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random i think not



  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,043
    TheWaddy said:

    The problem is when u come in half way thru the conversation, you miss half that was being said.... but these guys think your great. Just a pain in the ****.

    Once again, the GC consider poker a total luck game, as absolutely everything else under their umbrella certainly is. They look at what they are qualified to look at and act accordingly. No-one at the GC is qualified to look at poker and if their decks are producing ridiculous odds. So we have fines in areas outside of poker.

    They are not able to look at a poker sites play and understand the odds being overturned. They will admit that if you ever took the time to ask. So they rely totally on the testing houses, who are paid by the companies they are testing.

    Thats a conflict of financial interest and is unbelievably allowed to happen.

    If you want to comment further, lets just address the conflict of interest, as you will only point out something else we boxed off on the first page.

    Please stop embarrassing yourself.

    People are perfectly able to read what is said before entering your ranty world. @NOSTRI has done a fine job of researching and commenting on the relevant information. Which you are failing to respond to in a meaningful way.

    Let's start with the one thing you say that is half true. It is not the GC that ruled that poker is to be treated as though it is a game of chance, rather than a game of skill. That ruling was made before the GC was even in existence.

    Poker is both a game of luck and a game of skill. Like most of the best games. The weaker player needs to win enough times to keep his interest. Naturally. Not rigged.

    Most countries have ruled that it is to be treated as a game of chance (because, for legal reasons, it has to be regarded as 1 or the other). Which means that there is no tax to be paid on winnings. So-unless you want to start paying tax, hush. There is a reason why many of Continental Europe's best players currently live in the UK.

    There are no "qualifications" to look at poker. The GC regulates and licences most of the different types of gambling (spread betting lies elsewhere). And poker is only a small fraction of the gambling industry it regulates. Just like Sky's Customer Service has far more people who understand things other than poker, so it is with the GC. They are perfectly able to look at poker-it is just that, for the most part, their attentions lie elsewhere. Thank goodness for that. Despite people like you.

    There are potential conflicts of interest everywhere in life. Doesn't mean that people don't rise above it. To give a simple example, "independent" auditors have very close relationships with the Companies they audit. Every single major Company in the UK. It is not "unbelievable"-it is the way the World spins. And the poker checkers are paid by the GC-not the Poker operators.

    Flutter paid just under $7 Billion for Stars, which had already purchased Sky. That means there are 7 Billion reasons why they are confident that everything is above board. Because when that kind of money is involved, things get checked. A lot. Just that you, me and the other punters don't get to see it.

    Where is your evidence re "decks...producing ridiculous odds"? Non-existent. After 10 years. Sky (and every other poker operator) don't care who wins. Just making a profit through rake. And not jeopardising their £billions by fixing the deck. Why would they? Poker (unlike nearly all other GC-regulated games) is player v player. Not player v casino.

    People keep asking why you think things are not random. You keep trying to avoid answering that question, or providing any worthwhile evidence. And please stop insulting people on this thread.

    I have been playing online poker for more than 15 years. Tens of thousands of tournaments. On multiple sites. I have an inquiring mind and experience of both Law and Forensic Accounting. And nothing has ever struck me as being anything but random. Because-if I suspected any such thing, I would not play. That is why I have never played on the US sites that ignore US legislation.

    Give up.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    'insulting people'!!! ???? I havent said why its not random!!!!????? F me, talk about one sided fkwits, each and everyone has put up insults, whereas i just called them a biscuit club!!!!!
    As for me not saying why its not random, jesus im really not going to put it up a 45th time......

    Done. Thick as pigshite
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    TheWaddy said:

    'insulting people'!!! ???? I havent said why its not random!!!!????? F me, talk about one sided fkwits, each and everyone has put up insults, whereas i just called them a biscuit club!!!!!
    As for me not saying why its not random, jesus im really not going to put it up a 45th time......

    Done. Thick as pigshite

    You seem a bit on edge, Mr Waddy.

    Perhaps increase your volume and play 2x £1 SnGs at the same time and then you'll get to Blackpool in double quick time, where you can relax on your jollies and forget all about the UKGC.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

    I don't believe you. Oh and as far as refering to people on here as fkwits is a little insulting. However, as a practising Christian, I am more than prepared to lay hands on and then forgive you.

    You are the "halfwit" ( your expression) posting utter cr4p with no credible evidence and then sticking your fingers in your ears and going Na Na Na Na Na Na when your argument is blown out of the water by sensible and evidenced reasoning.

    STFU now you're boring.
  • ray01ray01 Member Posts: 91
    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

    I don't believe you. Oh and as far as refering to people on here as fkwits is a little insulting. However, as a practising Christian, I am more than prepared to lay hands on and then forgive you.

    You are the "halfwit" ( your expression) posting utter cr4p with no credible evidence and then sticking your fingers in your ears and going Na Na Na Na Na Na when your argument is blown out of the water by sensible and evidenced reasoning.

    STFU now you're boring.
    'STFU im a christian'.... never seen that one on a placard. A practising christian talking 'no credible evidence'... thats rich!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    TheWaddy said:

    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

    I don't believe you. Oh and as far as refering to people on here as fkwits is a little insulting. However, as a practising Christian, I am more than prepared to lay hands on and then forgive you.

    You are the "halfwit" ( your expression) posting utter cr4p with no credible evidence and then sticking your fingers in your ears and going Na Na Na Na Na Na when your argument is blown out of the water by sensible and evidenced reasoning.

    STFU now you're boring.
    'STFU im a christian'.... never seen that one on a placard. A practising christian talking 'no credible evidence'... thats rich!
    Oh boy you seem incapable of putting any argument forward in a coherent manner.

    1, Why would I have a placard ? I'm sitting in my living room, not attending some liberal leftie demo about some issue that has no place in the real world.

    2, Why would being a Christian prevent me from telling somebody to STFU. Don't you think Jesus ever told his disciples to stop talking bollox. Of course he did, when the Gospels refer to Jesus rebuking them that's what they're on about.

    3, Are you saying there is NO credible evidence for being a Christian. There is but it's up to you whether you want to believe it. That's your perogative. Even Richard Dawkins accepts that there is evidence for Christianity, he just says that science disporoves it.

    4, Is it the fact that I don't meet your imagined stereotype that's thrown you, in your mind are we all sandal wearing, non drinking, non smoking, non gambling, vegetarian pacifists. If so sorry but we're a lot more fun than that

    5, Why are you not prepared to accept that in this case you're out of your depth. You came on this thread throwing wild unfounded accusations of impropriety by Sky, yet when others show you with evidence that your points are really just a conspiracy theory you adopt the petulant attitude of an eight year old.

    6, Why are people with credible counter evidence fkwits. I'm a little surprised that you resort to personal insults. It doesn't bother me but I think you'll find it breaches the AUP.

    Have a lovely day now.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

    You had a backing deal, you were not sponsored
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2022
    MattBates said:

    TheWaddy said:

    £22k off micro stakes... sponsored for $500 per day... nuff said

    You had a backing deal, you were not sponsored
    Do u feel better for posting that? Thats wot im up against...... tht and a guy who wants to argue god now.... the disciple says i wasnt sponsored/backed at all and tht im lying..... ask yourself Edge, would jesus really want you to have that attitude towards you fellow man lol.

    He would not want you for a sunbeam.....

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    Why don't you tell me what you think Jesus would want me to do. Like I said everybody has a fluffy bunny stereotypical image of what a Christian is.

    Your understanding of that is probably as flawed as your understanding of R.N.G.s.

    I'll give you food for thought.

    When they came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter, the man on whom Christ said he would build his Church, drew his sword and hacked off the ear of the Magistrate.

    This was a man who lived with Jesus 24/7 for over 3 years and was the man entrusted to spread The Message throughout the land and was later crucified for his beliefs. Nobody can say he was anything other than a committed Christian.

    Oh and I'm not arguing God, I simply said that as a Christian I would forgive you for calling me a Fkwit.

    You didn't even have the sense to accept forgiveness but instead started a diatribe about placard waving and some such. But hey I forgive you.

    As for telling you to STFU, well perhaps the Lord speaketh through me.

    Think happy thoughts.
  • midnightmamidnightma Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2022
    Also hats of to sky by letting these discussions which are essentially counter productive to their site take reason sky is for me with all its flaws the best site by a mile #long live sky :)
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787

    Also hats of to sky by letting these discussions which are essentially counter productive to their site take reason sky is for me with all its flaws the best site by a mile #long live sky :)

    Thought you'd gone to bed buddy :D:):D:)
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Midnightma has given a nice view on things. Agreed on sarcasm being the lowest form of wit and do struggle with it. The insults and name calling or what have you from both ends are unhelpful. I do not agree with TheWaddy on a lot of what he is saying hear and appears he has a bit of a beef with Sky and individuals.

    A few posters have given their views on things and talks of "tea clubs" seem strange. I guess that thought is not going to go away anytime soon. Most in this thread seem quite set on their feelings. Agreeing to disagree is fine too.

    If I had an issue with a card site/the players or had felt the RNG is not random and unbiased I would be voting with my feet and Pound Sterling.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2022

    At last a person who speaks sense! The christian is the first to answer negatively to him/her, interestingly, though again solely as he slightly disagrees with his/hers opinion.

    All i set out to do was to answer Alyysammy in his post. Its a subject many, many feel is relevant and i agree you will find it hard to find any pro commenting on it.... as they all want/rely on sponsorship from these sites.

    So for a losing player, all they can judge on is Trustpilot and the likes, which is just full of angry losing player comments.

    At least one person has managed to look back at the barage of insults, spell checks, general ridicule... led by the Moderator and a devout Christian interestingly enough... to see who was formulating a credible argument and who was choosing 'childs play'.

    I hope you found my posts were of some help to you MidnightMa. At the end of the day, i know enough about online poker after 20yrs, being backed in my knowledge by BadBeat,com to the tune of $500 a day (and mentored closely by a pro) and having played through Black Friday to see the radical difference in online poker.

    Also hats of to sky by letting these discussions which are essentially counter productive to their site take reason sky is for me with all its flaws the best site by a mile #long live sky :)

    Again. i have said in the past, the reason i play HERE for micro stakes, is that it is better than most. Compared to Pokerstars, 888, its performance is a lot more subtle than eg 888's set result in a certain situation, which i have previously given (again ridiculed, attacked by the same bunch here).

    I havent seen any of these post their poker credentials btw, though they are very good at belittling people, i agree.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

    - Mark Twain
  • midnightmamidnightma Member Posts: 54
    It is easy to take things the wrong way in text form, I don't think TheEdge ment anything by his post in response to mine but a bit of light hearted humour and that's the way I took it :). When emotions are running high it can cloud how we perceive comments and turn a debate into an argument.
    I admire you for sticking your head above the parapet as a winning competent player to make public your view which in whole is an unpopular view to take so hats off to you.
    When I was searching for winning players coming out and also stating they believed the rng was not as fair as is it possibly could be and didn't find anything credible I too thought to myself it could be that they are sponsored players so it would damage them to do so, but then thought there are tens of thousands of profitable players out there so surely going by numbers alone there should be more concerns made public and not all these players can be sponsored players or affiliated to the sites and as far as I can see players are not kicked off sites for airing their controversial views so if it were true that it is rigged their should be a lot lot more accusations from winning players. And the same question as before why would people play high stakes gambling millions on an rng that is rigged? Unless they are afforded a fair rng whilst us suckers at low stakes are being exploited, Again i just cant buy it. Also why are peoples graphs on a constant upwards direction? have they all figured out how the flawed rng works and have learned to manipulate it? I just cant buy into it as much as I want to sometimes and for me the only logical answer is variance and the good players will always come out on top due to their skill and that's something I just have to accept but this is a debate imo worth having. When people don't at least question these things thats when we all should worry.

    My previous post was a generalisation and in no way pointed at any one individual
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    My graph is constant upward direction. You dont have to be losing games to see what is happening, you just might have to 'win' the game 11 or 12 times in a heads up game before you get paid.... them survive 11 or 12 all ins low stacked, needing a miracle and getting it. If you stick to SNG's, then you can still win that game, its just the same deck as a cash deck works, its all running the same way, but you will see combined odds of terrific proportions over and over and over.... but still go on to win the game.

    Its the sheer amount of miracles i have a problem with, even if i win... i can still see the maths isnt adding up.

    |I just this morning (and in fact daily) lost to a guy at hi lo, who had joined as he thought was hold em... i think we got to 23 all ins in this one game when he was like holding JJ67 with flop AA 10.... id have AT23... and turn river would be 23 so he wud split for the low.. 23 times.... he didnt know game so was in complete trouble time and time again ....until it would do the set up hand where we both flopped FH and his was better.

    I will see this over and over and over during any given session, on any given day. There is no maths in these decks, but if you are good, you can spot situations which are a bet with a real deck, check with an online deck.... raise with real deck, even fold with an online deck... its that obvious.

    Even an experienced player like NChanning, surprisingly came out with the comment if you know how rng works you could manipulate it to win huge amounts.... you cant, cos its geared to helping out poor players, losing players..... if you winning your not going to be the one getting the help, believe me. Its about keeping the poor player on site, maintaining numbers, reducing poor player losses.

    IE you can sit 40mins in a heads up as a 20yr experienced player and actually lose to someone who hasnt played before, or knows the rules.....
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    If a brand new player was sitting opposite Helmuth or Negranu or Trickett, Cody, Chufty, Ivy etc etc in a heads up and just shoved all in every hand, that would be the best strategy.

    So yes my 82 year old mum, who has only ever played a little cribbage could beat a WSOP Bracelet winner heads up. THATS the attraction and fascination of poker, THATS why 10,000 plus players pony up $10,000 entry every year to play the main event.

    Does that mean that the dealer manipulates the deck, of course it doesn't and the same applies to the RNG online.

    A dominant hand preflop can lose 1,000 times in a row it would still just be natural variance. Unusual definately but it's not impossible.

    What is it you fail to understand☕🍪🍪

    Oh and you see how @midnightma recognises humour. Loosen up buddy you're wrapped tighter than a corner shop sandwich.

    Jesus says I gotta give you a hug.

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