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stt poker league

ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
edited October 2010 in Community Suggestions

after speaking to a lot of the stt regs it seems that we want the points on the russian roulette games taken away as a league is there to show people who have played well throught the mounth not who can buy the league

alot of us think thought sky will not take the points away as the buyin fees you get from them.

come on sky give us the league back please we all want it other wise its not worth to play it as a lot of people now are just going for the top 150 and not going to go 4 the top 10 as its no point any more


  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited May 2010
     i have sent pm to sky rich  sky bernie about this sky rich said he will pass it on and bernie said nothing so at the mo hadno responce from this
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2010
    I agree, I'm not in contention for a top 10 league finish, but it seems unfair that the top cash prizes go to players who choose to buy them by sitting at endless RR tables leaving no chance for the regular STT players who play real poker.

    RR tables should earn poker points only, no league points IMO.
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: stt poker league:
    I agree, I'm not in contention for a top 10 league finish, but it seems unfair that the top cash prizes go to players who choose to buy them by sitting at endless RR tables leaving no chance for the regular STT players who play real poker. RR tables should earn poker points only, no league points IMO.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Totally agree... if sky are so desperate for the rake from RR's then give them there own seperate bit in the league so people playing regular games can really see how well they're doing and are rewarded for it accordingly rather than 'buying' a place in the top 10.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: stt poker league:
    In Response to Re: stt poker league : Totally agree... if sky are so desperate for the rake from RR's then give them there own seperate bit in the league so people playing regular games can really see how well they're doing and are rewarded for it accordingly rather than 'buying' a place in the top 10.
    Posted by BananaDog
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: stt poker league:
    Posted by ckd
    yeah, I started back here couple of months ago and couldn't believe I got into top 10 last month but have deffo noticed the rr players now...I'm not holding out any hope for this month and am no way gonna compete by wasting my bankroll on rr games just to get back up again!
    Sky..u gonna give us a reply please?

    Stay lucky CKD :o)
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited May 2010

     whats the point of a sugestions page if no 1 from sky looks at it

     this has been up for a while now and still had no responce so what is the point

     come on sky at least give us a responce to this
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited May 2010
    Hey Ckd,

    I believe this issue has been raised before - I'll have a dig and see if i can find the thread (although it was a long time ago and i'm not overly confident)

    Having said that - I will still pass this over to the guys for their consideration.

    all the best to you

  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited May 2010
    uh-oh..that smells like it has been passed over to the 'recycle bin' lol
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2010

    I thought I would try and (hopefully) resurrect this thread as I wanted to post something exactly along these lines and vaguely recalled reading it previously.

    I didn't feel able to comment at the time as I wasn't playing that many STTs so didn't fully understand the situation. However, now I am playing a few STTs and it is clear that there are players just playing loads of Russian Roulette (RR) games to top up their league points score. I think that this is completely unfair as league points (as opposed to poker points, which, of course, they should continue to earn for playing RR games) should, as far as is possible, reflect actual performance in STTs. I do not see how 3 points can be rewarded to the winner of a pure luck game that takes only a few seconds play, this puts everyone who refuses to play them at a disadvantage.

    The position as it stands just stands out like a sore thumb to me as something that clearly should be changed, but hasn't been due to the situation not being reviewed properly. If the situation was reviewed properly I am confident that league points for RR games would be scrapped as they appear to be manifestly unfair.

    Looking at the situation from Sky's point of view, maybe not enough people are dissatisfied (so, if you are, please add your support on this thread) to make change seem reasonable. However, I think Sky should understand that the problem does only affect a few people who are near the top of the STT league because of it's very nature. However, if you made everyone do a survey on the situation I am sure a vast majority would agree that the current situation is unfair.

    Further, if Sky genuinely think that the current system can be justified by looking at their revenue then I would say the following. The rake on RR games (the one's that people tend to be playing to boost their scores) are 10p. (At the moment people pay 10p for an attempt to double their £1 stake and earn 3 league points which means that they are effectively paying 10p for an average expectation of 1.5 league points. By the way, when looked at like this, and considering the games take only seconds to play, it can be seen that the RR players really are 'buying' the league.) Anyway, my point is this, the rake from RRs played to boost league position should be offset by rake lost by players such as myself and others in the top 10 of the league playing less games near the end of the month when it becomes clear they can not compete with the RR players. I know at the end of the month, once I reach my "cash for points" target, how many more DYMs I play will be dictated solely by my prospects of improving my league position.

    Finally, if there is an argument that this debate is pointless I do not believe that it is. At the end of the day there are cash prizes awarded to the top 10 places which are not at all insignificant compared to many people's bankrolls including my own. What is the point in awarding nice cash prizes to people who do not fully deserve them?

    Anyway, I really hope this thread gets considered by Sky and that change can be brought about. If you support my ideas or have any comments at all please post as it will hopefully increase the chances of it being looked at properly by Sky.

    Thanks everyone, apologies for the long post


  • kirstiikirstii Member Posts: 787
    edited August 2010
    I totally agree with most of the posts here, RR shouldn't count, you shouldn't get POKER league points for a game of BINGO.
  • 18AND5TIME18AND5TIME Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2010
    i agree,the league should show the people who have played  the game,the way it should be.
  • Mac77Mac77 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2010
    The chief 'bingo players' Chillie, Kes and wrongjohn are ruining the stt league.
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited August 2010
    I would agree with most of the above comments, although I do not play RR.
    Seems to be an anomaly that should be sorted promptly
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for the support guys. 18AND5TIME and Mac77 are two of the most regular players on the £11 dyms at the moment and are both there or there abouts at the top of the STT league. If these kinds of players can support this thread I am confident Sky will take note.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited August 2010

     lol so we are back again

     i have no problem with the people who are winning the league as they are just taking the advantage of the messup thats there witch is fair enought

     this has been said lots of times before and has just been pushed aside by sky ( and it cant be said its not )

     tk and sky rich have both passed this on the the suits who have not had the desence of giving a reply

     myself and others on here dont play anywhere what we used to on here as there is no point to it 

     there is no reward to the people who play poker in the stt league on here and hasent for a long time now 

     but like the last times this has been put up i fear it will find its way to the recyle bin very soon 

     i have also noticed that alot of the regs i used to play dont play here anymore   ive seen some of them on other sites and they said the reson they dont play here anymore is cos of the lack of rewards they can get for there money since it all changed

     last time there was over 80% of people who visited that said they agree that it is wrong and still no reply so

     what can you do

     just goes to show i used to get between 3000 and 5000 pp for cash for points    now not over 500 as im sure alot of other regs have droped since it went like this
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: stt poker league:
    I would agree with most of the above comments, although I do not play RR. Seems to be an anomaly that should be sorted promptly
    Posted by wynne1938
    Thanks for the support wynne, another reg at the dym tables.

    This is exactly as it appears to me, an anomaly. As I alluded to above I think the only reason it hasn't been changed is because it hasn't been looked at properly by Sky and I agree with you that it should be sorted promptly.
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited August 2010
    people are buying their place with roulettes, what a joke! For gods sake why cant there be a roulette league if its so important so that everyone is happy! Do you think really that it is fair to people who are playing properly for points? Whats the point in having a league if it not run fairly?
    There is a reason why it is called roulette and im afraid it doesnt involve any skill!
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited August 2010
    yep..just had a look at a few seated players and what do you know...russian roulleting it!
    See there is nothing wrong with playing the games u want but Sky u need to see how unfair this is for the other players!
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2010

    Thanks ckd, I think you got it bang on when you started this thread which was why I felt it deserved to be brought back up.

    I can't comment on what wasn't done previously but I just think that if we can get enough support on this thread then Sky will have to have a look at it for us. 

     "i have no problem with the people who are winning the league as they are just taking the advantage of the messup thats there witch is fair enough" - I fully agree with this point. It's the system that is just wrong at the moment, you can't blame the players for taking advantage (as I've put above points can be 'bought' at a rate of 10p per 1.5). I even considered doing it myself as it would probably be worth it to make a large jump in prize money at the top of the STT league. However, I decided against doing it myself as I simply do not believe it is right. RR is not poker (although as I have said I have no problems with the presence of these in itself) and as such I do not believe any league points should be awarded in them.

    "myself and others on here dont play anywhere what we used to on here as there is no point to it"  
     "just goes to show i used to get between 3000 and 5000 pp for cash for points    now not over 500 as im sure alot of other regs have droped since it went like this"
    -  This is good because, if Sky do see RRs as a profitable enterprise, then evidence like this can help them to take into account lost revenue caused by this problem which they might not have been able to take into account otherwise.

    Keep the support coming guys, change can be brought about.

  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited August 2010

    In Response to Re: stt poker league:
    Hey Ckd, I believe this issue has been raised before - I'll have a dig and see if i can find the thread (although it was a long time ago and i'm not overly confident) Having said that - I will still pass this over to the guys for their consideration. all the best to you Rich
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Hi u think they have a response has been 3 months!
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