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Changes to cash games

ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
edited May 2010 in Poker Chat
Here are a few changes I would like to see to the cash tables, I think all other players would agree but please post your thoughts too.

1) Buyins- all tables 20bb min 100bb max,(can we have suggested amount to 100bb not 40bb)
2) Types of games - Get rid of all fixed limit and pot limit games no one plays them just clutters lobby up.
3) Blind levels - Get rid of all different levels e.g. 80nl,100nl,200nl,300nl,400nl,500nl. I would suggest having 5NL,10NL,20NL,50NL,100NL,200NL,500NL,1000NL. Just daft having so small increments.
4) When people sit out either they have lost there stack or taking a break can we make it a standard 5 min, theres not enough time to have a break and people who have lost their stack seem to be left there ages.


  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited May 2010

       I for one am happy as the cash tables are why change it   dtw
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
       I for one am happy as the cash tables are why change it   dtw
    Posted by DTWBANDIT
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited May 2010

    when a player has lost his stack the top up page should auto pop up and not just sat out, he or she then has 30 seconds to reload or they will be stood from the table.

  • Ms_ChipsMs_Chips Member Posts: 256
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
    when a player has lost his stack the top up page should auto pop up and not just sat out, he or she then has 30 seconds to reload or they will be stood from the table.
    Posted by freechips1

    I think the problem here is that too any people click the x at the top right without standing which sits you in until you get booted.

    I say when you click the x you stand
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited May 2010
    can we have auto reload option pls so your stack is reloaded whenever it falls under 100bbs.

  • BooniconBoonicon Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2010
    Auto top up as offshoot said would be very useful
  • Hay91Hay91 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2010
    i agree with auto top up and making you stand when you click the x
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited May 2010
    also make the filters in the lobby remember your preferences and have more filters so you can make it only show certain limits for example
  • DeuceAK_47DeuceAK_47 Member Posts: 381
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
    can we have auto reload option pls so your stack is reloaded whenever it falls under 100bbs.
    Posted by offshoot
    Would love to see this...not really bothered about the other stuff tbh.
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited May 2010
    Can we also have the option to block an individuals chat at the table, and not just have to completely turn chat off
  • silentbobsilentbob Member Posts: 2,137
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Changes to cash games:
    Here are a few changes I would like to see to the cash tables, I think all other players would agree but please post your thoughts too. 1) Buyins- all tables 20bb min 100bb max,(can we have suggested amount to 100bb not 40bb) 2) Types of games - Get rid of all fixed limit and pot limit games no one plays them just clutters lobby up. 3) Blind levels - Get rid of all different levels e.g. 80nl,100nl,200nl,300nl,400nl,500nl. I would suggest having 5NL,10NL,20NL,50NL,100NL,200NL,500NL,1000NL. Just daft having so small increments. 4) When people sit out either they have lost there stack or taking a break can we make it a standard 5 min, theres not enough time to have a break and people who have lost their stack seem to be left there ages.
    Posted by ajs4385
    Point 1 - I agree with this although for those that like to play really deep there could be 1 deep stack table available for every level. I used to play a fair bit of 10NL & I still can't understand why you can sit down with 200bb!

    Point 2 - Generally agree with this although I have seen a few of the pot limit tables going so maybe keep those (1 available for every level though)

    Point 3 - Personally I disagree with this. Although I'm fairly sure there's not particularly a big jump in skill level between close levels (ie 20NL then 30NL), I can see it can help people slowly move up the levels without feeling way out of their depth. I mainly play 20NL at the moment but would'nt feel comfortable jumping straight up to 50NL. Maybe it's a psychological thing? At the moment I sit down with £20 but jumping up to NL50 would mean sitting down with £50 which I think for most people would be kind of scary & that would affect their game. Of course, good BR management should come into play here as well if you're gonna jump levels but I think a lot of people (probably most) feel more comfortable making the jumps in smaller steps.

    Point 4 - Yeah I agree with this. I think on cash tables you should be given at least 5 minutes & maybe it could even increase if you've been there for a while? I think that when you lose your stack you should get a pop up giving you 20-30 seconds to reload or you're automatically booted off. I find it really frustrating waiting for a seat to come available cos someone's not bothered reloading & have just clicked the X rather than the stand button.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,020
    edited May 2010

    Great thread!

    And that's exactly how to present a "wish list" Thread, nice one ajs.

    I'll send it to the Suits right away, & again on Monday after some more feedback is Posted.
  • BowieBoyBowieBoy Member Posts: 266
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
    Can we also have the option to block an individuals chat at the table, and not just have to completely turn chat off
    Posted by ChirpyChip
  • daveydaveydaveydavey Member Posts: 217
    edited May 2010
    Don't ghet rid of limit omaha, think of the carnage!
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited May 2010
    wat ajs said shortstackers ruin the games.

    There was a 100bb a 300bb and a 350bb stack last night playing, and 2 11 bb stacks sat down, completely ruins the game. Follow other sites lead and destroy the short stacks!!! pls to be doing so sky. auto top up we dont need the max button is awesome.
  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited May 2010
    Can I get some more aces!
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
    wat ajs said shortstackers ruin the games. There was a 100bb a 300bb and a 350bb stack last night playing, and 2 11 bb stacks sat down, completely ruins the game. Follow other sites lead and destroy the short stacks!!! pls to be doing so sky. auto top up we dont need the max button is awesome.
    Posted by beaneh
    Yeh, I had never been so tilted last night :)
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited May 2010
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Changes to cash games:
    Posted by BrownnDog

    Keep dreaming
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited May 2010

    a few 50bb min tables so you can avoid the shorties.

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