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radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
edited November 2023 in Poker Chat






  • GervuscasGervuscas Member Posts: 54
    Hi Radzer,

    Ive only played 1000 DYMs here, but i question you when you say "The DYM format induces more betting and a higher likely hood of more bad beats" The DYM format literally does the opposite, and if you find a table where too many people are playing too many hands then that's great for you.
    let them go nuts and have there fun, while you take the prize money.

    my experience of dyms is pretty much the opposite so far most the regs are folding too many hands and don't feel confident play post flop (this is not true of them all)
    if you've got good solid opening ranges and are confident post flop dyms are not luck at all and you should crush them
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2023
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    Maybe try the normal speed DYM's, you have more time before everyone starts going all in. As for bad beats you'll see them on any site in any format, just part of the game.
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2023
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    radzer02 said:

    Agree totally but find them like 6 max's pretty rare and agree that bad beats happen, not blaming the site more the format as all ins are more likely.
    As the games that involve more luck are more popular, are the players more interested in poker moving away from this site? For more poker orientated games. There used to be so many more 6 max's on the go, now it's hard to get one going at any value

    I just don't think its a popular format of the game anymore.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    The problem is you don't need many players with an edge to make 6 max unbeatable for your average rec, and if you are a rec looking for a bit of fun for your £20, playing a mix of £2.20 and £5.50 mtt give you a much bigger bang for your buck.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,282
    I think most formats of poker have an element of skill to them and if there are consistent winning players in any poker format then one of four things is true.

    1. skilled players who are regularly making a profit have an edge and are able to regularly make a profit. Which means hypothetically if you put the work in you could too. However how much work? some formats could take literally years to become profitable at. Then their is intelligence I have an ex who I genuinely reckon if they had one on one coaching 6 hours a day for several months would not be profitable at micro stakes mtts.
    I think my favorite quote from her was "evolution is a lie, I mean humans have 97% DNA in common with Bananas" When I asked her for a source she said she had heard it somewhere and babbled on without giving source. When I said was it Kent Hovind she went ballistic and was like no one criticizes Kent Hovind he is a great man! She had been to private school her entire life and got mostly Cs.
    but yeah assuming your of average intelligence one would assume with the right level of study you could beat the vast majority of beatable formats.
    2. their is cheating going on, this can sometimes be the case, I have had my suspicions on dons before on every site I have played them on, but from my brief dipping in and out of dons on sky it is clear with the right level of study they are definitely beatable.
    3. some sort of rig this would involve house players or etc but this one is a bit out there and I seriously doubt it.
    4. the regs who appear to have won are just a case of extreme variance and in fact everyone is losing to the rake.

    Generally I regularly look up my opponents for a few reasons. firstly to gage whether this format is beatable eg if all I am seeing is regs then its quite possible I am the fish. if all I see is fish then its quite possible the format is not beatable and everyone is losing to the rake.
    Then there is also something for peace of mind or questioning myself eg if I lose a hand where I think the other guy was an idiot or did something very bad then I can sharkscope them and if they show as a very strong reg maybe they had a sophisticated play if they show up as strong loser it is likely they just played bad and got lucky. How often is this happening and what is the usual reason etc?

    This is why I dont play cash as I cant get such numbers at cash games. Also game selection is a thing I have found some sites where the small stake games are actually tougher then the mid stake games at other sites.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397

    Maybe try the normal speed DYM's, you have more time before everyone starts going all in. As for bad beats you'll see them on any site in any format, just part of the game.

    That's about where I am at with this.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    radzer02 said:

    Totally wrong. It is fact the format induces more bad beats, looser betting/calling and more all ins. Literally just got beat A10 v 52 flop 10 7 5 turn 2. Who the **** calls 52 then a HUGE bet with bottom pair AWFUL kicker? You say you only play 1000 DYM's so really you have nothing to compare it to. They typify the bingo style play on this site. Any picture card anything suited

    Sounds like there may be an element that ensures terrible players dont lose at the rate they should and therefore maintains customer traffic. Not my opinion of course. Maybe if you keep playing the odds will smooth out.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    TheWaddy said:

    radzer02 said:

    Totally wrong. It is fact the format induces more bad beats, looser betting/calling and more all ins. Literally just got beat A10 v 52 flop 10 7 5 turn 2. Who the **** calls 52 then a HUGE bet with bottom pair AWFUL kicker? You say you only play 1000 DYM's so really you have nothing to compare it to. They typify the bingo style play on this site. Any picture card anything suited

    Sounds like there may be an element that ensures terrible players dont lose at the rate they should and therefore maintains customer traffic. Not my opinion of course. Maybe if you keep playing the odds will smooth out.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited April 2022
    not my opinion of course.... dont focus on me, otherwise be accused of hijacking thread.... keep playing radzer, odds will even out im sure.....
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2023
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    radzer02 said:

    The defense here, is crazy. Either Sky employees or said bingo players. I'm not talking about bad beats more so the manner. Like raising all in with AK against a min raise and getting called, flop 6 river 6. Never seen a more corrupt sight.

    I know the reply, where's the benefit, rake blah blah blah but is it not beneficial for a to fund these wasteful players??

    Joke site you all give too much credit or are funded by it.

    Just got raised with Q10 shoved and got called with Q2 flop 2 of course, I withdraw. Sados with a balance of 100+ cash in their account and 6+ games on the go make Sky money. Me withdrawing when I win doesn't make them as much

    Groggy isn't a Sky employee
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    a. @Gervuscas explained very clearly DYM formats are the opposite of what you describe.
    b. @FeelGroggy correctly identified that you play mainly turbo DYM which are far more high variance.

    c. You have managed to encourage @TheWaddy to comment.....which is unforgivable

    All in all this thread is totally yawn.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Welcome to the Sky Poker Forum young radzer. If you were looking for 50/50 point of views, theres only around 8 players that ever reply so you will be disappointed!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    TheWaddy said:

    Welcome to the Sky Poker Forum young radzer. If you were looking for 50/50 point of views, theres only around 8 players that ever reply so you will be disappointed!

    You hijack more posts than a mail van heist. Wind your neck in.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited April 2022
    TheWaddy said:

    Welcome to the Sky Poker Forum young radzer. If you were looking for 50/50 point of views, theres only around 8 players that ever reply so you will be disappointed!

    Out of slight interest, what age are you TheWaddy? Ball-park is fine if you do not wish to say.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I hijack posts? Maybe let me comment without the Sky 8 commenting on my comment... perhaps?

    Im happy to make my comment and leave it at that. But 2 come straight in and address me and not the boy radzer.....

    Im kind of going to guess that wotever age i put, whether young or older, your gonna have a cracking reply Cammy... im not gonna set that comment up for u!

    Radzer, i will try desperately to keep the conversation between you and me ...on your post that i wish to comment on.... though its difficult with the Sky 8. Unless you want to state that this is the best poker experience you have ever known or brush someones ego, this is not the place to converse with 'people'.

    Me personally, i dont have an opinion either way about what you are experiencing B)
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited April 2022
    TheWaddy said:

    I hijack posts? Maybe let me comment without the Sky 8 commenting on my comment... perhaps?

    Im happy to make my comment and leave it at that. But 2 come straight in and address me and not the boy radzer.....

    Im kind of going to guess that wotever age i put, whether young or older, your gonna have a cracking reply Cammy... im not gonna set that comment up for u!

    Radzer, i will try desperately to keep the conversation between you and me ...on your post that i wish to comment on.... though its difficult with the Sky 8. Unless you want to state that this is the best poker experience you have ever known or brush someones ego, this is not the place to converse with 'people'.

    Me personally, i dont have an opinion either way about what you are experiencing B)

    Was off-topic and a little personal for you perhaps and would have been surprised if you did answer it. Admittedly I did change the subject on this thread so apologies to radzer02 for that. I am sorry! :neutral:

    I had no reply lined up so you have misread that one. You do seem really set on a belief that there is a sort of 'tea club network' which is quite baffling. Can not see that myself and you have had better treatment in this forum than you really deserve.

    Having been on Sky for a few years are the most domineering and misguided poster I have ever came across.

    On your age and my question I would guess you are younger than 30 and you do act like a man-child. For your sake and the people in your life's sake I hope you are not much older than that as you have a lot of growing up to do.

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