Last night I play a £22 pound bounty hunter. It took a £110 token. I had no pop up asking me what I wanted to use, I just assumed it would take the cash. I spoke to cs they said last night it would be back today it’s not.
However, I can’t play any smaller tournaments now as it would just take the token. Any advice?
I have gone back in and out of the account.
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Hi Tina,
First up, can you please check your e-Mails please. (the e-Mail addy associated with your Sky Poker Account). When you have done so, get back to me.
All those who had "left over" SPT Tickets were issued with Tokens, and advised via e-Mail how they needed to be used afaik. I'm assuming this included you, as you had an unused £220 SPT Ticket, so you should have received 2 x £110 Tokens, of which you have now just one left.
Whilst you are doing that, I'll speak to the Office & see what can be done.
Registering via mobile automatically uses tokens whatever the value or buy in. Is this something that can be looked at.
No worries Tina, I'm on the case.
I'll get back to you soonest. (Hopefully in the next hour or so).
I was not aware of the quirk mentioned by @coo1-um so maybe that's not helped. Were you on a Mobile device?
Hi again Tina.
Firstly, relax, you have NOT lost anything & we are sorted.
Unforch, the only way round it is slightly awkward, but it's not a problem.
At the moment, you should have 2 x £110 tokens, but now you only have one. You played a £22 MTT, so you now have £198 of credit (£220 minus £22).
What I need you to do is send me the MTT's you wish to play, as and when you want to play each one, ideally with a bit of notice, & then I'll get you Registered. And we'll do that until all your credits are used. I can get you Registered in seconds once I get your request.
You can EITHER use the Forum, this thread for example, or send me Personal Messages. (I've sent you a PM to help get us started).
I'm on the site most of the day every day, minus a few hours mid-afternoon, so it won't be a problem.
We cool?
Excellent. You can send them across one or two at a time if you wish, you don't have to do it all in one go.
Thanks @MattBates
That's now done, you are entered for the £22 BH @ 6pm tonight & the £33 entry BH @ 7.30pm tonight.
You've now used £77 (£22 + £22 + £33) of the £110 that "disappeared", so you now have £33 left. (Excluding the £110 token you never used).
Personal Message service. Top right of this page, right under where it shows your alias, there is a little envelope, that's the PM service. I sent you one a few days ago so there will be a little red blob with "1" on it. I'm happy either way, on this Forum thread or via PM, I don't mind.
Good luck tonight.
^^^^ Ignore that, I've now got your PM & replied.
That's done Tina, good luck.
By my reckoning you've used £99 of the £110 & so that now leaves you with £11 credit from that original £110. Agree?
That's done Tina.
By my reckoning, you are square now, that's the £110 all used up.