Ye im defo up for a little adventure.. let me know the dates etc... need to meet Beaneh anyways to collect some of the money he keeps mercilessly taking from me lolol
Tikay mentioned he would have a look for dates he was free in April - would be great to have you there Sir, so can you let us know when you are free when you know that is please Sir!!
Well I'll throw the date April 10th out there...if we get people replying saying there up for it, then lets make it happen! I'm 21 on April 2nd so will be up for a Poker Night in Nottingham after that ha.
Tikay mentioned he would have a look for dates he was free in April - would be great to have you there Sir, so can you let us know when you are free when you know that is please Sir!! Posted by dylan12
I will check my Diary tomorrow Dylan, & let you know.
Hi guys On another thread a discussion was started regarding a trip to Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham in April, this could be a day out or even a weekend away for some great poker in a class establishment - it will be great to get a load of us together!! Tikay has very kindly said that he would post some dates in April of what tournaments are on and also his availability to come. Would be great to get a load of us going, so if you have an interest in coming then lets agree on some dates and make a day/weekend of it!! Posted by dylan12
Ye im defo up for a little adventure.. let me know the dates etc... need to meet Beaneh anyways to collect some of the money he keeps mercilessly taking from me lolol Posted by ChirpyChip
Rotfl, you're the only person on the site at the moment mate.
In Response to Re: Anyone fancy a Live Poker Day Out?: I might be there for the £300, £80k GTD With the Swindon Massive! Anyone else going? Posted by lJAMESl
Tikay mentioned he would have a look for dates he was free in April - would be great to have you there Sir, so can you let us know when you are free when you know that is please Sir!! Posted by dylan12
At the moment, my work Diary for April is free for every weekend, EXCEPT Sunday 11th, when I'm doing the Show. So I could be there Saturday 10th, if a bunch of Sky Guys are going that weekend, but not the Sunday. I am free all other weekend dates in April, though if a work committment arises at short notice - & they sometimes do - that will have to take priority.
I will definitely be up for this, ESPECIALLY for the 10th April - Deep Stack tournaments are quality and I am sure the DTD structure will be as good as you can get for the money.
I will definitely be up for this, ESPECIALLY for the 10th April - Deep Stack tournaments are quality and I am sure the DTD structure will be as good as you can get for the money. Posted by Sky_Dave
sounds good, same structure as the spt isnt it? except more starting chips
I am more than likely going to go to the £300 one on the 3rd of April that James was talking about - but I know that this one is not possible for everyone.
I think the 10th will be a great date for us all to get together, the BI's are suitable for anyone and will be a great weekend!!
James if you and the Swindon massive do decide to play on the 3rd then let me know please mate - im well up for that one!!
I can't believe I will be leaving deepest darkest Wales for two weekends though - but will be great fun!! Everyone in agreement on the 10th?? (Also if anyone wants to go on the 3rd also - please let me know )
Mickjenn is also definatly in for the 10th of April and maybe in on the 3rd also (missus dependant lol)
I might be there for the £300, £80k GTD With the Swindon Massive! Anyone else going?
Posted by lJAMESl
See also my reply to lJAMESl.
Be good to see the Swindon crew, & maybe you could get Sim, Rolfus, Brownndog, ChumpyChirp, Gibbo, & the rest of "the boys" up yeah?
If anyone is travelling up from essex let me know and we can arrange transport ...
I think the 10th will be a great date for us all to get together, the BI's are suitable for anyone and will be a great weekend!!
James if you and the Swindon massive do decide to play on the 3rd then let me know please mate - im well up for that one!!
I can't believe I will be leaving deepest darkest Wales for two weekends though - but will be great fun!!
Everyone in agreement on the 10th??
(Also if anyone wants to go on the 3rd also - please let me know
Mickjenn is also definatly in for the 10th of April and maybe in on the 3rd also (missus dependant lol)