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Everest Base Camp, Poker and "Smashing it at the gym"



  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Thanks for the update @TheEdge949

    Sounds like you are in good hands. Hopefully the root cause can be determined quickly and you can start planning for the immediate future and beyond, and that those plans are not too dissimilar to what you were hoping for up all this unfortunate rubbish came to light.

    I'm also glad you can still enjoy your poker and happy you're having a bit of run-good.

    Take care, bud
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Hi all .

    Just a quick update, the CT scan is scheduled for the 20th which is great, the medical people have prescribed Statins to go with the Bisoprolol and Asprin which is also great and I'm on a low fat, low sugar, medium carb, high protein diet, which is different.

    However due to almost daily problems with chest pain and breathing, all physical activity is stopped until the results of said scan are analysed and an exercise programme has been structured by the "experts". Like that's going to be inspiring.

    I know, I know. I have to listen to the medical professionals and I will, I'm already looking for a beige jogging suit and a pair of those oap type sneakers.

    I will update after the results of the CT scan are known so until then take care, stay safe and live life.

    Love y'all

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Hello everyone, welcome to the latest update.

    I attended this morning for a CT Angiogram which in itself proved a little more than routine.

    The cannula would not work in the veins in my arms and eventually on the 5th attempt was successfully if somewhat painfully inserted into the back of my hand by a doctor who had been paged to authorise an ultrasound insertion.

    This good work was almost immediately undone when the seal on the end was knocked whilst the flush through proceedure was being undertaken leading to a very impressive spray of blood all over myself, the nurse in question and the floor.

    I immediately started quoting lines from Hancocks "The Blood Donor" but the staff are all young and just looked at me like I was from another planet.

    The rest was routine and now back at home with a black and blue left hand I await the summons to attend a clinic to discuss the results and hopefully get back into training.

    I also rejoined Slimming World yesterday now that we can meet properly as a group and was shocked by my starting weight, 24st 4lb. I sat and thought about it. I could either get upset about it or suck it up, accept it as the starting point and crack on.

    I know lets go option 2 on that one eh!

    Poker wise things are going ok but my game still lacks consistancy of performance, last night I fell asleep with 8,000 chips and handily placed in the 21.15 deep about 11.30 and awoke with just over 1 bb left at about 12.05. Suffice to say I didn't cash.

    That's not the first time I have ever fallen asleep during a game but usually its about 4 am when it happens and I hadn't been drinking either.

    It has slowly dawned on me that my ambition to do the EBC Trek may be a bridge too far, oh have no worries that if there is the slightest chance then I will be smashing the granny out of it but I have to accept that it is looking less and less likely.

    In March I was walking a min of 10,000 steps a day and getting fitter, in April and May I was enjoying mountain walks over varying terrain. By mid June I couldn't walk 200 yards without pain and difficulty breathing, now I struggle to get to the end of the street (50 yards).

    I'd like a pity party but can't really find a good enough reason for one, after all it's a beautiful day, I'm alive, loved, fed and clothed. I have a roof over my head and the rents paid, what's not to be happy about.

    Will speak when I've got any more to add.

    Til then, stay safe yeah.

    Love Y'all


  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    Hopefully you are feeling better soon and can get back to doing your 10k steps again. Just build up slowly.

    Stick in at Slimming world and you will get there.

    If you don't already swimming is also a great form of exercise using a lot of muscles that you wouldn't ordinarily use by say walking.

    Good luck with it and your poker.
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    LARSON7 said:

    Hopefully you are feeling better soon and can get back to doing your 10k steps again. Just build up slowly.

    Stick in at Slimming world and you will get there.

    If you don't already swimming is also a great form of exercise using a lot of muscles that you wouldn't ordinarily use by say walking.

    Good luck with it and your poker.

    I believe that 'they' say that swimming and tennis are the sports that use all muscles.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Tough times Mark, but if anyone can cope, it's you.

    GL mate.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,965

    Maybe try something a little more modest Mark, a few of these might be well within your compass;
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Tikay10 said:

    Maybe try something a little more modest Mark, a few of these might be well within your compass;

    Thanks Tony, will certainly be considering some of those.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Hi all and here's the latest update.

    Poker balance is busto, yup stacked again by the fickle mistress that is variance. Well actually it was me playing really bad poker but it's nothing that can't be fixed with a reload in the next couple of weeks.

    Health wise I am still waiting for an appointment to review the results of the CT Angiogram but I'm of the belief that if it was anything major I would have been called to attend by now, so I'm hopeful it's not serious.

    After 4 weeks at Slimming world I have lost exactly 1 stone and already feel better for it, again, once I can hit the gym or the hills I hope to see this working in tandem with my food optimising to create an effective and sustainable weight loss.

    Well that's all really.

    Take care, stay safe, love y'all


  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi Mark

    I don’t frequent the forum much these days, sorry it’s taken so long to wish you all the very best with your health mate.
    I’m always grateful for the help you gave me.
    Little update , my dear daughter is doing ok, she has more ups than downs these days( fingers crossed) and my grandson is simply awesome, we all went to the local park yesterday, it was a joy.
    Take care of yourself, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time . X
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 818
    Good to hear that all is well Mark, and a huge well done on losing a stone in just under a month - amazing how much can be done in such a short space of time.

    See you at the tables!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    Ok it's been a while so here's the latest update on the old cardiology.

    Well actually it's more about the urology department as Tuesday evening 8th Sept I was rushed into A and E by ambulance. Still awaiting the exact cause of the problem but being cathaterised for 5 days isn't a pleasant experience. The doctors still cant decide whether its Kidney, bladder, prostate or just a raging infection so its 160 antibiotocs @ 8 a day for 20 days and then in to have a camera up my urethra on the 29th.

    That's going to be fun. Apparently it's done under a local anaesthetic which begs the question where the donald duck are they sticking that hypodermic and what do they give you in order to give you the local.

    So yesterday I saw the doctor about my angina and he was both hopeful and cautionary.
    The scans showed that there is some hardening of the arteries and there is a very slight abnormality with the heart. He wants to run some angiogram work with the possibility of angioplasty, stents or balloons to fix the artery problem.

    Unfortunately this requires the kidneys to be in good working order as they have to work hard to get rid of the dyes used in the angiogram so until the new problem is sorted the old problem is on hold.

    On a better note he wants me to start to push myself physically in order that the treatments through medication can be better monitored to establish what works for me and what doesn't. Pure Gym and Mountains here I come. Well let's start with some light strolls around the park first eh.

    He is pleased with the weight loss and my eating plan and I asked about the possibility of accomplishing The E.B.C. Trek. To my surprise he was actually pretty positive although not regarding the timescale of 2023 but if all goes well with my health its a possibility for 2025.

    So that's it for the moment, I'm not stupid enough to go all out gung ho, smash the granny out of it beast mode when it comes to the exercise but knowing that it's not suddenly going to drop me is a huge mental barrier breached.

    As far as the poker goes I've hardly played anything online and can't find live games anywhere close.

    To be honest it just isn't important to me at the moment and mentally I'm all over the place going from being afraid you're going to drop with a heart attack to being afraid you've got a problem in the mens department that could be deadly has kind of refocussed my priorities.

    Anyway this is in danger of getting a little self pitying so that's quite enough of that.

    I'm still better off than many people I've seen over the last week or so, I'm loved, I have a roof over my head, food in the cupboards and clothes on my back. I saw so many people in hospital that would swap places with me in a heartbeat and I feel so blessed and grateful for my life.

    Til next time, love each other, love yourselves, love life.

    Speak soon.

  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,381

    GOOD LUCK with everything Mark ....if anyone can do it, it's you.....

    ......and yeh, a Catheter for 5 or 6 days isn't the nicest experience there is :#
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,781
    edited October 2021
    Hi all and welcome back to the blog / diary.

    As I was opening cards and taking calls this morning, yes I'm 58 today and wtf have the years gone, I received a call from an unknown number.

    Turns out it was my cardiology consultant asking how the new meds were working and just generally checking in with me. During the conversation it was decided that it might be beneficial for me to attempt "Couch to 5K", yes that's right a 9 week programme that magically transforms me into somebody who will run 5K in under 35 minutes.

    Well regular readers will know that if nothing else I love a good challenge so starting next Monday its on. I will be following the N.H.S. Couch to 5K programme and see where I am come the end of the 9 weeks.

    In other news the camera thing went well if somewhat uncomfortably ruling out any major bladder damage.

    So now the next step is a prostate cancer blood test on the 13th to hopefully disregard that as the source of the problem and ultrasound scans of the kidneys are scheduled for early November.

    Poker wise, the least said the better. My game has gone completely and if I was ever going to make the E.B.C. Trek poker sure as heck aint going to fund it, in fact I'm probably funding your holidays.

    Tell you what I'll reload soon and we'll have another go eh?

    Talking of reloading, it's exactly 8 years since I reloaded life and committed to Christ being born again as a new creation. That's not to say I get it right, often I don't but just like C25K or EBC you just got to keep trying.

    Talk again soon folks.

    Love yourselves, each other and life.


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