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take a breath,a pause,a break from other News,Aug 4th 1990 Calvine (Scotland) 'UFO'

misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
A good few years ago 'debated' this, the standard dogs abuse off (mention no name) but I have always affectionately cherished the moniker handed down to me by said forum 'bad azz' which was IDIOT.
Further, quote unquote 'you proved nothing' and the 'incident' mentioned in the header 'never happened & was all pony' and an artists rendition was 'just that' Well I never.
For a period of my life, I resided in Scotland, a beautiful precious memory,never ever bored of the view from the windows and garden which over looked the banks of Loch Long.Surprise surprise, for a period of my life I worked in Scotland, primarily at the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base
officially known as HMNB Clyde,also on occasion RAF Macrihanish.
Nope,not the car park attendent or neither the janitor!
home was ten minutes along the (Loch) coast line arcing from top right of picture below
I was particularly fascinated,never bored,watching the 'tiny' passenger and small drive on drive off little 'ferries' that ran like a bus service for the little islands off Loch Long.
The picture below does zero justice to scale,more so how foreboding Faslane,looks feels,from even the public road nevermind within the place (try that experience at nightime) then imagine 'working' at night in on the water using a rib (naval grade) up close & personal with the second picture.Everyone attired head to toe in matt black,only thing that wasn't, the security clearance exterior dog tag had to be on perma display.

Above, not a scintilla of Jack On Ory.Some blinking experience.
There was zero wrong with my own eyes,they were working fine all my entire residence!
So, what the heck all that above, to do with below?
A freakin lot actually.

No, not any Artists rendition, below, ONE of (there are more) bone fide actual real verbatim real picture & zoomed.
I can assure you what it isn't (not what it is) It isnt;
An air ballon or a Chinese Lantern
either Swamp Gas or a bizarre cloud formation
and nope, it ain't a kite or an Osprey or Gryr Falcon.
It is 'nuts & bolts' sort of!
God Bless one & all. 32 years ago!


  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    was being test flown over The Atlantic
    and it came into & out of The Mull Of Kintyre.
    As real as real, as real as the tip pon your hooter.
    very late 80s very early 90s.
    Aurora (Green Lady)

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    F/A 18 Super Hornet fighter pilots;
    In the general Scheme of things;
    don't tend to be delusional 'idiots' either..
    try getting licensed for a Super Hornet or Warthog, good luckski with that Ambition.

    It's no offers, you could not lay £1 to Ten Billion, why? Result known!
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    you will hear Mr Brian Hanley refer to a Mr West.
    Mr West, the renowned TOBY, whom knows more, way more,than for example career veteran Commander David Fravor
    won't name Mr West's website,I & others 'banned' but he rocks the name Arbitraguer, as far as TOBIES go, West in a league of his own.
    Generally, sitting in his garage, with balls of **** string, the odd math equation,oh and an in depth knowledge of 'computer games' makes him think, he can 'dig out' all military.
    Not to worry,West bit off way more than he could chew & digest.
    Retired top gun fighter pilot Chris Lehto,more than owns West's heiny now.
    Way to much to explain right now,I have a very tight pal,now living California,this fella so clever so smart specialist field of expertise,meta materials & propulsion.
    One time, a while back, my buddy schooled West & his disciples,all about something known as gravitational red shift.
    And,no one can (has) debunked this, why? impossible to debunk.
    West naturally tried,very hard.
    I kid you not.
    First attempt, it was a, Falcon in flight!
    Second attempt I am not joking, a Dandelion Seed Pod caught in a mini twister!!!
    That was before the below analysis.
    if nothing, ever has convinced you of, exotic 'off world tech'
    try the below, in full, until the end. 😉
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,194
    You have to ask yourself Why! do these U.F.O.s come to light in the middle of nowhere. ? Like Nazi Gold Hunters Eldorado The Holy Grail...... Sorry Paul it's Pie in the Sky. !
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,194
    Because you can't disprove something does not make it real.... time will tell you could be proved right .... would like to think ..... Mmm!
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    God Help Me
    God Save Me
    meta materials
    Me, I
    own eyes, know what I know, know what I seen, hands on.
    So, I delusional?
    OK, so you gonna claim (cling too, some warped belief system!)
    COMMANDER level, best of best, fibbing through KEISTER?
    So mate.
    You don't (can't) believe, I worked hands on Faslane?
    NUCLEAR BASE (ps) other Global sensative bases!
    So I fantasist?
    What you know?
    About The Green Lady?
    Terrestrial creation, exotically powered?
    I know because I "VALETED the blinking Ting"!
    On my Daughters (plural)
    On my Grand Daughters (plural)
    I fkn worked their
    On my girls lives.
    Have YOU?
    Did YOU?
    No,You Didn't
    I did.slamDunk.
    Defacto, would suggest, a minushai TAD, better experienced (bold by me)
    To dare, put up,what you can't (won't) Grasp,and I KNOW.
    How much would you like?
    Name your price?
    Pheonix Lights 'Military Flares'
    I would only lay;
    1/66 you believe, Phoenix Lights Military flares?
    Coz MSM educated you to that belief!
    So, you then have to buy into, the video below,under 1 2 3 Calvine images;
    Is are, a gaggle of delusional fools?
    Plus my Son, I got video;
    Metabunk ain't ever seen
    ATS ain't ever seen
    World ain't ever seen.
    Think on that! SLAMDUNK stuff.
    State Guvnor Arizona at the time
    Fyfe Simmington
    Part of, the then public DEBUNK
    and former State Guvnor Arizona, telling it STRAIGHT.
    No doubt, you don't (can't) accept;
    Director Ben Rich Lockheed Skunkworks.
    And, every other grain, that's a HISTORY books re write, inbound, in your lifetime.
    Leave you with.
    Former Canadian Defense Minister (my namesake)
    So matey?
    Two Paul's, Two Deluded fools?
    Paul Hellyer, listen & weep MATE.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,194
    When they land in me back yard & frighten me Dog into barking mad fit's, then I might just ..... don't shoot the punter he's the only one.!
  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 902
    misterpj said:

    God Help Me
    God Save Me
    meta materials
    Me, I
    own eyes, know what I know, know what I seen, hands on.
    So, I delusional?
    OK, so you gonna claim (cling too, some warped belief system!)
    COMMANDER level, best of best, fibbing through KEISTER?
    So mate.
    You don't (can't) believe, I worked hands on Faslane?
    NUCLEAR BASE (ps) other Global sensative bases!
    So I fantasist?
    What you know?
    About The Green Lady?
    Terrestrial creation, exotically powered?
    I know because I "VALETED the blinking Ting"!
    On my Daughters (plural)
    On my Grand Daughters (plural)
    I fkn worked their
    On my girls lives.
    Have YOU?
    Did YOU?
    No,You Didn't
    I did.slamDunk.
    Defacto, would suggest, a minushai TAD, better experienced (bold by me)
    To dare, put up,what you can't (won't) Grasp,and I KNOW.
    How much would you like?
    Name your price?
    Pheonix Lights 'Military Flares'
    I would only lay;
    1/66 you believe, Phoenix Lights Military flares?
    Coz MSM educated you to that belief!
    So, you then have to buy into, the video below,under 1 2 3 Calvine images;
    Is are, a gaggle of delusional fools?
    Plus my Son, I got video;
    Metabunk ain't ever seen
    ATS ain't ever seen
    World ain't ever seen.
    Think on that! SLAMDUNK stuff.
    State Guvnor Arizona at the time
    Fyfe Simmington
    Part of, the then public DEBUNK
    and former State Guvnor Arizona, telling it STRAIGHT.
    No doubt, you don't (can't) accept;
    Director Ben Rich Lockheed Skunkworks.
    And, every other grain, that's a HISTORY books re write, inbound, in your lifetime.
    Leave you with.
    Former Canadian Defense Minister (my namesake)
    So matey?
    Two Paul's, Two Deluded fools?
    Paul Hellyer, listen & weep MATE.

    WOW .... Can anyone really believe this guy , face to face meetings with the USA about how we are destroying the planet .. come on really ,
    The most intelligent thing to do would reveal themselves to the world not just one country ,
    Lets put it this way these aliens are having coffee and biscuits and chats with the USA about the state of the planet and the USA are keeping it a secret while Putin and others build more nukes makes no sense keeping it a secret ..
    The excuse is world wide panic if we knew the truth and that is a lie
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,194
    Well done Paul you have one subscriber .... I'm still on the Fence.. hic!
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    smoke this

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    rather a little 'exotic'
    rather a little 'alternate propulsion'
    d notice son

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,347
    Southern Nevada
    Nellis (AFB) Air Force base
    in colour, with military audio.
    Origenal 1994 footage,from nearing 3 decades ago.
    Black Mountain where footage filmed, only 35 miles W, of Papoose/S4.. a51.
    massive credit to 'Sander' ex Dutch military pilot.
    fully enhanced full footage being released October (jaw dropping)
    some set in stone facts, about RAF Machrihanish

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