Yes - as & from next Friday, the current Friday evening T-o-T becomes a Limited Rebuy - that is to say, a maximum of three rebuys, + an optional add-on, will be available to those who wish to play it, & take them.
I've no idea how this will pan out, but even at my age, I'm happy to try out new things. We shall see!
But how does that square with my original idea of a well-structured "pure" Tourney?
That's a bit hard to explain, truth to tell, but I'll do my best. But watch for the sting in the tail.....
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Personally I think its a good idea as it will give me a chance to recover after I get one of my inevitable bad-beats (not complaining cause I know they happen and I have just been unlucky lately). My one concern is that they take away the good structure and turn it into a standard game.
I have a brief to try & help bring new players to Sky Poker, & I'm reasonably well-connected in the poker world, via other Forums, an Amateur Poker body, a club in Nottingham with which I have business connections, various other poker affiliations, & a presence in Live Poker that goes back 12 or 14 years.
So the T-o-T was designed for that very purpose.
However, a peculiar juxtaposition of events & time arose. Just as T-o-T was about to be introduced, the Rebuy Release was due to go Live, so it was decided to coincide them, but with a Freezeout version, & a Rebuy version. Then the original Rebuy Release went a bit pete tong, & so T-o-T stayed as a Freezeout for weeks 1 to 3.
With Rebuys now (fingers crossed) working nicely, next Friday's T-o-T (18th June) & all Friday's subsequently will be a Limited Rebuy, with an optional add-on.
I hope many of you will join me in it, & I hope I'm able to recruit some new players to Sky Poker, too.
But what about the freezeout version, "my" Tourney, which was warmly received by so many?
would there not be a possibility of varying the tourny.
One week freezeout the next rebuy and so on.
I know from my own personal view that I am unlikely to play in a rebuy tourny, and thus having the tourny alterntate weekly, that would meet everyones needs/likes
Its just a thought
The idea is that the original T-o-T would, in effect, be a Trojan Horse, to allow me to wheedle in a "better" structured Tourney, which I hope many would enjoy. And they did.
So the T-o-T as we know it - a Freezeout - will continue.
I was up in Harrogate earlier this week, & we agreed that when T-o-T switched to a Rebuy, an identical version to the original format WOULD remain, but on another night. So there will be a Freezeout, & a Rebuy. Something for everyone, I hope.
What night, & how much?
I'm still awaiting confirmation of that, but here is my proposal;
We run a T-o-T Freezeout on Tuesday. And Thursday. And one on SAturday OR Sunday. One at £2.20, one at £5.50, & one at £11.
I avoided Monday (£22 Deepie), Wednesday (Double Stack Main), Friday (Double Stack Main & existing T-o-T). Sundays would nicely "balance" the DANTB10 biggie in fact, whereas Saturday it would run without "competition" as it were. So not quite sure which yet.
There would have to be some "Badge Engineering", to change the names of the Tourneys. I'm not a bit fussed whether my name is attached to all or any of them - I just want to get this Structure to be in the regular schedule, right across the week. Today, Friday, tomorrow, the world.
I hope - hope - that at least one of these Freezeouts will be in next weeks schedule, but that's yet to be confirmed. But it WILL be there very soon, if noty next week, deffo th week after.
So, the net result wil, be...
Friday - Rebuy Version of T-o-T.
Tuesdays. Thursday, & aturday OR Sunday - freezeout versions of what we know/knew as T-o-T. Buy-ins will range from £2.20, to £5.50, to £11, to cater for as many pockets as possible.
So there it is. I'm pretty chuffed with the whole thing, to be honest.
Now we need to see if the demand is there. If they get tidy fields, job done, if they do not, it is out with the axe. As ever, player demand, or lack of, will be the decider.
thanks for the update Tikay, seems like a solution to keep everyone happy.
I tell you what you WOULD have enjoyed being a "fly on the wall" of, though.
As I left the Harrogate office on Tuesday, at about 2pm (I'd arrived at 9am prompt), I walked to my car which was parked in the Visitors Car Park. The Car Park is on the Office's private land, entirely within it's demise, & part of the Office Complex which is shared by several Companies. (In fact, they will relocate to Leeds next Month).
And on my car there was a Parking Ticket. For £100. I queried it, & the nice man said "don't worry, if you pay it within 14 days, it's only £60.
So, a 400 mile round journey, a 21 hour day, but I saved £40 on a Parking Ticket incurred at Head-Office, on private land, that we rent. Marv.
Alternatively - if you wish - you can have Free Entry to next Friday, PLUS One Rebuy & one Add-on, or two rebuys.
Sounds like Sky are trying their best to please everyone and I hope that these games continue to get as many runners as the ToT has over the last 3 weeks. I personally can't play every night but I plan on being in as many of these as I possibly can, bankroll willing.
I do however really really like the idea of ToT-structured tournaments running throughout the week at different price points.
Just wondered if the suits are aware of this situation?
I have only played re-buy once on here so i can't say if its a good thing or not so i will play a few of the £2-20 buy-ins & see how i do as for the T-on-T comps with no re-buys i think they are great value so will keep an eye out for which days they are on
Are Sky planning to adjust the fact that they currently charge rake on all rebuys and add-ons - ie £5 tourny it costs either £5.50 to rebuy or add-on?
As far as i'm aware it's not exactly coomon to charge rake on these whether it be live or online?
The key thing is to offer alternatives, so nobody is forced or obliged to play either. I'm pretty opposed to "Scary" Tourneys, for example, or "Roulette", or "Velocity", but I don't begrudge those that do like to play their "own" Tourneys.
It's fair to say, though, that Rebuys probably better suit those with bigger bankrolls. Hence, there will be a choice.
Not all sites charge Reg fee on Rebuys, but many do, & that practice goes right back to the around the end of the Tribeca days, which would be 5 or 6 years back, IIRC.
As I said earlier, though, for those that feel uncomfortable with this, or just object on principle, Freezeouts will continue to dominate the Sky Poker Schedule, so nobody will be railroaded into paying them. It's just another alternative Format.
I thought it interesting to note how the Rebuys have been received on Sky Poker, though. Someone Posted today about a Roulette Rebuy, in which there were rebuys galore, & a similar thread appeared yesterday. It's Jack Spratt & his missus, I guess.
There was a £600 Guaranteed rebuy last night, which I planned to enter, just to see how it went, but I plum forgot. Anyone know how many Rebuys & Add-Ons that one made?