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Who won what, Monday 18th November. wigglytuff switches to MTT's, & PAPABURG dips into the FTJ kitty

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    This day last year

    "Quite a thin night, with bits & bobs of overlay to be seen. The Main barely covered guarantee, & was only 4% up y-o-y. Summit did better though, making £4,700, a handsome 27% up on the pre-guarantee number last year, which missed by £300.

    We'll start today with @ozzieowen who has a spectacular session. No less than 4 1st places - 9 @ 9, Reload, MidEx & a £300 BH, plus 2nd in Turbo & 3rd in the Mini. For all round performance, Nights don't come much better than that. Been here since March 2007 - just a month after Sky Poker launched - so is in his 17th year here. Based on Sharky stats, has a 28% ROI at an ABI of £17 over a 18,000 game sample size. Can't knock that, though I doubt he's ever had a better all-round session. In the MidEx, one of his opponents wrote this...

    "bingo monkeys making bad calls and catching 3 outers"

    It was not directed at Ozzie but only in poker do players think it makes sense to criticise others for playing poorly. I'm pretty sure I'll never begin to understand the thinking when people say stuff like that, & yet we see it every single night. In poker, there is not much sadder than a bad loser.

    Anyway, congrats to @ozzieowen who seems like a good guy from his table chat.

    There was another very pleasing result, @Dewi-cool who won Summit. He firstly won a £5.20 sat, then a £24 sat, then Summit itself, & that's all he played last night. He's even older than me I think, & has been a stalwart of APAT since Day One. I confess, he's been a pal of mine for the best part of 20 years though I've sort of lost touch recently. To win Summit at his age, going right through the sats, is quite something, & he had to fend off two very good players in @newdaddy & @chrisdonkb. So so pleased for him. He's a very proud Welshman incidentally, & 100% fluent in the Welsh language. llongyfarchiadau Dewi.

    Elsewhere, we had a small FTJ - the 4th in 9 days I think - as @Upswing got 2nd & 6th in Main & Mini.

    In the Main, @echoman came 1st, the 2nd time he's done so recently. Here's what I wrote last time, which was 16th October;

    Bit of a surprise in the Main as @echoman takes 1st place. No previous form that I can find, though did run 5th in a Gold Rush Main 5 months ago.

    He one-tabled on both occasions too. We all get our poker kicks in different ways, eh? I could never 1-table to save my life, though conversely, I LOVE Live poker where it's all 1-tabling.

    @PKRPar won the Mini. He's not the force he used to be, he has a glittering resume, including all the big stuff & several UKOPS wins, but clearly he has retained a modicum of ability if he can still take down a Mini.

    I'm way over my allocated time, so that'll have to do for today."
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522


    Bit of an odd night for MTT traffic. The early stuff - including Main & Mini - all did OK, but as the evening wore on the overlay started to pile up. It eventually totted up to £892, with the culprits being Mega, Sheriff, Reload, Turbo, Quickdraw & MidEx. In fact, with the exception of 9 @ 9, everything from Mega onwards missed. Maybe everyone fancied an early night.

    Quite a strange outcome to the Main, with @wigglytuff getting the win. Made the FT of a little UKOPS last week but not much else I can see. Thing is, 60% of their play is in cash games, & ~39% in DYM's, but barely any MTT's, just 240 of their 4,000+ games in their 3 years here have been MTT's. Even more remarkably, given all that, is that he suddenly decided to play at least 8 MTT's last night & made the FT of 3 of them - 1st in the Main, 6th in Mega & 2nd in Turbo. Well done Wiggly Bloke. Runner-up in the Main was @millys & thereby hangs a sad story. Two players spent over an hour giving @millys dog's abuse because, in their opinion, @millys was a) a bad player & b) getting lucky. (In fact @millys is a much better player than both of them). It's just horrible to see. Get busted, perhaps unluckily, 6 tables out & then stay on the Rail for the next 2 hours ant-railing & abusing them. Meanwhile, @millys never said a word. The world of poker is inhabited by some weird &, frankly, unpleasant individuals. Only a minority, most are fine, but that minority need to have a word with themselves. Meh.

    Man of the moment @PAPABURG won the Mini, & as he was 5th in the Main, Sky Poker had to pay out more FTJ money, £500 this time. That's two nights on the bounce there's been an FTJ. @PAPABURG was one of several players who had multi-cashes last night, as if 5th in Main & 1st in Mini, plus £500 FTJ were not enough, he ran 3rd in Mega too.

    On which note, if you read "This day last year" you'll see that @ozzieowen had FOUR wins that night. Well he never managed it last night, but he did complete an unusual 3 day hat-trick of wins - Mega on Saturday, Mini Major on Sunday, Sheriff last night.

    @Fabraclass is not doing to badly either, 4 wins in the last 7 nights - Main, Quickdraw, MidEx & then, last night, 9 @ 9.

    Was delighted - & much surprised - to see @mmmchips win 7 @ 7. He's a DYM player really, but I confess he's a mate from my G-Luton days, & a great bloke.

    The £800 BH went to @Des1977Des who does not get in the featured MTT winner's enclosure very often but seems to do rather well at small stakes stuff. 2nd was football expert @Asho28.

    A big thread welcome to @littlefred who only joined us two months ago & secured their maiden win last night, taking the Rebuy BH.

    @TIMBER who I shared a table with somewhere recently (DTD?) won Turbo. One of Stoke's finest, though to be fair that's a low bar.

    No surprise to see @destinycod is the first player to win two seats to SPT Brighton. The other seat went to @catman666. I wonder if it's "the" Catman who used to frequent the Live scene with CatGirl back in the early 2000's? Yikes, anyone remember them?

    On that note, think I may have exceeded your tolerance levels today, so I'll leave it at that.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£1,020)

    204 entries

    @Des1977Des 408000 1 £136.99 + £88.99 Head Prizes 20

    @Asho28 0 2 £81.75 + £28.14 Head Prizes 9

    @goldmonkey 0 3 £48.76 + £6.10 Head Prizes 3

    @squeak13 0 4 £38.35 + £15.23 Head Prizes 6

    @fizzer615 0 5 £32.64 + £19.69 Head Prizes 6

    @hammer53 0 6 £27.34 + £4.85 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£861)

    123 entries

    @mmmchips 246000 1 £120.32 + £64.30 Head Prizes 7

    @Pfanth 0 2 £73.40 + £27.20 Head Prizes 5

    @Bongmong 0 3 £45.20 + £41.55 Head Prizes 11

    @THEHOFF07 0 4 £36.38 + £17.14 Head Prizes 4

    @midnitejok 0 5 £31 + £13.29 Head Prizes 4

    @tarmac1001 0 6 £26.69 + £10.91 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,345)

    119 entries 88 rebuys 62 addons

    @littlefred 662000 1 £187.96 + £80.83 Head Prizes 6

    @Richie_L 0 2 £114.66 + £31.88 Head Prizes 3

    @Lc1977 0 3 £70.61 + £64.87 Head Prizes 8

    @Hod4k997 0 4 £56.83 + £54.60 Head Prizes 9

    @Jeni82 0 5 £48.42 + £54.02 Head Prizes 12

    @bakersdoze 0 6 £41.70 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £33 entry £4,000 Marksman Bounty Hunter (£4,290)

    123 entries 20 rebuys

    @wigglytuff 715000 1 £599.53 + £213.76 Head Prizes 4

    @millys 0 2 £365.72 + £236.54 Head Prizes 14

    @DUTCHESS62 0 3 £225.22 + £83.59 Head Prizes 4

    @bigfatfish 0 4 £181.25 + £40.43 Head Prizes 3

    @PAPABURG 0 5 £154.44 + £71.77 Head Prizes 4

    @Fabraclass 0 6 £132.99 + £82.09 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £5.50 entry £1,250 Mini Marksman (£1,250)

    250 entries

    @PAPABURG 500000 1 £165.62 + £59.88 Head Prizes 10

    @mags81 0 2 £98.75 + £45.26 Head Prizes 13

    @jawzindawz 0 3 £59.38 + £33.53 Head Prizes 9

    @leeconman 0 4 £46.88 + £13.60 Head Prizes 5

    @bongo69 0 5 £39.69 + £10.57 Head Prizes 4

    @Bujczyk 0 6 £33.12 + £5.03 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)

    41 entries, £180 overlay

    @sccmt208 410000 1 £218.30 + £139.38 Head Prizes 9

    @utang 0 2 £129.80 + £55.44 Head Prizes 5

    @PAPABURG 0 3 £88.50 + £29.06 Head Prizes 3

    @HanoAA 0 4 £64.90 + £32.34 Head Prizes 4

    @loololollo 0 5 £47.20 + £31.88 Head Prizes 4

    @wigglytuff 0 6 £41.30 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,000)

    15 entries, 3 rebuys, £100 overlay

    @ozzieowen 90000 1 £275 + £194.52 Head Prizes 5

    @Steed432 0 2 £165 + £52.74 Head Prizes 2

    @NChanning 0 3 £110 + £24.61 Head Prizes 1

    @destinycod 0 4 £42.19 Head Prizes 2

    @BONGO87 0 5 £23.44 Head Prizes 1

    @chkngeorge 0 6 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£855)

    85 entries

    @Fabraclass 285000 1 £121.84 + £83.67 Head Prizes 8

    @billtackle 0 2 £75.24 + £32.75 Head Prizes 6

    @Waldo10 0 3 £46.60 + £20.26 Head Prizes 5

    @MynaFrett 0 4 £37.62 + £22.23 Head Prizes 4

    @Middz68 0 5 £31.42 + £23.01 Head Prizes 6

    @MAGPIETYKE 0 6 £26.50 + £24.06 Head Prizes 6
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,500)

    188 entries, 168 rebuys, 130 addons, £42 overlay

    @elvisg1972 1362000 1 £208.17 + £101.28 Head Prizes 13

    @Qazaasa 0 2 £125.67 + £64.83 Head Prizes 12

    @paul1989 0 3 £75.94 + £20.86 Head Prizes 7

    @TURN_IT_IN 0 4 £59.75 + £28.96 Head Prizes 7

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £50.89 + £30.45 Head Prizes 9

    @Shazza69 0 6 £42.41 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,000)

    27 entries, 3 rebuys, £100 overlay

    @TIMBER 150000 1 £275 + £216.56 Head Prizes 10

    @wigglytuff 0 2 £165 + £45.01 Head Prizes 3

    @3121 0 3 £110 + £14.06 Head Prizes 1

    @Ironpump1 0 4 £22.50 Head Prizes 2

    @Hod4k997 0 5 £22.50 Head Prizes 2

    @MikeyW94 0 6 £36.56 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,000)

    18 entries 10 rebuys 12 addons, £200 overlay

    @loololollo 104000 1 £300 + £212.49 Head Prizes 6

    @anjie1970 0 2 £180 + £86.26 Head Prizes 6

    @Woebegone 0 3 £120 0

    @utang 0 4 £15 Head Prizes 1

    @destinycod 0 5 £15 Head Prizes 2

    @Steed432 0 6 £7.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£800)

    27 entries, £260 overlay

    @THETANK 81000 1 £265 + £70.96 Head Prizes 3

    @alandutch 0 2 £159 + £61.10 Head Prizes 6

    @GrumpusLOL 0 3 £106 + £19.34 Head Prizes 2

    @Hod4k997 0 4 £24.38 Head Prizes 3

    @Brick123 0 5 £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @ozzieowen 0 6 £17.34 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£280)

    56 entries

    @skicowboys 168000 1 £51.80 + £23.49 Head Prizes 4

    @Enut 0 2 £30.80 + £14.60 Head Prizes 6

    @ScottyKaye 0 3 £21 + £10.58 Head Prizes 4

    @Dynesy 0 4 £15.40 + £7.76 Head Prizes 3

    @leisure111 0 5 £11.20 + £4.22 Head Prizes 2

    @Histo 0 6 £9.80 + £10.44 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (667 entries)

    Top 20

    @POOLMAN529 1334000 1 £100

    @AcePpayme 0 2 £60

    @MynaFrett 0 3 £60

    @DONN001 0 4 £40

    @Cliodhna1 0 5 £40

    @livylou18 0 6 £30

    @minxii 0 7 £30
    @joshyj 0 8 £30
    @spursx1 0 9 £30
    @ovg 0 10 £20
    @ReaperA 0 11 £20
    @Hopelessl 0 12 £20
    @DEBBIE222 0 13 £20
    @yazzy16 0 14 £20
    @Paulp 0 15 £20
    @chico383 0 16 £20
    @The_hedge 0 17 £20
    @stevenN17 0 18 £20
    @Jessieak 0 19 £20
    @weecheez1 0 20 £10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    Sunday Major Freeroll (164 entries)

    @spwebb 172145 1 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @MISTY4ME 104466 2 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @Elliott888 51389 3 £10,000 Sunday Major

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522

    SPT Mystery Bounty Semi (9 entries)

    @Catman666 14878.75 1 SPT Mystery Bounty Seat

    @destinycod 12121.25 2 SPT Mystery Bounty Seat

    @Alpha777 0 3
    @TommyD 0 4
    @JamesPond1 0 5
    @HANSON 0 6
    @ubeenpwned 0 7
    @JokerPkr 0 8
    @scuba61 0 9
  • PAPABURGPAPABURG Member Posts: 40
    Tikay10 said:


    Bit of an odd night for MTT traffic. The early stuff - including Main & Mini - all did OK, but as the evening wore on the overlay started to pile up. It eventually totted up to £892, with the culprits being Mega, Sheriff, Reload, Turbo, Quickdraw & MidEx. In fact, with the exception of 9 @ 9, everything from Mega onwards missed. Maybe everyone fancied an early night.

    Quite a strange outcome to the Main, with @wigglytuff getting the win. Made the FT of a little UKOPS last week but not much else I can see. Thing is, 60% of their play is in cash games, & ~39% in DYM's, but barely any MTT's, just 240 of their 4,000+ games in their 3 years here have been MTT's. Even more remarkably, given all that, is that he suddenly decided to play at least 8 MTT's last night & made the FT of 3 of them - 1st in the Main, 6th in Mega & 2nd in Turbo. Well done Wiggly Bloke. Runner-up in the Main was @millys & thereby hangs a sad story. Two players spent over an hour giving @millys dog's abuse because, in their opinion, @millys was a) a bad player & b) getting lucky. (In fact @millys is a much better player than both of them). It's just horrible to see. Get busted, perhaps unluckily, 6 tables out & then stay on the Rail for the next 2 hours ant-railing & abusing them. Meanwhile, @millys never said a word. The world of poker is inhabited by some weird &, frankly, unpleasant individuals. Only a minority, most are fine, but that minority need to have a word with themselves. Meh.

    Man of the moment @PAPABURG won the Mini, & as he was 5th in the Main, Sky Poker had to pay out more FTJ money, £500 this time. That's two nights on the bounce there's been an FTJ. @PAPABURG was one of several players who had multi-cashes last night, as if 5th in Main & 1st in Mini, plus £500 FTJ were not enough, he ran 3rd in Mega too.

    On which note, if you read "This day last year" you'll see that @ozzieowen had FOUR wins that night. Well he never managed it last night, but he did complete an unusual 3 day hat-trick of wins - Mega on Saturday, Mini Major on Sunday, Sheriff last night.

    @Fabraclass is not doing to badly either, 4 wins in the last 7 nights - Main, Quickdraw, MidEx & then, last night, 9 @ 9.

    Was delighted - & much surprised - to see @mmmchips win 7 @ 7. He's a DYM player really, but I confess he's a mate from my G-Luton days, & a great bloke.

    The £800 BH went to @Des1977Des who does not get in the featured MTT winner's enclosure very often but seems to do rather well at small stakes stuff. 2nd was football expert @Asho28.

    A big thread welcome to @littlefred who only joined us two months ago & secured their maiden win last night, taking the Rebuy BH.

    @TIMBER who I shared a table with somewhere recently (DTD?) won Turbo. One of Stoke's finest, though to be fair that's a low bar.

    No surprise to see @destinycod is the first player to win two seats to SPT Brighton. The other seat went to @catman666. I wonder if it's "the" Catman who used to frequent the Live scene with CatGirl back in the early 2000's? Yikes, anyone remember them?

    On that note, think I may have exceeded your tolerance levels today, so I'll leave it at that.

    Thanks @Tikay10

    Well done to @millys and @wigglytuff (who I’ve liked seeing play of late)

    I have to be honest it that (Millys had position on me) played ultra aggressively which gave me some head in hand moments, and some momentary frustration! But everyone is entitled to play in their own style; (some players are tight, some are aggressive as an example). Different styles make the game and it made me adjust to wait for the right moment, which I did (QQ v A4 pre).

    So although Millys prevented me perhaps getting a better FTJ result with a nasty one pre flop I see no reason to rail thereafter and give abuse. It is what it is and 8.5 times out of 10 I’d have won the race. This wasn’t that time.

    So whilst I had a couple of moments of frustration I congratulate him on a good result.
  • PAPABURGPAPABURG Member Posts: 40
    Edit 7 out of 10
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