the posters I regularly disagree with such as @HAYSIE , @VespaPX , @chilling, @hhyftrftdr all help to keep me sane, functioning and alive.
Those of you who support, encourage and inspire me deserve that support , encouragement and inspiration to transform into something positive. With your help I raised £1000 for cancer research and found something within me into the bargain, and whilst the EBC trek isn't a fundraiser at the moment I can assure you it will be used for a greater good.
The blue touch paper is lit, the fuse it burns, time to smash the granny out of this baby.
Love you all (sincerely)
I have little time for poker or the forum at the moment unfortunately but always try to keep up with this thread
It's now 3am or thereabouts and I'm pulling the still yucky skin off my burned body
Thats the best bit of getting sunburn. Almost as satisfying as a big scab
GL with challenge
It would appear the wild fluctuations in heart rate, oxygen levels, and breathing, complete with chest pain are down to Angina. The symptoms have been presenting for about 3 weeks now and finally after struggling badly in a spinning class this morning I was able to secure an appointment at my GP's.
Symptoms explained, tests done and the Cardiology referal forwarded as both Doctors concluded that It's classic signs of Angina, with the footnote of NO exercise until seen by Cardiology.
Don't know what the full implications are for lifestyle, training, the challenge and whatever, but to be told you've almost certainly got some form of heart disease is pretty sobering.
I will keep you guys updated, when I know, you'll know.
Speak soon, love you all.
A well oiled Machine does not run on
That's not good news Mark.
I do hope the prognosis is good & you are soon back up to speed.
I think it may be a blessing in disguise. I don’t want to rain on your parade or dent your ambitions to follow a dream. Your health is paramount, you will get the best medical help and advice, which I’m pretty sure will start with lifestyle decisions beginning with diet and alcohol intake. Take this onboard, follow the diet and stay off the booze, if you can do this for six months , I promise you things will look incredibly different come Christmas time. Have a short break to enjoy the festive period, a week will do you no harm, then get back on the wagon and you will be amazed how different things can look.
It may even include a chance to resurrect your ambitions to get to base camp.
Believe me, I know how difficult it is to change habits of a lifetime, asking someone to think six months ahead, but if you start now, stick to it, time will go incredibly quickly.
The Chinese have a saying for things like this, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Take care, if you want to talk dm me.
I'm wishing for the very best outcome from your cardiology appointment and that you are still allowed to safely continue with all your ambitions in the future!
Good luck and take it easy, bud!
I hope you now put your health 1st. Listen to them doctors too.
All the best mate.
Just a quick update.
Blood tests done, cholesterol levels high and liver function low. No surprises there considering my lifestyle and another one scheduled for next week.
Cardiology appointment on the 28th and pharmacist appointment on the 1st.
Glyceryl Trinitrate Spray issued and to hand.
10,000 steps a day in march but now I can't walk more than 200 metres without problems.
Just taking things nice and easy and waiting for the appointments
Have a brilliant weekend
love ya all
I have to keep a phial of that to hand at all times. It's THE most amazing thing how quick & effective it works. It widens your blood vessels in an instant, & that allows the blood to circulate easier.
Don't ever go anywhere without it Mark, it's a genuine life-saver.
I Drove across to Stoke this morning and attended the Cardiology unit and underwent some more tests. They are not completely convinced that it's angina due to the rapid onset of the presenting symptoms but are continuing to treat it as angina until I have further tests.
To that extent they have ordered a CT scan as a priority and I have been prescribed Asprin and Bisoprolol Fumrate to start tomorrow and will be prescribed Statins from July 1st.
I have been advised that I can resume exercise with the proviso that I listen to my body don't push it and keep the Glyceryl Trinitrate to hand so that's a positive.
I will be taking a small stroll around Brickfields Pool in the morning which will be blooming brilliant and maybe another along Rhyl Prom in the afternoon prior to the England game.
I asked about diet and alcohol and the lady said she didn't want to commit to anything until she had the results of the CT scan but we all know that it's going to be less red meat, no fried stuff, more fresh veg, fruit and lean meats and NO alcohol, so I'm implementing that off my own initiative as of today.
I asked about the implications for this challenge and although I wasn't told directly that it's not going to happen the look she gave me sort of said "Really, like are you serious".
Ok whilst I accept that right now it's looking unlikely, I need a target to aim for so until it's medically scratched I'm using it as motivation.
Poker wise I've managed a couple of FTs recently so the BR is back into the mid £30 range and I'm enjoying the games. Grabbed a 2nd place in the Orfy league so have an entry into Fridays £11 bh to look forward to alongside my regular games.
Whatever you're doing, be lucky and have a great time.
Speak soon, love y'all