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Sort it out sky its stupid

DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
edited May 2010 in Community Help & Advice

getting a bit sick of the software now. Ive been playing on this site for a long time and ive just played 2 games the first game i was chip leader and the guy only had 800 chips i had 10,000 and it slows right up auto folds my hands and then cuts out completely and he won it. 2nd game i restarted my computer and then in a game and from the start my hands were face down when i did manage to restart again they still were i had to load the table 4 or 5 times before i could get back in and i only had a few chips left by then so had to push and lost. I have a decent laptop good internet connection and can play on at least 3 different sites simaltaneously with multi tables on each of them but with sky i can only open 1 and quite often its slow. Why is this surly poker should be available to even people with low end spec computers its not exactly a high end pc game is it. When will this problem be sorted out its getting silly now! Im very cross!! I never had this problem when i first started playing on sky why do i now!



  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    ive even got a processor and memory checker to see what programs and sites take up the most processing power and it allways max's out when im on sky! so it is the site not my pc
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    What browser are you using firefox rubbish on mine got use ie8 even then not to clever.
    Posted by belsibub
    dosnt matter which browser i use ive tried all and same thing sky is just power hungry and its down to programmers not us!
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    have you tried deleting your cookies lol!! . and yes they are working on a downloadable version,  honest!!
    Posted by pod1
    ha ha ha , have you been  smoking  those  funny weed  things  in the sun ?? 

    Who told you  that  ..??
  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2010

    Your PC isnt good enough to run loads of tables on sky, your hardware checker told you that.

    Its not rocket science what you have to do then.

  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited May 2010

    What browser are you using firefox rubbish on mine got use ie8 even then not to clever.

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    ive cooked, baked put in chocolate chips, eaten and deleted all cookies yes. But i shouldnt have to do this every time i want a game. I dont else where so why should i on her bloooomin rediculous. Ive been hearing they are working on it but that was when dinosours ruled the land. Its like having a toy to play with for christmas and not having the batteries
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited May 2010
    have you tried deleting your cookies lol!! . and yes they are working on a downloadable version,  honest!!
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited May 2010
    lol--bet ya don't--get him on here to tell us--bet he says our computers sre rubbish
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    It's not "Sky" or the browser that's power hungry it's that pile of cack Adobe Flash. The sooner it's rewritten properly or wiped out for good the better. Good on Apple for saying they're not interested in that junk.  
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    It is "Sky" cos they use Adobe Flash and know there are problems SORT IT OUT SKY dont you want people to play on here grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    Your PC isnt good enough to run loads of tables on sky, your hardware checker told you that. Its not rocket science what you have to do then.
    Posted by ajs4385
    what are you on about dont talk silly i already told you in the opening comments my pc is fine on every other site just not sky! so no its not rocket science what i should do cos there is nothing i can do! i dont play on multi tables on here ive already said that because its soooooo slow or dosnt work properly! but its not working with 1 table ive just lost 4 games because of it grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • CJ111CJ111 Member Posts: 193
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    well I don't know anyone that can ten table on this site
    Posted by oynutter
    i do
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited May 2010
    It's not "Sky" or the browser that's power hungry it's that pile of cack Adobe Flash. The sooner it's rewritten properly or wiped out for good the better.
    Good on Apple for saying they're not interested in that junk.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited May 2010
    well I don't know anyone that can ten table on this site
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited May 2010
    he's got a custom built top pc daz--its nearly as massive as his head for flops sake!!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    Just trying to help people out and defend sky. As I think skys a great site. Also I hate moaners. No download format has helped Sky grow so quick. But it does take more of your system up per table than other sites. Although any remotly decent pc bought recently can 6 table sky. So balls in your court lads either 1)Carry on moaning 2) Buy a decent PC
    Posted by ajs4385
    we have a god given right to moan or otherwise so dont tell me on here that the only solution is to go out and buy a pc or stop moaning. my pc is fine thankyou very much and is less than a year old so why should i go and buy a new one. I beg to differ that you can 6 table on here if you can your lucky for some reason. I have lost money because its so slow and learnt to deal with not being able to multi table. I have had problems with just 1 table on a few occasions but specificaly today. Its because they use flash. And if us moaners didnt speak out then changes will never be made. Thats why voters moan about poloticians! otherwise nothing we disagreed with would be taken seriously or change. So i will continue to moan or fight the fight for better things to happen. I love the site also and being able to speak up is whats good about it but the table software needs sorting!!!

    1. carry on and moan
    2. not buy a pc cos its fine and sky sort it out somehow
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited May 2010
    carry on moaning lads, just a couple more posts and we might learn about someone that ten tables on here with no problems at all
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited May 2010
    all he ever posts is "I ten table with no problems at all"--ner ner na ner ner
  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2010
    Just trying to help people out and defend sky. As I think skys a great site. Also I hate moaners.

    No download format has helped Sky grow so quick. But it does take more of your system up per table than other sites. Although any remotly decent pc bought recently can 6 table sky.

    So balls in your court lads either
    1)Carry on moaning
    2) Buy a decent PC

  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    all he ever posts is "I ten table with no problems at all"--ner ner na ner ner
    Posted by oynutter
    Hiya my nutter pal do you reckon its time to invite the so so luvable ajs out for a quicky pint with us? i mean all friendly stuff of course lol dav
  • DeuceAK_47DeuceAK_47 Member Posts: 381
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Sort it out sky its stupid:
    he's got a custom built top pc daz--its nearly as massive as his head for flops sake!!
    Posted by oynutter
    LOL...I have a custom build computer which can multitable 15 tables on five different sites at the same time :-)

    But i understand where everyones coming from..why should you pay thousands of pounds for a new computer just to multi-table sky poker.
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