Hi all, this is my 1st thread, so forgive me for any dullness it may have......or the frequent ramblings that may occur....OK all the 1st time nerve stuff dealt with , I will start my chatter....
I am no doubt not the only student who uses sky poker, and I am sure I'm NOT the only student who does anything and everything in their power to avoid starting doing any form of essay work or reading for class or exams alike.
BUT help needed here I think, as I am now finding myself doing sit and goes or quick speed games, 4 player heads up are a favorite of mine when in between classes and bounty hunters are a sure bonus for me when i know I have an essay due....ooooops I sure do hope my tutors don't play sky poker or no more extensions for smiler LOL
My hubby is great at getting me refocused when I am studying at home, as he is right there to nudge me in the right direction again, but when sat at Uni and I have a couple hours between class or lectures, and inside I know I SHOULD use this time to work on essays etc, but nope..... i do everything and anything apart from that written work.!!! ANYWAY MY POINT IS THIS, do you know of any GOOD ways to keep unfocused on sky poker when i should be studying!??!
LOL TRUST ME when i say its NOT an addiction to the game, its more an addiction to NOT doing my essays or reading any books to enable me to do them i the 1st place, I have even sat and placed my CD collection in alphabetical order or my books that I should be reading into order of size.... LOL!!!!!
ANYTHING other than start on the work I should be doing.
This is turning into a desperate time as I am approaching exams soon and then dissertation work starts after that, so come on,....let me know a GOOD way to keep focused on Uni work and then I can enjoy my games of poker when I play rather than be filled with guilt on each game. Even when I win a game I am still feeling guilty for playing OMG this is sooooooo bad LOL
So, 1st time nerves over with, I look forward to your replies and comments.....
Here's hoping I pass these up and coming exams or I will be seeking some financial gain from playing even more games here on Sky Poker to repay my student loans I got out. LOL.....
PLEASE dont reply with such things as " just stay focused or be more disciplined as I HAVE TRIED that too It always ends up with books opened but me sat else where on my lap top,...yep you guessed it,.....playing poker or fixing up my CD collection again hahahahah
Thanks in advance for your advice / replies/ comments....
You just have to be ridiculously disciplined with yourself considering exams are coming up, make yourself work and dont let yourself go anywhere near poker or do anything else until you have done some work.
You say your husband helps to refocus you... just imagine him there telling you to work lol.
Good luck with your exams and good luck at the tables x
During my last year at Uni, I started using the "Cool Off" button, (Click on My Account, then Stop Betting, if I remember right) which only lasts 24 hours at a time, but gives you a full day of revision / work, poker-free.
Maybe worth a try?
I would recommend reverting to good old fashioned pad and paper...you can't get onto the poker sites at campus...trust me i tried every workaround i could think of when i was at uni )
It's all about diversionary tactics, the fact is that you don't want to read those dafty books at uni so wait til you get home...I recon a when you have a couple of hours between lectures then play if you feel like it!! Leave the revision until you get home...you need to have fun sometimes!!!
Don't give yourself too hard a time, if you have focus at home then surely that is the best place to do your uni work??
Good luck whatever you decide!!!
So do you....When WEBBY's around!!!!!!
excellent one irene !
self discipline is the key to me passing this degree i think.
your poker & probably study will improve because of it )
I aint been playing very long and only really play regular when i have uni work due, so i dont have that big a game to play really, but luck seems to be on my sode today, WOW IM SO SMILEY sat here now, ok ok ok i know its JUST a couple quid, not that big a prize BUT I dont usualy win many games, never mid sit on a final table facing a player with 48000 chips against my 3,345 LOL I ACTUALLY knocked out folk with 20 thou plus, and sat there with 3 thous chips.... as u may guess my hubby was shocked too, Proud as punch though but still shocked that the type of game i play had got this far....
So as he sat playing on poker stars, i popped onto sky poker and im SOOOOOO happy that I did today,.... as for study that will be done during the next few days, after all it IS MEANT to be Easter break! LOL
Thank you ALL for posting on here, I look forward to reading more stuff from you all...........
Of to sneak a peak at what my hubby bought me for easter LOL
I took that advice and won a game WOW WOW WOW!!!