JV is a prime example of someone who creates problems in order to make videos. He is the very definition of an entitled cyclist. In every video I've seen of his he could quite easily have made it into a non issue.
The first one for example, the van comes past him and then indicates left, it's quite obvious that the van intends to turn left, any cyclist with half a brain simply eases on the brakes and gives the van enough room to make the turn, not JV, he simply carries on because he 'has priority'. It's the sort of thing that could get him seriously injured or killed, it would be the van driver's fault, technically, but something easily avoided by JV.
If you're a good driver, or cyclist, your aim is to fix other people's mistakes and make them into non issues, not do what JV does.
The first one for example, the van comes past him and then indicates left, it's quite obvious that the van intends to turn left, any cyclist with half a brain simply eases on the brakes and gives the van enough room to make the turn, not JV, he simply carries on because he 'has priority'. It's the sort of thing that could get him seriously injured or killed, it would be the van driver's fault, technically, but something easily avoided by JV.
If you're a good driver, or cyclist, your aim is to fix other people's mistakes and make them into non issues, not do what JV does.
.or Gone in a FLUSH !