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idea to get players to stay with sky poker

oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
edited May 2010 in Community Suggestions
It seems to me that a lot of players start with a small bankroll and try to build it up enough to go up the stakes

Sky make more profit from higher stakes players and bigger tournies

It is in Sky's interests to have players with a half decent bankroll

Players that find it easy enough to build a bankroll, will stay on the site

A large proportion of new players see double your money games as the best way to try and build a bankroll

Sky charge 25p rake for a 2 quid dym, and 15p for the 1 quid game

This state of affairs is IMO extremely bad for the site

If the simple step was taken to significantly lower the rake at these levels, it is my belief that a lot more players would stay here and grow to become higher stakes players



  • BADBOY985BADBOY985 Member Posts: 1,957
    edited April 2010
    i voted yes as i think the rake on dyms below a fiver is a total rip off. but someone has to loose. so probably reducing the rake will encourage more people to play but i think its the nature of the online poker player to blame the sight for there losses so you are always going to get a turnover of players especialy when you take those who only join for the free stuff and move on when its gone.
    imo the best way to grow the sight is to ensure its reliable and with stonger and quicker policing of unaceptable behavior at the tables.
    sorry final point the last option in the poll probably stops people reading and comenting on you very good point.
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited April 2010
    Hello my fellow flopwit stupid nutter friend of mine ive voted YES and i want to hunt down and then shoot on site the 1 who voted SHUT UP YOU FLOPPIN NUTTER.I think it is in the interest of us players to solve this as he/she obviously needs to face a firing squad.All the best my friend dav.
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited April 2010
      my  ol mate  oynutter,    I voted YES,   although I don't usually get involved with polls because the so called 'suites' just stick their fingers up at em anyways.... 
     Ive said before, It's their ball and they can play whatever games they like ...
    The small game charges are higher because that's where
    the quick turnover is ..1 00 +15   ..2 00 +25
    Bigger games = slower turnover .. 

     Sky in general offer bad value for punters, you only have to compare   the sports betting (sometimes nearly 120% over round) to other sites like 'bet365 and Ladbrokes ....

    One other thing, what ever happened to the 'down-loadable site' as promised nearly 2 years ago, all the 'wait and see' 'shortly'... or the classic 'we'll get back to you on that'............
    (as in player points)

    It was never happening , but this is where The Head  Office chiefs either got it wrong or they
     were misguided, Had they  have gotten the down-loadable software 2 years ago they would now be in a position  to ride out the next recession that will surely come  after the coming  election ..

    While the Skypoker site,  only offers 6 seater quickies, as  the main attraction, it's only ever going to be  a fun site nothing more nothing  less but then that's possibly why it  charges extra for the rake on small games, it's more fun for them .....  mind you , these days I quite enjoy a quickie myself !!  

    glk benny

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    nice one Benny--thing is, this 10% extra rake charge means that it is far easier to build a bankroll on every other site out there!---surely a site that wants loyal customers should address this issue
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: idea too get players to stay with sky poker:
    nice one Benny--thing is, this 10% extra rake charge means that it is far easier to build a bankroll on every other site out there!---surely a site that wants loyal customers should address this issue
    Posted by oynutter
    Some more extra's in the MTT section tonight !!
    £50 BH ScaryHoldemNL£5.75121 Apr 21:50
    £5k B/Hunter SemiHoldemNL£4.802021 Apr 22:00
    Bounty HunterHoldemNL£2.30121 Apr 22:05
    and in the Sit n Go section
    Double Your MoneyHoldemNL£1.151/65 players needed
     Double Your MoneyHoldemNL£2.251/65 players needed
    It leads people to  think desperate times need  desperate measure... like  running a  'yellow  bingo flyer' across this poker site tonight

    Think  about this one ...
    Banks tell you to allow 3-5 days for monies to arrive in your account ..
    However  Companies tell you monies have been  cleared from their account to yours on  day one, it's up to the Banks to credit your account .. So the Banks  are making use of your money in the trading markets for 2-4 days before it hits your account .. 

    Also all these online gaming companies, how much money are they holding in 'bankrolls' of players and  gamblers..
    If every  gambler and poker player, withdrew their money  after each session, and only deposited when they  were ready to play  again ???    Now that  would  be funny ......

    Stretcher bearer for the 'suites' please ... elo .......medics

  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited April 2010

    a few weeks ago i was messin around on omaha (all in everyhand).
    was playin a guy who i have never seen befor and i dont think i will see him again, i found out that f/tilt has a rake cap of $0.50 and i think skys is a massive cap of £1.70 (i think) i would love to see rake reduced to £1 max for cash and 10% for all mtt/stt well upto £100 buyin mtt/stt then i think it should be lower.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    25p for a 2 quid sit n go is flopwit stupid!!! It's just a blatant rip-off---If sky are openly ripping off the players at this level, how do they expect to gain loyal customers

    Come on sky --- come on here and try to defend this stupid charge--It makes no sense whatsoever, and in fact, it says--"hi new customer, welcome to sky, we are here to rip you off, ner ner na ner ner----byeeee

    off to play on virgin now---maximum rake is 10%
  • Spike2120Spike2120 Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2010
    I agree in perhaps smaller rakes for smaller stakes would be more beneficial cause Sky would still get a rake from the smaller games but obviously the profit to the player would be greater even by a small margin, this overtime will build up to a lot more profit and consistent winners will move up faster and then be playing the higher stakes where Sky can make the more money

    Great suggestion oynutter
  • BULLBULL Member Posts: 55
    edited April 2010

    TOTALLY AGREED!!! sky poker's rake is one of the most exspensive may even the the top 1, %10 is fine loyal player's will stay but like u say why loose so much in rake .. i come and go on this site just to ballance the BR" im not by no means a high roller' but even for us mear mortals lol "CHEAP means CHEAP....  u never no sky may see the light and give a bit back xD..

  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2010
    In Response to idea to get players to stay with sky poker:
    It seems to me that a lot of players start with a small bankroll and try to build it up enough to go up the stakes Sky make more profit from higher stakes players and bigger tournies It is in Sky's interests to have players with a half decent bankroll Players that find it easy enough to build a bankroll, will stay on the site A large proportion of new players see double your money games as the best way to try and build a bankroll Sky charge 25p rake for a 2 quid dym, and 15p for the 1 quid game This state of affairs is IMO extremely bad for the site If the simple step was taken to significantly lower the rake at these levels, it is my belief that a lot more players would stay here and grow to become higher stakes players                     GOOD FOR SKY AND GOOD FOR EVERYONE---WHATCHA RECKON?
    Posted by oynutter
    outstanding post nutter but methinks concrete and mixer will be the flopwit end result,glad to see some1 fighting for the lower end bankroll players.i know other sites cater far better for small stake players and have better promos etc!lets hope something comes out of the mixer this time lol
  • Dud_ButiniDud_Butini Member Posts: 347
    edited April 2010
    Agree absolutely 100% with this.

    Hope it gets properly considered.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    well -- its been here for a week---looks like it's getting properly ignored to me

    come on sky suity type peepies-- A response would be appreciated-- sky bernie?
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    the 30p dym game has a 5p rake, so sky can easily afford to run games with this rake-- I say give small stakes players a proper chance to build a bank roll !-- I think this would be good for the whole site and good for sky in the long term

    seems to me that sky are relying on the constant stream of new players from the telly to sustain the site

    loyalty is far more valuable in the long term-- this site will not grow without loyal players that stay because of value for money at the tables

    Lisa marie, Tikay and sky Rich ect, are great attractions-- but if it's easier to build a bank roll on every other site out there-- then people will play on them--- why would anyone try to build a bank roll on a site that is blatantly ripping them off on the rake?---simples!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2010

    Personally I think the STT and MTT rake shouldn't go above 10%. Though it's true that the low buy-in DYMs are fairly soft, any solid player should be able to show a positive ROI there, even at the current rake levels.

    IMO the worst value rake on the site is at the £5.00 + 75p and £2.00 + 30p Bounty Hunter MTTs. It's a shame because they're great tournaments and fun to play.

    At a £1.00 table the difference between 10p and 15p might not really make any difference to passing newbies, unlike other busier sites Sky Poker have got a TV channel to pay for, they need to get the rake in somewhere. I voted more research needed.

  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: idea to get players to stay with sky poker:
    well -- its been here for a week---looks like it's getting properly ignored to me come on sky suity type peepies-- A response would be appreciated-- sky bernie?
    Posted by oynutter
    how can we get this properly considered as it is being ignored in my po onion!oi nutter did you send the men in black a copy of your ideas?
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited April 2010
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your posts.

    This thread isn't being ignored at all. We are keeping an eye on it and are monitoring the responses.

    The thing is, this has been brought up before and we (in particular Sky Bernie) have addressed the issue and responded to similar ideas/threads.

    Having said that, all threads and customer suggestions do deserve a response so i'll send it over to the guys again.

    all the best to you all.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    Cheers Rich-- Thing is--I really think this site could be the best site on the net--- With the community, and with the tv coverage, and with lisa's barely coverage, this site should be growing fast-- But it isn't

     If Sky reduced the low stakes rake to 9%, it could then advertise that it is the best site in the world for new players

    Something has to be done, surely this is worth a try

    I think players would be far less worried about entering bigger tournies if they thought they could easily rebuild thier bankroll

    Personally, I find it easier to build a roll on another site, then transfer the money to sky when I want to play here

    I was completely loyal to sky before, and would be again if it was as easy to build a roll here as it is elsewhere

    I don't even like the other site, but the low stakes rake is a lot lower, so it is much easier to build a roll there and transfer it to here when I want to play a tournie or two

    I really think that if this issue was addressed, then every single player would benefit and in turn so would sky

    Loyalty is far more profitable than passing trade-----innit !
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: idea to get players to stay with sky poker:
    Cheers Rich-- Thing is--I really think this site could be the best site on the net--- With the community, and with the tv coverage, and with lisa's barely coverage, this site should be growing fast-- But it isn't  If Sky reduced the low stakes rake to 9%, it could then advertise that it is the best site in the world for new players Something has to be done, surely this is worth a try I think players would be far less worried about entering bigger tournies if they thought they could easily rebuild thier bankroll Personally, I find it easier to build a roll on another site, then transfer the money to sky when I want to play here I was completely loyal to sky before, and would be again if it was as easy to build a roll here as it is elsewhere I don't even like the other site, but the low stakes rake is a lot lower, so it is much easier to build a roll there and transfer it to here when I want to play a tournie or two I really think that if this issue was addressed, then every single player would benefit and in turn so would sky Loyalty is far more profitable than passing trade-----innit !
    Posted by oynutter
    Hi Mr Nutter,

    I'm not sure what source you used for that, but it's incorrect. Sky Poker IS growing fast.

    I expect you are already aware, but I did take some time to write to you at length earlier this afternoon.

    Hope you are well, & it's good to hear of your fondness for Sky Poker, albeit with some understandable caveats.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2010
    Hi Tikay, I see the player numbers here every day, and I fail to see how you can say the site is growing fast-- you have said several times that the site is growing fast, but there is no evidence that this is the case. The guarantee on nearly every tournie has been reduced. Players seated at the tables is the source I used. These numbers are down, even when seasonally adjusted,

    will respond to your pm later
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: idea to get players to stay with sky poker:
    Hi Tikay, I see the player numbers here every day, and I fail to see how you can say the site is growing fast-- you have said several times that the site is growing fast, but there is no evidence that this is the case. The guarantee on nearly every tournie has been reduced. Players seated at the tables is the source I used. These numbers are down, even when seasonally adjusted, will respond to your pm later
    Posted by oynutter
    Thanks Nutter.

    I stated it as a fact, not an opinion. And even seasonally adjusted, the numbers are up. 

    I fear we will not agree on this, but I can only state what are hard facts. I just happen to think that if facts are stated, as they were by you in this Thread, they should at least be accurate.

    Perhaps we should agree to differ. But we can still have a hug if you wish.
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