after a losing run of about 8 days ( with a few days off inbetween) i am feelin confident of turning it around as the end of the month gets closer - just got to re-focus as i start a new session and not play to many MTT,s
starting BR - £27
starting day with £56, although was up to nearly £200 at one point
I may have got a bit excited and 'accidently' jumped a few levels to £11 DYMs.. it would seem that this was not the way forward £94.30 from £100 *sigh* Onwards and upwards!! Posted by LML
Been playing a lot of different games over the week but not quite getting that extra little bit of luck to cash big ATM.
I have just cashed in a B/H 12th/120 and finished a very credible 5th/52 in the tikay deepstack the other night. If it wasnt for these two results and another couple of minor cashes, I think I could well be looking at a minus figure. I need to focus over the week end and the upcoming last week or I will consider my challenge a failure
Haven't been playing loads recently due to uni exam revision.
I kinda changed my BR challenge halfway thorugh due to getting fed up of DYM's ! I restarted it on £50 and up £9.60 to £59.60, only single tabling so progress is fairly slow lol.
Got slaughtered yesterday for most of the night, blew a great position in the 9pm 1k, a few ridiC decisions/shoves on cash, my fave was shoving with 9 high on the turn as I had my oppo on a draw, yup he had a draw, and wudnt fold it, his jack high beat my 9 high for £150 on 20p/40p lol.
**** the star!!
Turned to some heads up to get me out of jail after midnight - played an Irish fella, who said he was busy studying form, and the 3 buy ins I took from him are nothing compared to what he bets on each race.
He gave me 'Johannas - 3.40 York' - 5/1 joint favourite.
Anway from being -180 I ended - 34
1,070.20 - 34 = 1,036.20
3 losing sessions in a week - wont look bak at it as one of my best!!
Haven't been playing loads recently due to uni exam revision. I kinda changed my BR challenge halfway thorugh due to getting fed up of DYM's ! I restarted it on £50 and up £9.60 to £59.60, only single tabling so progress is fairly slow lol. Posted by Dudeskin8
Yep. DYM's can be hard to maintain focus and stick to the 'strategy' plus I am only one tabling and two tabling every now and then as I find it keeps me more interested and stops me making stupid moves!
Win a few £ on 4&8 cash tbls get bored move to mtt then lose lol, dwn £16.60 for the wk. BR now a pitiful £52.20. WD to everyone who have hit targets and dont give up to everyone else, not too late to turn it round guys !
Main BR Challenege: After losing half of my profit this month I've managed to claw it back, mainly through a good run on Omaha Hi/Lo.
Main BR Currently: 1408.89, profit of 904.89
TV Tart Bankroll
Sadly my social life seems to have been revived this month and I have been unable to play much on a Saturday night. However, I squeezed in an hour's play and managed to turn around this bankroll a little and move into the black.
not a bad few days won a bit on cash & just cashed £17-50 in super 6 freeroll my 1st tourney cash for a while as for me Bankroll Challenge Started with £150-00 & is currently £184-44 Posted by DTWBANDIT
after a good day yesterday & not a bad morning on cash my bankroll is now £221-04
Start BR - £17.09, had bad start losing £1.05 to outdraw, but pulled it back flopping a set against two players with same hand that i beat making £3.07 .
Had a good few days on the £30 dym just a shame i got kicked from the vlv semi today after getting an A K 3 flop and i was holding AK and a guy calls my all in with QQ and hits a Q on the river but hay ho thats poker.
In Response to Re: ORFORD'S MAY BANKROLL CHALLENGE- POST YOUR UPDATES HERE : start 50 up 95 br stands @ 145 played baby cash hi/lo omaha tonight great fun ! Posted by IRISHROVER
start 50
up 106
br stands @ 156
played toddler cash tonight won a buy in and a bit
starting BR - £27
starting day with £56, although was up to nearly £200 at one point
I am holding steady on £110 off my £100. So 10% up on my new challenge. But of course aiming to improve...
Not a good update but an honest one!
Been playing a lot of different games over the week but not quite getting that extra little bit of luck to cash big ATM.
I have just cashed in a B/H 12th/120 and finished a very credible 5th/52 in the tikay deepstack the other night. If it wasnt for these two results and another couple of minor cashes, I think I could well be looking at a minus figure. I need to focus over the week end and the upcoming last week or I will consider my challenge a failure
Been a bit stagnant the past week, only result of note was a top 20 in the Open (got in on a satellite). So my (mini)roll currently stands at....
Must try harder and sort out my DYM game....
I kinda changed my BR challenge halfway thorugh due to getting fed up of DYM's ! I restarted it on £50 and up £9.60 to £59.60, only single tabling so progress is fairly slow lol.
not a bad few days won a bit on cash & just cashed £17-50 in super 6 freeroll my 1st tourney cash for a while as for me Bankroll Challenge
Started with £150-00 & is currently £184-44
after a good day yesterday & not a bad morning on cash my bankroll is now £221-04
Start BR - £17.09, had bad start losing £1.05 to outdraw, but pulled it back flopping a set against two players with same hand that i beat making £3.07
you can do this guys!
please patience is a virtue.
CURRENT BR = £562.72
PROFIT = +£512.72
start 50up 106
br stands @ 156
played toddler cash tonight won a buy in and a bit
had bit of luck in forum s&g
so redirected br up tonight !
starting bankroll - £27
started with just over £50 and went bust (palying to many tourneys i think)
started new one with £100 and after a good few hours ended up with £102.88 - brks a losing run though
Actually ran bad last night!!! :0
Hope that dunt start happening all the time! - Big swings - but managed to beat the dealer to post a tiny profit.
1,036.20 + £28.80 = £1,065
Gl - dohh