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New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?

SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
edited July 2009 in Poker Chat

Ok guys I have decided to set my own challenge on these new “Turbocharged” Heads Up Tournaments.

I have noticed a few people have different views on whether or not they actually involve the skill required to win any HU match, or if they are in fact luck due to the extremely quick structure, I.E. Blind level increases every 2 minutes and starting stack 1000 chips.

I am going to base my verdict on stats alone and aim to play 50 a day for the next 4 or 5 days.

Now I wouldn’t say I was great at HU play but am probably above average perhaps so factoring my ability,  variance of the game itself, and the combined blind structures, lets see what happens.

If after 5 days, I have made a tidy profit I will continue with them, if not I will finish with them all together as time is money and I will continue with the cash tables.

The way I am going to approach these is in blocks of 10 which by my estimation takes around an hour to complete, that is with playing 1-2 at a time.

If I can get a hit rate of 7/10 that is £70.00 profit  equalling a very nice profit of £350.00 per day.

Oh forgot to say I am going to play the £21.00 stakes.

However I am basing this on the skill factor, if I am wrong and the blind structures do not allow enough adequate play to be able to win through skill,or I am just plain useless at these  then  I guess my bankroll will take a hit.

I must point out playing 250 games over 5 days is only going to show the very basic picture of whether these style of tournaments are more skill than luck, so I probably need to play 1000 to get a true indication, but it is a start and I really don’t know whether I can stomach 1000!!

Especially when I am so used to playing cash.

Time will tell ...and for now I will leave it at that.

I will post my results for these every evening ..good or bad honestJ, I may be opening myself up to some serious stick here if my results are hideous, but hey this is an experiment to see whether this style of tournaments should be for fun or whether you can actually make a nice profit from these.

I just want to add one final thing before I start my monster run of tournaments...If any of you guys have been playing these since they started or have any stats to add please do, I’d really like to hear any thoughts on these.

Shark x



  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited July 2009

    GL, Hope you dont go insane

  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    GL, Hope you dont go insane
    Posted by FlashFlush
    He He thanks...half way there for today!
  • mickjenn1mickjenn1 Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2009
    nice post sharky gl 
  • NorbitNorbit Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2009
    Good post Shark.

    How long do these normally take to complete? and do you feel comftable with the structure?

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about this, good luck.

  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009

    Thanks for the support guys, much appreciated.
    On average I have found at this level they take around 8 minutes, which means there is not an awful amount of time to be able to make many moves, however in the 1st 2 levels of play there is some room for scope to be able to generally get some kind of chip lead. However it only takes one mistake or outdraw to give you a huge disadvantage, and then not having enough time before the next level increases to regain your chips. Having said this, I feel it is too early after only 50 games played to make any assumptions yet to whether they are worth while playing to make a tiday profit which is of course my aim.
    Results Day 1.
    Games played 50
    Games Won 29
    Games Lost 21

    Total Profit £110.00

    Not exactly £350.00 as I had hoped never the less it is still profit, however it did take an awful lot of my time up, 5hrs approx. giving me an hourly rate of £20 per hour. Not exactly what I am used to in cash games, although the risk is alot less which is an important factor to anyone reading this who has a relatively low Bank Roll. I think tomorrow I will re evaluate how I play them. Maybe play 3 at a time in 3 blocks throughout the day instead of 5 blocks of 10 as I did today feeling like I have spent all day playing them.

  • mickjenn1mickjenn1 Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    Thanks for the support guys, much appreciated. On average I have found at this level they take around 8 minutes, which means there is not an awful amount of time to be able to make many moves, however in the 1st 2 levels of play there is some room for scope to be able to generally get some kind of chip lead. However it only takes one mistake or outdraw to give you a huge disadvantage, and then not having enough time before the next level increases to regain your chips. Having said this, I feel it is too early after only 50 games played to make any assumptions yet to whether they are worth while playing to make a tiday profit which is of course my aim. Results Day 1. Games played 50 Games Won 29 Games Lost 21 Total Profit £110.00 Not exactly £350.00 as I had hoped never the less it is still profit, however it did take an awful lot of my time up, 5hrs approx. giving me an hourly rate of £20 per hour. Not exactly what I am used to in cash games, although the risk is alot less which is an important factor to anyone reading this who has a relatively low Bank Roll. I think tomorrow I will re evaluate how I play them. Maybe play 3 at a time in 3 blocks throughout the day instead of 5 blocks of 10 as I did today feeling like I have spent all day playing them.
    Posted by Sharksbite
    still a profits a profit sharky u keep makin that a day and its still 3k a month tax free........ gl tmora shud turn out 2 be an interestin thread this, all the best
  • JAMIEPJAMIEP Member Posts: 218
    edited July 2009
    Gl with you experiment noami.
  • GliterBabeGliterBabe Member Posts: 361
    edited July 2009
    I'll play you on day3 as you will be completely insane by then lol....

  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    I'll play you on day3 as you will be completely insane by then lol.... GOOD LUCK
    Posted by GliterBabe
    Ha Ha Thanks! Actually you are probably spot on, 8 so far today and not looking forward to the prospect of 42 more!
    However, I will see this through till friday..
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited July 2009
    hi,,any profit is good but 50 a day blimey id go insane.... gl with it and b lukky
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited July 2009
    There's something to be said about these Sharkey! I've played some today with very good results.  £10 and £15 could well be a gold mine to those experienced at HU play.
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009

    Sharksbite has W 13 L 19 so far today, for those interested. All £21 games.

  • mickjenn1mickjenn1 Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    Sharksbite has W 13 L 19 so far today, for those interested. All £21 games.
    Posted by michael900

    michael think u shud leave it untill sharky tells us herself after m8 when the challenge is done not half way through, cheers dude, we r interested yh but rather wait untill the 50 games r played
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009
    Ya ok, fair enough.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck? : michael think u shud leave it untill sharky tells us herself after m8 when the challenge is done not half way through, cheers dude, we r interested yh but rather wait untill the 50 games r played
    Posted by mickjenn1
     Thank you Mr Jennings:) 
    Michaels results are indeed spot on so far, will post full details this evening ..its been a long day, and to be fair I guess I asked for that as regards to michaels post after challenging him to a HU game on these:)
    Anyway back to the grind 16 left to do!
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009
    My post wasn't meant maliciously shark. Im follwing the thread so just thought id add some info for the rest.

    My brother has played six of these today after I told him about them. Hes won four, the other two he was dealt BAD suckouts. This was the 31.50 games.

    His heads up experience amounts to that encountered in the DYM games lol, all in with any two to get the games finished as quickly as possible.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited July 2009
    Sharksbite...interesting experiment here...are you noticing a regish element to your opponents or is it quite random?
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    My post wasn't meant maliciously shark. Im follwing the thread so just thought id add some info for the rest. My brother has played six of these today after I told him about them. Hes won four, the other two he was dealt BAD suckouts. This was the 31.50 games. His heads up experience amounts to that encountered in the DYM games lol, all in with any two to get the games finished as quickly as possible.
    Posted by michael900
    Hi Michael
    I know it wasn't but I probably still deserved it even if it had been:) thats cool regards to your brother, and as to scotty77s post I have found a certain trend so far...will let you know later this evening.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009

    Also Michael, keep us posted on your brothers results, im really interested on anyone who has results or opinions on these to whether they are luck or skill, I really do have mixed views on this after the last 2 days..

  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009

    Results Day 2
    Games played 40

    Games Won 18

    Games Lost 22
    Oh dear ! Loss for today £120. I have played only 40 today simply because 50 is just too much.
    Well results not great, infact they are pretty awful...I have found in general a certain trend follows in most. As I said in my 1st post the 1st 2 levels and even the 3rd which is 25/50 there is room for some scope too make a few moves and gain some chips, and also a few small mistakes,however this is opponant dependant. By the time the 5th level starts which is actually 8 minutes into the tournament, 2 things happen, you either force your opponant into calling their chips off because when you raise if they call, generally on the flop they are pot committed if you already have a lead on them. Or vice versa the same happens too you. I have found it very difficult to recover from an early outdraw/mistake or a move that has been called or re raised, simply because of time it takes for the blinds to increase, therefore either one of you are all in to a raise with a huge range of hands by the time the 8th minute of the tournament occurs.
    I have also found that once you are all in 80% of the time it is hardly ever premium hands. So its then down to the poker gods.
    Anyway thats todays story I am starting to think that maybe luck overides the skill factor due to the
    time frame alone..

    I must also say my apologies to Michael990 in the other thread regarding the league, because at that point I was convinced that these were more skill,although it wasn't actually at all about these tournies, was just wanting league points to be awarded hu..but thats a different grumble:)  After only playing 15 or so I should not have made that assumption, although I think others will probably do the same if they give them a go especially if they have good results to start as I did.
     Now having played 125 in total (35) at different levels I am beginning too see the bigger picture, Hence why I started this thread.
    I would be very interested to hear anyone elses views on this
    Shark x

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