I don’t have the precise number of entries today, but it was almost identical to Friday, & I’m pretty sure the total Prize Pool came in at just over £101,000. Of today’s Day 1B field, 46 survived to add to the 50 who got through on Friday. However there will be some duplicates (they surrender the smaller stack) so the actual number who start on Sunday will be slightly less than 50 + 46, if that makes sense.
Good Luck to everyone especially Gibbzy and esme180 and dottymoo .. The SPT has become a great tour for us from skypoker and thank-you all at sky over the years that have been involved in keeping it going
Sorry about the lack of a Live Update but I've only just become available.
The Final has just started and I think the only Sky regular is Palace Bloke @cpfc_2010 so I'll try & keep you updated on his progress. Not sure I can do a proper hand by hand update though, I'm desperately tired & t's absolutely freezing cold in here. Been sat in the cold for 10 hours & I can't feel my fingers.
Sorry about the lack of a Live Update but I've only just become available.
The Final has just started and I think the only Sky regular is Palace Bloke @cpfc_2010 so I'll try & keep you updated on his progress. Not sure I can do a proper hand by hand update though, I'm desperately tired & t's absolutely freezing cold in here. Been sat in the cold for 10 hours & I can't feel my fingers.
Hopefully Palace Bloke will do the business.
Take care of yourself @Tikay10. We can wait rather than you risk your health x
Thanks Sue, appreciate that. The cold in here has gone right through me & my tank is empty. I've had a wonderful 3 days though, been playing poker non-stop.
I guess you are happy enough with this afternoon's Liverpool result?
When I say it was cold in here, I really do mean cold. This photo was taken this afternoon by Nick Walsh of PokerStars & popped up on his Instagram or somesuch & someone sent it to me.
Day 1B (Saturday).
I don’t have the precise number of entries today, but it was almost identical to Friday, & I’m pretty sure the total Prize Pool came in at just over £101,000. Of today’s Day 1B field, 46 survived to add to the 50 who got through on Friday. However there will be some duplicates (they surrender the smaller stack) so the actual number who start on Sunday will be slightly less than 50 + 46, if that makes sense.
Alexander W Smith 304,400
Bojidar Boiadjiev 271,200
Joshua Jones 260,000
Thomas Frankham 258,100
Save Barnes 256,600
James “Sky James” Gavaghan 226,000
Kartik Kartik 226,000
David Forstyh 222,200
Deborah Worley Roberts 219,800
David Fifield 210,100
Lee Mulligan 205,000
Neil Chukwu 194,000
Oscar Fisher Tompsett 164,400
Jack Robertt Way 153,600
Richard Tongue (sp?) 134,700
Syd Harris 131,500
Oliver Summers 125,700
Erica Saunders 120,000
Tom Callaghan 102,500
Ahhet Erkan 100,200
Kierran O’Leary 97,300
Daniel Henriquo 92,900
David Stephenson 87,800
Tyler Goather 86,800
Benitto Ca 86,000
Christopher Whittaker 85,500
Sam Marcus Voight 84,800
Kevin Curtis 84,400
William Cheung 82,500
Kevin Nutt 82,000
Benjamin Trower 78,900
Daniel Everson 76,100
Greg Georgiou 71,100
Daniel Evans 63,000
Nicholas Walsh 62,800
Emel Neshev 58,200
Neil Channing 58,000
Andrew Higginson 57,200
John Ruane 55,000
Charlotte Gouldsborough (sp?) 54,400
Chris Weatheley 52,600
Danny Sankey 44,100
Ghaith Al Najjar 34,200
Barry Stephenson 33,700
Edward Stubbs 31,700
Danny Grogan 13,000
Next, I'll consolidate the two lists so we have all the players & their stacks for Sunday.
I have NOT removed any duplicates as it takes a while & it's gone 2am.
John Ferrell 417,600
Szabolls Kouacs 362,900
Alexander W Smith 304,400
Bojidar Boiadjiev 271,200
Zio?lin Wang 264,400
Joshua Jones 260,000
Thomas Frankham 258,100
Save Barnes 256,600
Darren Bryant 239,200
James “Sky James” Gavaghan 226,000
Kartik Kartik 226,000
David Forstyh 222,200
Deborah Worley Roberts 219,800
David Fifield 210,100
Lee Mulligan 205,000
Neil Chukwu 194,000
Jack Brian Sheppard 193,200
Eamonn Fintan “cpfc_2010” Gilroy 184,300
Joshua Manley 179,400
Ian Tough 178,400
Fadil Gary Isufi 165,200
Alex Sieber 164,700
Oscar Fisher Tompsett 164,400
Charles “mumsie” Murray 163,700
Stephen Jay 160,700
Chris Kydrianou 154,400
Jack Robertt Way 153,600
Koroush Nikkhahe 150,700
John Pattenden 150,100
Leslie Lamnea 143,600
Anthony William Lee 138,600
Richard Tongue (sp?) 134,700
Syd Harris 131,500
Brett Harris 127,000
Oliver Summers 125,700
Erica Saunders 120,000
Karen Fletcher 113,900
Colin Galligan 117,200
Peter Nottingham 111,600
Tony Kendall 110,600
Andrew Outar 109,300
Liam Knight 108,400
Glenn Martin 108,400
Yuzheng Ji 103,400
Tom Callaghan 102,500
Ahhet Erkan 100,200
Romani Mousa 101,300
Ryan Dinnage 99,400
Kierran O’Leary 97,300
Jack Coraine 95,800
Daniel Henriquo 92,900
David Stephenson 87,800
Craig Mitchell 87,200
Tyler Goather 86,800
Rob Roe-Barnett 86,600
Benitto Ca 86,000
Christopher Whittaker 85,500
Sam Marcus Voight 84,800
Kevin Curtis 84,400
Robert Steele 84,100
William Cheung 82,500
Kevin Nutt 82,000
Ahamed Mohamed 81,500
Benjamin Trower 78,900
Adam Collins 78,800
Stephen Gibbs 76,800
Daniel Everson 76,100
Greg Georgiou 71,100
Anthony Philip Le Cren 65,600
Siamak Vakki 64,800
Daniel Evans 63,000
Nicholas Walsh 62,800
Dean Hajiabolghosem 58,800
Emel Neshev 58,200
Neil Channing 58,000
James Rimmer 57,800
Andrew Higginson 57,200
John Ruane 55,000
Charlotte Gouldsborough (sp?) 54,400
Ronnie De Beaulox 53,000
Chris Weatheley 52,600
Nigel Pinto 52,400
Mark Bright 51,900
Robert Lockie 50,400
Stuart Smith Bell 50,000
Adrian Simon Creach 47,200
Neil Fox 46,900
Marc Bryant 46,800
Danny Sankey 44,100
James”Sky James” Gavaghan 34,900 (Stack surrendered)
Ghaith Al Najjar 34,200
Barry Stephenson 33,700
David Roderick Dyson 31,800
Edward Stubbs 31,700
Aaron “Swog” Pointon 27,600
Danny Grogan 13,000
The payout structure & number of players paid is not available yet, but I'll try & get it before play starts later today.
GOOD LUCK ALL the SKY Players .......so SAD
See you in Manchester ....... or VEGA$$$$$$
NO CHANCE ...... he NEVER makes Day 2
GL @groggy , now that’s a spin up?!
The SPT has become a great tour for us from skypoker and thank-you all at sky over the years that have been involved in keeping it going
Evening all.
Sorry about the lack of a Live Update but I've only just become available.
The Final has just started and I think the only Sky regular is Palace Bloke @cpfc_2010 so I'll try & keep you updated on his progress. Not sure I can do a proper hand by hand update though, I'm desperately tired & t's absolutely freezing cold in here. Been sat in the cold for 10 hours & I can't feel my fingers.
Hopefully Palace Bloke will do the business.
Sky James busted in about 20th, & @coo1-um a little later, amazing effort by him. Will try & confirm those places later.
Thanks Sue, appreciate that. The cold in here has gone right through me & my tank is empty. I've had a wonderful 3 days though, been playing poker non-stop.
I guess you are happy enough with this afternoon's Liverpool result?
Too soon?
When I say it was cold in here, I really do mean cold. This photo was taken this afternoon by Nick Walsh of PokerStars & popped up on his Instagram or somesuch & someone sent it to me.