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New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?



  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited July 2009
    My own view is that while luck does play a major factor in this format, more than the standard SnG, as you play more and more and more of them, this will even out over thousands and thousands of hands.

    However if you are looking at this for a decent ROI then its best to look elseehere, as the increased variance plus the fees will make it very tough.

    You still haven't played near enough games to actually attain a proper pattern, I would imagine that you would come out with something like a 5-10% edge after a couple of thousand games.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    My own view is that while luck does play a major factor in this format, more than the standard SnG, as you play more and more and more of them, this will even out over thousands and thousands of hands. However if you are looking at this for a decent ROI then its best to look elseehere, as the increased variance plus the fees will make it very tough. You still haven't played near enough games to actually attain a proper pattern, I would imagine that you would come out with something like a 5-10% edge after a couple of thousand games.
    Posted by scotty77
    Superb post Scotty, I think you have hit the nail on the head.
  • mickjenn1mickjenn1 Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    Results Day 2 Games played 40 Games Won 18 Games Lost 22 Oh dear ! Loss for today £120. I have played only 40 today simply because 50 is just too much. Well results not great, infact they are pretty awful...I have found in general a certain trend follows in most. As I said in my 1st post the 1st 2 levels and even the 3rd which is 25/50 there is room for some scope too make a few moves and gain some chips, and also a few small mistakes,however this is opponant dependant. By the time the 5th level starts which is actually 8 minutes into the tournament, 2 things happen, you either force your opponant into calling their chips off because when you raise if they call, generally on the flop they are pot committed if you already have a lead on them. Or vice versa the same happens too you. I have found it very difficult to recover from an early outdraw/mistake or a move that has been called or re raised, simply because of time it takes for the blinds to increase, therefore either one of you are all in to a raise with a huge range of hands by the time the 8th minute of the tournament occurs. I have also found that once you are all in 80% of the time it is hardly ever premium hands. So its then down to the poker gods. Anyway thats todays story I am starting to think that maybe luck overides the skill factor due to the time frame alone.. I must also say my apologies to Michael990 in the other thread regarding the league, because at that point I was convinced that these were more skill,although it wasn't actually at all about these tournies, was just wanting league points to be awarded hu..but thats a different grumble:)  After only playing 15 or so I should not have made that assumption, although I think others will probably do the same if they give them a go especially if they have good results to start as I did.  Now having played 125 in total (35) at different levels I am beginning too see the bigger picture, Hence why I started this thread. I would be very interested to hear anyone elses views on this Shark x
    Posted by Sharksbite
    hi shark u never menrioned that i donated 20quid 2 u lol
  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2009
    I recently noticed these when i got back from vegas,

    Having played one only i already see a huge difference to that of my normal 10 minute
    blind games obviously. That was a £55 one but i expect the £20s - £55s to be reasonably
    the same standard when they run.

    Early on is the time to accumulate some chips < 6 minutes and then pretty much open 3 x BB
    or shove to force a decision from them. They are no way near a judge any anyone skill HU
    because they over very little room to move about but that saying a solid Hu player should get
    between 8% - 20% roi if thier really good. I may dabble in the £30s seen as thier so fast.
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009
    Well if you do play the 30s you won't be playing my brother.

    As I watch quite a bit in my spare time I compiled a list of people to avoid. You are on it lol.
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    Also Michael, keep us posted on your brothers results, im really interested on anyone who has results or opinions on these to whether they are luck or skill, I really do have mixed views on this after the last 2 days..
    Posted by Sharksbite
    Yeah I will.

    Im going to be playing him myself at them actually. Im not fussed about the money mind, I just want to beat him. I'll enjoy the bragging rights.
  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2009
    May i ask who your brother is ?

    i probably wont play them often unless i cant get one at £40 /> or the DYMs dont fill.
  • IAMALLIN2IAMALLIN2 Member Posts: 561
    edited July 2009
    Hi Shark
    With your edge would it not be more profitable to play DYM games, i am sure you could show a good profit on them compared to the varience of the heads up tables
  • michael900michael900 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: New Turbocharged HU Tournies, Skill or Luck?:
    May i ask who your brother is ? i probably wont play them often unless i cant get one at £40 /> or the DYMs dont fill.
    Posted by Nutter5932
    Rather not say tbh. He always plays in a few of his mates accounts anyways, aswell as his own, don't ask me why.

    Hes been doing the 55 dyms this year too with you.
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