In Response to Re: Is this possible? Check it out - NOW : not sure why i keep posting to someone who's clearly just plain daft and think that hes better than everybody else, only known you around 4 hours and can say been the worst 4 hours of my life. your clearly part of the clique and therefore better than everybody else, pfffffffffft welcome to the real world Posted by chels
Chels, I have seen 2 threads in which you have posted. In both of them you criticised others for "dirty dealings" but in both cases you were not even participating in the games in which these events occurred. This seems totally bizarre behaviour when nobody directly involved in the games has posted any comments of complaint. I am not part of any clicque except one of baffled and amused interest in your occasional witch hunts. Clearly you have a highly developed sense of fair play and that's not a bad thing but after your hilarious 56p fiasco you should pick your arguments more carefully. Pplease don't attack me. I've read through all the posts on this thread and you really should stop digging. Enjoy your poker and keep Webby calm during his enforced layoff.
In Response to Re: Is this possible? Check it out - NOW : It was a bit I suppose needed an imoticon (emoticon .... whatever) to go with it but only had a ) Posted by elsadog
In Response to Re: Is this possible? Check it out - NOW : I'm not very good on "trains" but doesn't it show an engine, tender and part of a carriage? Doesn't this make it a picture of a "train"? Please don't hurt me! Posted by MereNovice
Disqualified AND Banned.
You are "not very good" on trains? Remind us who you work for, please?
PS - Tenders - so evocative. Water underneath, coal on top. Lovely. GWR Tenders were the best.
In Response to Re: Is this possible? Check it out - NOW : Just to cheer you up ........... I had no idea so I emailed it to my son ........... He's a TRAIN driver ) Posted by elsadog
What line? Freight, or Passenger? Depot? From, to? Local, or long-distance?
In Response to Re: Is this possible? Check it out - NOW : Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! What line? Freight, or Passenger? Depot? From, to? Local, or long-distance? Posted by Tikay10
Passenger trains originally out of Merthyr on the ''valley lines'' now inter-city stuff mainly out of Cardiff. Comes up here to Chester on regular basis. Best bit ...... as his Mum and Dad we get cheapo and some free train rides.
Tikay - the painting you showed was by Phillip D. Hawkins, you can google his official website, and browse at your leisure, loads of other trains that he has painted.
Tikay - the painting you showed was by Phillip D. Hawkins, you can google his official website, and browse at your leisure, loads of other trains that he has painted. Posted by loonytoons
If you think that was crazy go and watch some of the action on Full Tilt. I have never deposited there, but anybody can register and then rail the nose-bleed PLO action. Isildur1 and the rest, the pots often reach six figure sums, sometimes seven figure sums. It is totally mental. (Am I allowed to mention FT here?) Posted by GaryQQQ
Thanks mate but was only really interested coz i knew the names and put some of the faces to those names as Tikay went on to explain.Just like to add this thread started on a high went pear shaped in the middle and has now taken a total downturn.If this game carries on 2morrow give us a shout. gl all
It was a bit I suppose needed an imoticon (emoticon .... whatever) to go with it but only had a
I have seen 2 threads in which you have posted. In both of them you criticised others for "dirty dealings" but in both cases you were not even participating in the games in which these events occurred. This seems totally bizarre behaviour when nobody directly involved in the games has posted any comments of complaint. I am not part of any clicque except one of baffled and amused interest in your occasional witch hunts. Clearly you have a highly developed sense of fair play and that's not a bad thing but after your hilarious 56p fiasco you should pick your arguments more carefully. Pplease don't attack me. I've read through all the posts on this thread and you really should stop digging. Enjoy your poker and keep Webby calm during his enforced layoff.
Kill me now.
You are "not very good" on trains? Remind us who you work for, please?
PS - Tenders - so evocative. Water underneath, coal on top. Lovely. GWR Tenders were the best.
Just to cheer you up ........... I had no idea so I emailed it to my son ........... He's a TRAIN driver
What line? Freight, or Passenger? Depot? From, to? Local, or long-distance?
He's an ex para made good.
gl all