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Player numbers dwindling do sky actually care? (Everyone's away with the birds)



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited July 2023
    HUGHMANS said:

    Indeed an interesting thread. I would suggest most of the regs love this site for all its nuances. Out of interest TK, and to give some perspective if its open knowledge, how much profit does Sky Poker actually make? I would be surprised if its in 7 figs, 6 prob??

    Sky Poker is part of Flutter plc, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Stock Exchange rules are extremely strict, information such as that can only be released publicly under very strict conditions. If the info is already in the domain, that'd be fine, but I don't think it is, as I believe Sky Poker's results are shown within a wider group of SB&G Business Units.

    If anyone can find it in the published & audited Flutter plc Results, they are welcome to publish it.

    There was a previous incident where future plans of Sky Poker were first made publicly known on here, & it caused an awful hoohah. So I'm not going there.

  • SCOTFOXSCOTFOX Member Posts: 217
    If the numbers are down then i would guess that it would mainly be down to the cost of living, bills, and food prices etc. My daughter has a young family and her expenses have been going through the roof recently and i have never seen prices rise so quickly in my life! Smart people will adapt and cut back their spending on things such as gambling etc.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    TheWaddy said:

    Just to say i have offered my self exclusion from the forum a few times.... In my humble opinion, its the manner of the replies that are disappointing.

    Here Anglela124 expressed a disappointment in what she/he feels they are seeing and asked do the bigwigs care at all in what the customer thinks, as the feeling of many is the poker on Sky is no longer their priority.

    Kapowblamz is there with a confrontational post straight away. Did this thread merit that tone? I dont think it did. It then immediately it has the potential to turn into something Anglela certainly did not intend.

    Tikay says he had to remove some inappropriate posts. On this subject? Really??

    Have a differing opinion, but if its kept just as a debate, there really shouldnt be a problem.....

    Do you understand how self exclusion works?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    SCOTFOX said:

    If the numbers are down then i would guess that it would mainly be down to the cost of living, bills, and food prices etc. My daughter has a young family and her expenses have been going through the roof recently and i have never seen prices rise so quickly in my life! Smart people will adapt and cut back their spending on things such as gambling etc.


    Fair point.

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    Tikay10 said:

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.

    I do exactly this! I **** love it. I can sit and watch them for ages, it's like therapy.

    Unfortunately a neighbour cut down all their trees and that link seems to have depleted the birds big time. Seen much much less of them this year.

    God knows how you spend £25 a week tho. That's a lot of bird feed.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,409
    Tikay10 said:

    SCOTFOX said:

    If the numbers are down then i would guess that it would mainly be down to the cost of living, bills, and food prices etc. My daughter has a young family and her expenses have been going through the roof recently and i have never seen prices rise so quickly in my life! Smart people will adapt and cut back their spending on things such as gambling etc.


    Fair point.

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.

    What birds visit your garden Ostrich,Emu & Golden Eagle...
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    Tikay10 said:

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.

    I do exactly this! I **** love it. I can sit and watch them for ages, it's like therapy.

    It's EXACTLY that, so relaxing.

  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    A magpie comes and knocks on my side window sometimes, I nicknamed him Peter, the pest, I stick a slice of bread out for it. He no been here for a few weeks, I guess he is getting well fed in @Tikay10 garden haha.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    lucy4 said:

    Tikay10 said:

    SCOTFOX said:

    If the numbers are down then i would guess that it would mainly be down to the cost of living, bills, and food prices etc. My daughter has a young family and her expenses have been going through the roof recently and i have never seen prices rise so quickly in my life! Smart people will adapt and cut back their spending on things such as gambling etc.


    Fair point.

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.

    What birds visit your garden Ostrich,Emu & Golden Eagle...


    Nope, nothing exotic really, but it's the time of year when the youngsters are in the nest or have fled the nest but still need feeding, so the parents eat a great deal more than usual. Watching a parent bird feed it's young is awesome.

    Once the chicks are old enough, they disappear, I know not where, & so the amount of feed I need drops greatly.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,409
    edited July 2023
    Tikay10 said:

    lucy4 said:

    Tikay10 said:

    SCOTFOX said:

    If the numbers are down then i would guess that it would mainly be down to the cost of living, bills, and food prices etc. My daughter has a young family and her expenses have been going through the roof recently and i have never seen prices rise so quickly in my life! Smart people will adapt and cut back their spending on things such as gambling etc.


    Fair point.

    One of my luxuries in life is to feed wild birds in my garden, & then watch the comings & goings at various times throughout the day.

    I buy wild bird seed, peanuts, suet blocks, suet-filled half coconut shells & of course bread. This time last year it was costing me £25 per week, now it's just shy of £35 per week.

    I'm lucky, in that I can afford it but it must be tough for youngsters with families & a mortgage to have many "luxuries", be family holidays, gambling or whatever.

    There's an oft-repeated tale that "during hard times, gambling increases" but finding hard evidence to prove it is difficult. I'm not at all sure it's true, somehow in the current clime I fancy not.

    What birds visit your garden Ostrich,Emu & Golden Eagle...


    Nope, nothing exotic really, but it's the time of year when the youngsters are in the nest or have fled the nest but still need feeding, so the parents eat a great deal more than usual. Watching a parent bird feed it's young is awesome.

    Once the chicks are old enough, they disappear, I know not where, & so the amount of feed I need drops greatly.
    I've only got a Terrace garden but still get plenty of visitors and have birds nesting in the roof so watch the parents flying in and out feeding them. I have all the usual suspects visiting but my favourite is the European Goldfinch, a lovely looking bird. A pair visit not to feed but to drink.

    I also plant Sunflowers,I get the benefit of flowers in the Summer and let them go to seed after they've finished,so the birds have an extra natural seed supply during the Winter.

    **EDIT** I've also had a Great Spotted Woodpecker visit about a month ago but he/she hasn't been back since but another lovely looking bird.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    I can't begin to tell you how envious I am, that's a real beauty. Do you live in a rural or country area?
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    House sparrows pretty much have a monopoly on my bird feed. They're adorable. There's a couple of pigeons who sit around waiting for what the sparrows drop and a couple of magpies who pop in to cause a stir then **** off after eating nothing.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,409
    Tikay10 said:


    I can't begin to tell you how envious I am, that's a real beauty. Do you live in a rural or country area?

    No, Thurrock, which is on the Essex side of the Dartford Tunnel.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited July 2023

    House sparrows pretty much have a monopoly on my bird feed. They're adorable. There's a couple of pigeons who sit around waiting for what the sparrows drop and a couple of magpies who pop in to cause a stir then **** off after eating nothing.


    Sparrows are much much more interesting than most people think, & are the most sexually promiscuous bird in the UK if we exclude Mallards, which will basically **** anything whether it moves or not. Bit weird to see a sparrow feeding bang next door to a giant wood pigeon which is 20 times it's bulk, & yet showing no fear at all.

    I guess I ought to apologise for the greatest thread derail ever, though as the thread title includes Flutter I guess I have an out.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    lucy4 said:

    Tikay10 said:


    I can't begin to tell you how envious I am, that's a real beauty. Do you live in a rural or country area?

    No, Thurrock, which is on the Essex side of the Dartford Tunnel.

    Extraordinary. I was not even aware that European Goldfinches ever visited the UK.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    edited July 2023
    Tikay10 said:

    Bit weird to see a sparrow feeding bang next door to a giant wood pigeon which is 20 times it's bulk, & yet showing no fear at all.

    They're actually collared doves. I don't know if that makes much difference but they are super chilled out. They just sit around on the fence all day sometimes.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,518
    Out ma back door there is a big bush/tree, in spring all the wee stukies sit there so ah will put oot some bread for them, the weird thing is a big craw always comes down sits on the fence and chases the seaguls and magpies away to let the wee birds get the bread.
  • SCOTFOXSCOTFOX Member Posts: 217
    Are magpies vermin?
    Magpie numbers have tripled over the last three decades and are considered by many to be the vermin of the bird world, but even though they are not the most popular bird, you never know who might take umbrage with seeing them being shot. Magpies terrorize garden birds and will try and eat them and their eggs! Horrible creatures.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,282
    so i had forgot to buy bread so quickly popped to my local to buy a loath of bread. In front of me was an elderly women buying lottery tickets and then mentioned she would have to purchase her other stuff separately to get club points because no points are allowed for lottery tickets.

    Now this got me to thinking online gambling regulation in the UK still been developed could potentially ban all bonuses and incentives. This would make it incredibly difficult for UK players to compete in online poker against international pools. one way round this would be just reduce the rake for UK players but that would be complicated. Generally for all games but mtts I find once you reach a certain stake level no one or near no one is beating the game pre rakeback.

    Hence this would put a maximum stake on UK players. If sky stepped in and offered games with less rake should this happen they could capture the UK Market but I have little confidence of that happening.

    Just Sky been the only UK only Poker site that I know of they are uniquely positioned to tailor the site uniquely to the UK market. They should take advantage of that opportunity before someone else does.
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