In Response to Re: ORFORD'S JUNE BANKROLL CHALLENGE- THE FINAL NIGHT!: [QUOTE]"I'll be keeping this thread updated though as to the state of my own bankroll and I obviously would love everyone else to keep contributing towards it" Richard, are you goading Sky Poker community members into giving you money at the poker tables?! :P Posted by Sky_Dave
Yes, unfortunate sentence construction from me there.
Having said that, I figure everyone knows what I meant for the simple reason that in 10 years of playing poker NOBODY has contributed to my bankroll
PS- I see you're down to be the analyst on Saturday night's show. Good luck and don't forget to bring a decent shirt this time! Oh, and no blaming wardrobe if your next choice gets flamed on the forum!!!!
Dave is going to be analyst on Saturday? That's excellent news. I, and many others, was really impressed when Dave last filled the role. Will penguin be making an appearance?
Having said that, I figure everyone knows what I meant for the simple reason that in 10 years of playing poker NOBODY has contributed to my bankroll i have!!!! Posted by scotty77
To protect your intregrity Ryan- I wasn't going to mention that!
In Response to Re: ORFORD'S JUNE BANKROLL CHALLENGE- THE FINAL NIGHT! : To protect your intregrity Ryan- I wasn't going to mention that! Posted by RICHORFORD
[QUOTE]"I'll be keeping this thread updated though as to the state of my own bankroll and I obviously would love everyone else to keep contributing towards it" Richard, are you goading Sky Poker community members into giving you money at the poker tables?! :P
Posted by Sky_Dave
Yes, unfortunate sentence construction from me there.
Having said that, I figure everyone knows what I meant for the simple reason that in 10 years of playing poker NOBODY has contributed to my bankroll
PS- I see you're down to be the analyst on Saturday night's show. Good luck and don't forget to bring a decent shirt this time!
Having said that, I figure everyone knows what I meant for the simple reason that in 10 years of playing poker NOBODY has contributed to my bankroll
i have!!!!
That's excellent news. I, and many others, was really impressed when Dave last filled the role.
Will penguin be making an appearance?
OK- since it's the last night of my June bankroll challenge, let's have a bit of fun with it and throw some little Sky Poker goodies into the mix.
So...I have £156 going into tonight's session at approximately 7pm.
I will finish around midnight, or perhaps just before depending on when my last tourney ends.
My question is- how much will my bankroll be at the close of play tonight?
Nearest answer wins a bunch of Sky Poker branded merchandise- a stressball, couple of keyrings, couple of beermats and loads of pens.
In the event of a tie, the first person to have posted will win.
Post your guesses on this thread and the very best of luck!
I reckon £199-99 will see how you are doing when i get back from playing pool
I reckon £121.50 but i hope you do better
I'm gonna back you for 215£ btw
my guess is £226.40.
now go get that cash
Good luck Rich