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Humiliated Hancock.

HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
edited June 2021 in The Rail
Health Secretary Matt Hancock's job is in the balance after he is caught in steamy clinch with his closest aide, 43, on CCTV - INSIDE the Department of Health

The Health Secretary, 42, has been caught on camera in a passionate clinch with his hand rubbing the back and bottom of millionaire lobbyist Gina Coladangelo, 43, (main picture) who was brought in as a taxpayer-funded advisor in March last year. The incident is alleged to have taken place in the corridor outside his office at the Department for Health's headquarters in central London at around 3pm on May 6. The Sun claims they have been having an affair - but it is not known if they remain in a relationship that was a secret until today. Mr Hancock has been married for 15 years to wife Martha (left today), and the couple (together inset) have three children together. While communications director and lobbyist Mrs Coladangelo is a mother-of-three, whose husband Oliver Tress (together right) is the founder of clothing shop Oliver Bonas. MailOnline has contacted representatives for the Health Secretary. A friend of Mr Hancock's reportedly told The Sun they had 'no comment' on the matter, but that 'no rules' had been breached. But a Whitehall whistleblower told the newspaper it was 'shocking that Mr Hancock was having an affair in the middle of a pandemic with an adviser and friend he used public money to hire'. The alleged affair piles even more pressure on Mr Hancock, who was already reportedly battling for his job over his handling of the pandemic Dominic Cummings released WhatsApp messages from the PM that showed Mr Johnson branded him 'f***ing useless'. Aside from the serious allegations of an affair, there will also be questions to answer about kissing someone outside his bubble during the pandemic and whether this breaches any of the Covid rules he has helped create.


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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    edited June 2021
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    Matt Hancock for Love Island! Health Secretary is mocked on social media in string of memes after he was caught in clinch with his closest aide
    Hilarious memes of the Health Secretary Matt Hancock have been shared online
    Comes after a CCTV image was leaked showing Mr Hancock kissing his aide
    Mr Hancock was caught on camera with millionaire lobbyist Gina Coladangelo
    One meme showed Mr Hancock's face pasted over seedy Little Britain character

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    lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 7,323
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    Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 163,286

    Ugh. Now I can't unsee that.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378

    The CCTV image of the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock - kissing and embracing his aide, Gina Coladangelo - is on most of the front pages.

    "How can he cling on?" asks the Daily Mail, which says Boris Johnson is facing an "overwhelming clamour" to sack him.

    It says there has been a "furious backlash" after Mr Hancock refused to quit for breaching Covid guidance.

    "Boris backs Hancock" is the Daily Express's main headline, but adds that what it calls Mr Hancock's "steamy clinch" has caused anger throughout the nation.

    The Daily Telegraph reports that he faces the sack if the affair turns into a 'Barnard Castle moment' - a reference to when Mr Johnson's chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, also breach the guidance.

    It says the public's reaction is likely to determine his fate.

    The Times's front page says the health secretary is "fighting for his job".

    It has the results of a YouGov survey suggesting 49% of voters believe he should resign over the incident, with only 25% wanting him to stay.

    Several titles, including the Independent and the i, say a separate poll by Savanta ComRes has found the public wants him to quit by a margin of 58 to 25.

    A cartoon in the Times pictures a perspiring Mr Hancock in the Downing Street press room with lipstick on his collar - behind a podium with the slogan "hands, face, bottom".

    A "cheat and a liar... so PM backs him" is the Daily Mirror's front-page headline, describing the Hancock revelations as a "scandal".

    "Hopeless love rat backs hopeless love rat" is the Daily Star's headline.

    Its front page also offers readers a cut-out mask of Mr Hancock's smiling face.

    It describes this as a "God's gift to posh women face mask" - for anyone who isn't Brad Pitt.

    The Daily Telegraph reports an urgent investigation has begun into who placed CCTV camera in Matt Hancock's office.

    The paper understands he had no idea the camera was there, with government sources saying it was "unheard of" for cameras to be installed in ministers' offices.

    The Daily Mail says that MI5 is being consulted, with the leak raising the prospect that ministers' movements and perhaps even the documents they handle could fall into the hands of Britain's enemies.

    The Telegraph adds that the CCTV cameras used in the Department of Health - made by the Chinese company, Hikvision - are banned in the US because of national security concerns.

    The Sun claims the footage came from a "disgusted" whistleblower.

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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    edited June 2021

    A description of the above as a kiss, would be one put forward by a Defence Solicitor, the Prosecution would surely include the ar5e grabbing.
    Boris may think he has put an end to the matter, but that is clearly not the case.

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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    DAN WOOTTON: Hands, face, space? More like Handsy, eat face, no space. The insufferable, cheating, 'effing useless' Hancock is now a national joke and must go today

    He was the man who kept families from hugging each other; who banned first dances at weddings; who warned teenagers the slightest taste of human contact could 'kill your gran', writes DAN WOOTTON. Nobody piously shamed others for breaking Covid-19 regulations more than Matt Hancock. The slightest breach was letting down a great national effort, the Health Secretary would warn. It was 'just not possible in these circumstances' for the bonking professor Neil Ferguson to do anything other than resign, he scolded during an interview with fellow Covid hypocrite Kay Burley. Well, that Matt Hancock is a fake, a phoney and a fraud. Or, to use the words of his boss the Prime Minister, 'totally f***ing hopeless'. As Hancock was enforcing the most inhumane and draconian limits on our interactions by law, he was flagrantly ignoring the social distancing rules to engage in a tawdry extramarital affair.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    HAYSIE said:

    A description of the above as a kiss, would be one put forward by a Defence Solicitor, the Prosecution would surely include the ar5e grabbing.
    Boris may think he has put an end to the matter, but that is clearly not the case.

    'It's not just a fling': Matt Hancock was spotted with a 'mystery brunette' in a Chelsea restaurant two weeks after THAT kiss - and he and Gina Coladangelo have been spotted together at events for YEARS

    Kris Boyson, 31, posted a video on Instagram that he alleged showed the pair (pictured right, circled) and was taken on May 18 in the fashionable Ours restaurant on Old Brompton Road in Chelsea, London. CCTV images of Matt Hancock kissing Gina Coladangelo at the Department for Health's HQ were allegedly taken a fortnight earlier on May 6. Filming himself describing the scene with his back to the pair - believed to be the Health Secretary and his secret love - Boyson tells of his surprise at seeing them together. His speculation came despite Mr Hancock and his aide having been pictured alongside each other at public gatherings for nearly two years, with one image of them (left, in Manchester) dating back to the Conservative Party Conference in September 2019.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    Now Matt Hancock's friends desert him: Ally who was set to defend cheating Health Secretary fails to turn up for radio interview as pressure grows on Boris to sack him after toe-curling 60-second video office kiss emerges
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    He has gone.
    Just a matter of time.
    Wont be long now.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    Three Tory MPs call for cheating Matt Hancock to quit in growing backbench rebellion after ally who was due to defend him failed to turn up for interview and protesters demand his ARREST - while toe-curling 60-second video of office kiss emerges

    Duncan Baker this morning became the first Conservative MP to go against the Prime Minister - who yesterday personally backed Matt Hancock to stay on and said he 'considered the matter closed'. Now, former Work and Pensions Secretary and Tory MP for Tatton Esther McVey urged Mr Hancock to step down, adding: 'If it had been me, I would have resigned myself.' And now Christopher Chope has joined them. Their calls add pressure on Boris Johnson to sack his beleaguered Health Secretary over images (top) and a subsequent video clip (inset) showing Mr Hancock kissing his married aide Gina Coladangelo at the Department for Health. Despite championing draconian restrictions on ordinary citizens, he kissed and embraced Mrs Coladangelo (together inset) on May 6 - eleven days before the ban on hugging was lifted. A Savanta ComRes snap poll found the public wanted Mr Hancock to quit by a margin of 58 to 25. A separate YouGov survey had the margin at 49 to 25 (the polls, bottom).
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    edited June 2021
    Tens of thousands of anti-lockdown protesters march on London in biggest demo yet - with signs demanding 'arrest Matt Hancock' after he was caught cheating while preaching Covid rules to rest of UK

    Anti-lockdown protesters were seen marching along Oxford Street in central London on Saturday as they called for the end to all Covid regulations (top left and bottom right) after Freedom Day was delayed from June 21. As well as demanding the end to Covid lockdown rules, protesters also brandished placards that demanded police 'arrest Matt Hancock' (top right) after he was caught breaching Covid safety regulations by kissing his married aide, while asking the rest of the country to follow the strict restrictions. The crowds of protesters (bottom left and bottom centre) marched through Oxford Street, Regent Street, Hyde Park and Northumberland Avenue as they held placards reading 'freedom is not for trade', 'no to Covid vaccine' and 'no to Covid passport'

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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378

    "Gone - Hancock quits after day of humiliation" runs the main headline in the Observer, which says his resignation comes as a "massive" blow to the authority of the prime minister, who had initially stood by him.

    The paper describes how the health secretary finally fell on his sword after a day that began with senior Tories observing a deliberate silence over his future - before some broke ranks to insist that he must quit.

    The Sunday Express describes how revelations that Mr Hancock had breached his own social distancing rules prompted a "furious backlash" from Conservative donors and MPs.

    The Sunday Telegraph says Boris Johnson faced "an open revolt" over his refusal to take action himself.

    "Hypocrite Hancock" declares the Sun, which first broke the story of his relationship with an aide.

    "Hopeless and jobless" is the verdict of the Sunday People.

    A "close friend" of Mr Hancock's tells the Sunday Times his resignation had become "inevitable".

    "Matt had been in charge of telling people they can't hug loved-ones at funerals - while he's been in a corridor snogging. It's indefensible," the source says.

    An editorial in the Mail on Sunday says Mr Hancock undoubtedly did good work, but had he remained health secretary, millions more would have ceased to take his Covid warnings seriously.

    The New Statesman says that, despite Mr Hancock's resignation, "serious questions remain" - including whether his aide's appointment to a taxpayer-funded role represented a conflict of interest.

    But the Spectator's Fraser Nelson predicts the MP will overcome his political difficulties and could be back in the cabinet by the end of next year.

    "Quick returns," he says "are made more likely by quick clean exits".

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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,378
    'It's a love match': Friends reveal Matt Hancock and his aide Gina Coladangelo are serious about each other after just SIX WEEKS as shamed Health Secretary walks out on BOTH his marriage and job

    Matt Hancock bowed to growing pressure on Saturday night and quit as Health Secretary less than 48 hours after video footage emerged of him kissing aide Gina Coladangelo (left and inset) at the Department of Health. It also emerged that Mr Hancock, 42, had told his wife Martha (right, pictured outside the couple's London home today) that he was leaving her on Thursday night, immediately after discovering that his affair with Ms Coladangelo was about to be exposed. In his letter of resignation to Boris Johnson, Mr Hancock said the UK Government 'owes it to people who have sacrificed so much in this pandemic to be honest when we have let them down'. Friends said tonight Hancock and Ms Coladangelo had been seeing each other for around six weeks, but were a 'love match'. Making a video statement after his resignation had been accepted by the Prime Minister, a downcast Mr Hancock said: 'I've been to see the Prime Minister to resign as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. I understand the enormous sacrifices that everybody in this country has made - that you have made. And those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them and that's why I've got to resign.' The Prime Minister said he was 'sorry' to receive Mr Hancock's resignation as Health Secretary. Mr Johnson had refused to sack Mr Hancock, with his spokesman saying on Friday the PM considered the matter closed after receiving an apology from the West Suffolk MP.
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