havnt had any winnings to speak of as late. But when i do get a nice amount i usualy spend it on bills or lose it the week after lol. I try not to tell the girlfriend if ive won but when its a nice amount its hard not to boast about it then she spends it for me and i always make sure i buy myself a nice little pressy to pat myself on the back for a job well done.
I'm like you Dazler. It's hard not to boast to the other half when you win. But as you mention it can cost you dearly....These days if I'm lucky enough to win a bit I tend to keep schtum!!! lol
with mine i have bought a 50 inch tv,just withdrew 500 for a weekend in benidorm think its important to get things with my winnings always good for bragging rights when my freinds and family come over
I spend ages grinding a BI then bang, one mistake and its all gone. Not withdrawn anything from sky apart from a win on the grand national, that tells you all you need to know about my game!!!
lol..mine also go on junk! I try not to take any out as I really need to build a bankroll but I end up buying stupid stuff!
Last months stupid bankroll buys were: Bright green sofa bed for kids room! Decorating kids room! Drill! Tool Kit! (I dred to think what else!)
Just before i came back here (couple of months ago) I spent my PKR money on: Football boots for littlest kid, Football top for littlest kid, Posh phone for darling hubby, and the BEST....Squishy memory foam matress topper for bed )
....why do I do it...I dont even make much money...I'm only on the £5 tables! lol Maybe we just need to go back to "The Good Life" days where all you needed was a chicken, goat and sewing machine! lol (oh, dont forget the home-made wine!)
I play mainly live poker so its easier to spend the money then when its in an online account.
My money goes on all sorts (I was the second person to click number 2) but the important thing to remember is to keep a track of how much you win/lose at Poker.
A more interesting question, well IMO anyway, is what percentage of your winnings do you spend, and what do you leave in to build your bankroll, and move up the levels to play higher stakes.... ??
IE If you had a br of £2k, and you are a cash game player at 50nl, playing to make money mainly... and you won a tournament worth £2k.....what do u do with it?
Even a £300 br, playing 20nl cash, aiming to move up to 50nl, and u won a tourny for £250, what do u do with it?
How r u ever gonna progress if you withdraw and spend all winnings?
I guess it depends on how important poker is to you? (which goes back to the thread about why you play...)
Hal 9000 - I aggree with keeping track of wins and losses, I jot down how many wins and losses I have each day and then the total at end of each day so I never have to worry about running out and I also know when to move levels. ps, I could never play live cos im a useless liar and cant hide my emotions! hahaha
Dohhhhhhh (hope that was enough h's lol) I started on here again 2 months ago now with a br of £150 (thats a nice size for me cos i'm only a meezly dog walker lol) and I set myself targets for different levels.... I started on £3 doubles until I got to £200, then £5 until I got to £400...then £10 - BUT I didn't like the £10 level and felt loosing a few of them affected my play as I started putting value on the money (oh no..that £30 loss was a months worth of dog food..or a pair of kids trainers) but now I have moved back down to £5 (even though I'm on £600 after the 2 months) I feel that I'm not worrying about the money but playing and having fun instead and that helps me win more.
I agree you need to keep control over your bankroll and also realise when you are not comfortable on a certain level (know your limits so to speak) so that you don't become an out of control gambler loosing and reloading money all the time. I only take £100 max out at a time and then wont take anymore until I build it back up again cos my br is too small but I'm trying not to take anything else out now...hard when you have kids wanting stuff all the time! lol
One day maybe I'll get the guts back to try the next level again but at the moment I think I'm stuck with this mental block! lol
i won the 4 k bounty on wednesday and what was then the 5 .0 on thursday they dont have that tourny any more got 900 for the 4 k bounty and 2300 for the 5.0 drew 3000 out bought my mrs a rolex and she left me 6 months later her excuse was i played to much poker lol
i won the 4 k bounty on wednesday and what was then the 5 .0 on thursday they dont have that tourny any more got 900 for the 4 k bounty and 2300 for the 5.0 drew 3000 out bought my mrs a rolex and she left me 6 months later her excuse was i played to much poker lol Posted by timeshare2
i bought a car, 3 holidays, bathroom done out, kids got ps3 ipod tv etc. clothes shoes , paid visa off lol. always havin takeaways. so not bad lol. anjie x
I spend ages grinding a BI then bang, one mistake and its all gone. Not withdrawn anything from sky apart from a win on the grand national, that tells you all you need to know about my game!!!
Anyway, My winnings get spent trying to recoup my losses.
Last months stupid bankroll buys were:
Bright green sofa bed for kids room!
Decorating kids room!
Tool Kit!
(I dred to think what else!)
Just before i came back here (couple of months ago) I spent my PKR money on:
Football boots for littlest kid,
Football top for littlest kid,
Posh phone for darling hubby,
and the BEST....Squishy memory foam matress topper for bed
....why do I do it...I dont even make much money...I'm only on the £5 tables! lol
Maybe we just need to go back to "The Good Life" days where all you needed was a chicken, goat and sewing machine! lol (oh, dont forget the home-made wine!)
Dam my sensible husband!!!!
ps, I could never play live cos im a useless liar and cant hide my emotions! hahaha
Dohhhhhhh (hope that was enough h's lol)
I started on here again 2 months ago now with a br of £150 (thats a nice size for me cos i'm only a meezly dog walker lol) and I set myself targets for different levels....
I started on £3 doubles until I got to £200, then £5 until I got to £400...then £10 - BUT I didn't like the £10 level and felt loosing a few of them affected my play as I started putting value on the money (oh no..that £30 loss was a months worth of dog food..or a pair of kids trainers) but now I have moved back down to £5 (even though I'm on £600 after the 2 months) I feel that I'm not worrying about the money but playing and having fun instead and that helps me win more.
I agree you need to keep control over your bankroll and also realise when you are not comfortable on a certain level (know your limits so to speak) so that you don't become an out of control gambler loosing and reloading money all the time.
I only take £100 max out at a time and then wont take anymore until I build it back up again cos my br is too small but I'm trying not to take anything else out now...hard when you have kids wanting stuff all the time! lol
One day maybe I'll get the guts back to try the next level again but at the moment I think I'm stuck with this mental block! lol