Since i have joined (less then a year i think) I cant seem to win any thing, The amount i have put on to here i havent won any profit,
Most i have won is 60 quid of a tennar and that was in cash, I like playing bounty hunters as you dont have to finish in top ten and i have some chance on getting some money. as i dont seem to cash in any tounrys, Saying that i dont seem to to do that well in bounty hunters. i always just seem to fade away then get knocked out.
I dont know if i need pointing in the right direction or just to give it up lol.
I have a small bank roll, (normall just play around 5p/10p and 4/8 lol)and just want to make a bit of profit like we all do.
Any one wanna help me :P
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The problem with tournys is that there is very big varience (that does not mean you cant go deep and cash even then) from what you are saying you start to tighten up in the later stages of a tourny?, ifr this si the case, this is the time when you need to get a little more aggro, I would suggest using yours and what you know of the table to your advantage, use position, may I also suggest grinding in the Double your Money Sit and goes, less varience in those.
Good luck in whatever you decide.
For instance, what is your aim in a NLH standard format tournament - Answer - Survive
The one that survies the longest wins and that means not jepardising chips when you don't need to. WHen i'm on my game and playing well then i rarley play a hand for first 3 levels unless it's premium pair, set mining or big ace, even with a big ace i'm happy to keep it small if i'm unsure. After that i play more frequently with wider range but your early tight play has established an image and people will begin to fold when unsure
Excersise pot control, keep the pots small early on so you don't get commited to it
It looks like you are starting to learn from your mistakes which can only bring good
You're still learning mate.
I've only been playing since August and overall am losing money, but am enjoying the game and the chat.
but I haven't deposited since January and bankroll is on the rise (although slowly this month!). Took on board what the guys on here said and played 2p4p tighter and also Double Your Money 30p or 60p.
The DYM's help you gain experience for little outlay.
I think they have helped me in cash to some extent.
DYM's are a little boring/tedious at times but if you play them in the right frame of mind you can try different things and see what could work for you.
Had a loss of confidence this month on cash and went back to DYM's to regain it. Working so far as played 16 and cashed in 14. You only have to come third (out of 6) to cash.
Good luck
Harrington on Hold 'em I and II are ideal, they did wonders for my game, PM me if you want a copy.
PS sorry Shaun for hijacking your post. If you enjoy playing and can afford it then keep playing.
this might not improve your game but it might highlight where you are going wrong. you have nothing to lose and all to gain.
I've played with you and your problem is that you think everyone is bluffing and that if you go all in with two pair when the flush hits the river when someone has re-raised you will get them to fold, the problem (as i see it) is two fold...
1. you don't listen to/believe the answer you are getting from your raise.
2. your massive all in overbet with two pair is ALWAYS going to get called by the flush chaser who hit!
These are easily fixable leaks in your game.
It's not too tragic to fix mate, you know where your problems are, it's up to you to do the rest
But i know what you mean, some time i just keep going and dont listen to the reply i get when they keep calling.
thank you for the other post, i think i might need to get some books,