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Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.

Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
edited November 2011 in The Poker Clinic
Are you sat there wondering what on Earth 'OOP' or '3b' means? Haven't got the faintest when someone tells you to that king is a good 'barrel card'? Does being 'floated' sound like a bathroom horror? Then this is the thread for you. Here's a list of expressions used in poker forums when talking about strategy. Commit to memory and become a much better player as a result! *

(* - not entirely accurate, but they are worth knowing...) 


3-bet/3b When you make a second raise or re-raise. The blinds are considered the first bet, the raise is the second bet, and the re-raise would be the third bet, or 3-bet.
4b four bet. Like above but re-raised again.
6m 6-max

AI all in
AIPF all-in pre flop
ATC any two cards
Ax an Ace with any second card

B&M Bricks & Mortar: playing at a poker club or casino as opposed to online
Barrel To bet an additional street after betting the previous one
bb big blind
BB Big Bet
BB/100 Big Bets per 100 hands (standard measure of win rate)
b/c bet and call a raise
b/f bet and fold to a raise
BI Buy-in. Also 'Bring In' in stud games.
BR Bank Roll
c-bet Continuation bet
cc check check
c/c check and call any bet
c/f check and fold to a raise
CK Check
CO Cut Off - position immediately to the right of the dealer
c/r check raise

EP Early Position
EV Expected Value 
-EV Negative Expected Value
+EV Positive Expected Value
FE Fold Equity
FH Full House
FPS Fancy Play Syndrome (someone who is prone to playing just a little too cute...)
FT Final Table
FTW For the win (internet kid speak or something, I dunno...)

HE Hold'em
HH Hand History
HJ Hijack position - two to the right of the dealer.
HU Heads Up
HUD Heads Up Display
ICM Independent Chip Model
IIRC If I Remember Correctly
ISD Inside Straight Draw - same as a gutshot straight draw.
ITM In The Money
LAG Loose aggressive (player)
LAP Loose passive (player)
LDO Used to be 'like duh, obviously'. Now more 'like Durrrr, obviously'.
LHE Limit Hold 'Em
LP Late Position

MHIG My Hand Is Good
MHING My Hand Is No Good
MP Mid Position
MTT Multi Table Tournament
NH Nice Hand
NL No Limit

o offsuited - K7o would be a King & 7 of different suits
O8 Omaha Hi-Lo
OESD Open Ended Straight Draw
OESFD Open Ended Straight Flush Draw
OOP Out of position
OOTM Out Of The Money
OPP/opp Opponent
OP Original Poster

PF Pre Flop
PFR Pre Flop Raiser
PL Pot Limit
PLO Pot Limit Omaha
PLO8 Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo
PP Pocket Pair
PSB Pot Sized Bet
PSR Pot Sized Raise
PTL Player To My Left
PTR Player To My Right
r rainbow flop, for example A87r would be A-8-7 flop with no flush draws possible.
r Rebuy, for example £3r would an £3 tournament with rebuys available
ROI return on investment
s Suited - K7s would be a King & 7 of the same suit
sc suited connector
SB Small Blind or Small Bet depending on how it is used in sentence (Small Bet is used in limit hold'em).
SD Standard Deviation
SH Shorthanded
SNG Sit 'n' Go tournament
SS Short Stack
STT Single table tournament

TAG Tight aggressive player
TPBK Top Pair Best Kicker
TPGK Top Pair Good Kicker
TPNK Top Pair No Kicker
TPWK Top Pair Weak Kicker

UTG Under the gun - first position, to the left of the big blind
UTG+1 To the left of UTG
VB Value Bet
VPIP% Voluntarily Put(money) In Pot

WA/WB Way Ahead/Way Behind


  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2010
    Thanks, some of Ladyfingrs quotes can be a little difficult to read sometimes,

    I eventually get the drift but I don't think he realises sometimes that we are not all pro's.

    This was one of his that I still don't fully understand.

    26:16 = 1.68:1

    So we need roughly 41.8% to call I think

    idk I dont have stove on this PC, but if someone runs an OESD + 1 over against a reasonable range I doubt he'd have that.

    Can someone translate?
  • HartshorNHartshorN Member Posts: 616
    edited April 2010
    Is Poker Stove a good program to use?

    Also thanks for the abbreviations rich.
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    Oh, and to answer Ladyfinger's question, an OESD+1 over when the opponent has one pair and none of our outs in his hand (so KJ v Q7 on a QT5 flop, for instance) makes the KJ 42.1%. If you ever want to do the maths on poker hands, PokerStove is a handy bit of (free) software to play around with.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited April 2010
    Wow Dave................. you have too much time on your hands lol

    Very informative though there were some in there i didn't know
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2010
    got those bits, its this

    idk I dont have stove on this PC,

    that i didnt get
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited April 2010
    idk = i dont know

    stove is a program called Pokerstove, it calculates your equity in the hand based on your supposed villain's range of hands (what you put him on) and all the possible combinations of community cards, so u can work out your chances of winning the hand at every street (pre, flop, turn, river).
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    PC is erm, a PC ;)
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.:
    Is Poker Stove a good program to use? Also thanks for the abbreviations rich.
    Posted by HartshorN
    It's pretty handy. It's free to download so get it and have a play if u get a spare 20minutes, or whilst you're at the tables also its good to have when you're card dead.
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2010
    Dave m8 school boy error..............

    You could have posted those abbreviations over numerous posts and got ur entry into the posters freeroll sewn up for next week then lol
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited April 2010
    In my opinion threads like this should  be hand picked and given entry into things such as the posters freeroll. Its a positive contribution to the community reducing confusion when people like me who have been reading too much of the 2p2 forums start talking jibberish!
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for the compliment! If there's anything else you guys want to see up on the forums like this do let me know and I'll do my best.

    Dave - prone to jibberish, trust me!
  • labrat64labrat64 Member Posts: 987
    edited April 2010
    Thanks dave, maybe now i can start to understand what some of these guys are talking about.
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.:
    Wow Dave................. you have too much time on your hands lol Very informative though there were some in there i didn't know
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    i totally agree with you acesrover,but has anyone ever wondered why abbreviation is such a long word??
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    Basically he's figuring out the odds. 26 in the pot, 16 to call (be that jelly babies, pound sterling or thousand chips), so the maths says you're being offered 1.68 for 1. When you turn that into a percentage required to make the play profitable, you have to be about 42%. If you're being offered more then it's profitable and if it's less, it's not.

    OESD + 1 over would be open ended straight draw plus one overcard to the assumed pair.

    Hope that helps!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2010

    FTW - ??? ne1?
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.:
    BI is Buy-in not Bring in (bring in being what the player with the lowest door card (highest in razz (f razz)) does on 3rd street in stud games).
    Posted by LadyFingrs
    Good spot - had an old school moment there. Opening post amended accordingly :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056
    edited April 2010


    (On second thouights, best not answer that....)
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    FTW - For the win.
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.:
    FML? (On second thouights, best not answer that....)
    Posted by Tikay10
    Lisa Marie's sister, Fiona? :)
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations.:
    In Response to Re: Poker Strategy: Abbreviations. : i totally agree with you acesrover,but has anyone ever wondered why abbreviation is such a long word??
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    LOL never thought about that, there are lots of odd things like this in the world - Just look at the word Phonetic, this represents spelling something how it sounds? but it's spelt with a PH instead of a F !!!!

    Laws are also odd, 18 to rent a dirty movie, 16 to do the acts that are in the dirty movie lol
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