Good afternoon all!! Or as we Poker players say at this time of the day 'Good Morning'!
Well so far today has been eventful. I woke up.. rolled over..stretched and CLICK! My neck Popped off. Not literally you understand. That would be MOST unfortunate, somewhat messy and not just a little inconvenient in light of my presenting tonight's live show with the fantastic Mr James Hartigan.
So I am currently sitting here with Percy Spencer strapped to my neck.. Cunningly attached by use of a scarf. This sounds a trifle odd, I agree. However, said Mr Spencer is actually a small teddy old Christmas present from my mother that heats up in the microwave to keep me toasty through the cold winter nights... and as such comes in handy for pulled muscles, sore tummies and FREAK neck mishaps such as my current predicament.
So.. For this weeks show thread topic I would like to know of the most ridiculous injury you have managed to cause yourself AND/OR DIY 'treatments' of said injuries!
Of course this evening we shall also be traversing the Mastercash highways in search of action hands and entertainment but I'll leave that for Mr Hartigan to shed some light on.
Right now I'm in pain, can't turn my head and have to go Microwave Mr Spencer again.
Ps. Feel free to google Percy Spencer and compliment me on my ingenuity 
I'm going to report you to the RSPCA.
Don't try this at home, kids.
i guess 'lucky' teddy wins...could stand a little heating up to spend so much time so close to LML.
good luck for the show
How about breaking my big toe caused by a sack trolley, I put my foot behind it to stop it rolling backwards, unfortunately it decided it would be fun to roll backward anyway and bent my big toe backward breaking it.
hmmm maybe get 1 tonight lol
now that would be great tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So in Tikayesc style we will try to describe in cryptically.
As a teenager, I was getting up to things that teenagers do with members of the opposite sex, whilst parents were out. My g/f at that time had heard that certain sensations could be heightened if certain skin was folded back.
Unfortunately later on said skin could not be returned to its natural position.
As body parts swelled a lot more than they should, I ended up having to go to A & E, and I havesince been asked by by other g/f's if I am of the Jewish faith
A legged crossed Aski
cleaverly put, although i doubt that is broadcastable... If Rich was doing the show youd have a fighthing chance!