Ok picture the scene.
I'm playing the 23.15 deepstack and sitting in third with about 30,000 chips when the caravan is plunged into darkness and the internet signal vanishes.
Dash outside to throw the trip switch only to realise the whole ruddy sites gone dark, oh cr4p.
Ok you're a poker player trained for such emergencies and seamlessly the contingency plans roll into place, mobile data, portable hotspot and lets get this baby bagged. Erm except nothings working, the laptop won't display the Sky page, the connection to the mobile data keeps dropping and I've burned my hand on a blooming candle.
Eventually after more restarts than a badly organised F1 race, the site is accessed, table displayed and wtf I'm now sitting in 8th place of 11 and it pays 9 and I've lost almost 12,000 chips and with it that little cushion we all like to enjoy.
I end up with a min cash for £4.40 as the candles flicker and cast spectral shadows on the walls and I am left to reflect that I will never complain about a bad beat again.
The most galling thing is that it's probably the only decent poker I've played this month, and misterpj thinks he has problems.
Well it 3.10 all the power is back on and it's time for bed.
Hope you've all had a better evening.
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.....and it proves that everything comes to 'he (she P.C,) who waits' .....or gets disconnected
Take a look, top of usual place, especially the Set 222 hand
genuine best wishes to all family, as ever 👍