Tikay please make the dreezeout any day but Tuesday, Tuesdays i cant do because of my live game i run. And i hate re-buys almost as much as i hate mayo
In Response to Re: T-o-T becomes a REBUY? : Thats a lot of words that mean,-- if you don't like it, play elsewhere---unless I'm very much mistaken? Posted by oynutter
Yes you are, to use your words, "very much mistaken".
It means that the free market ensures Customers have a choice. Which, in turn, means, that suppliers/service providers need to always try to innovate & improve, to generate more business whilst retaining their existing Client-Base. And those that don't will fail.
I don't see how more rake is an innovation, or an improvement, you know my views on the low stakes rake already. I think sky could at least half the rake on rebuys, personally I don't know of a site that charges full rake (or any rake) on rebuys Posted by oynutter
I rember one site, wont mention names out of fairness. But they do these freeroll rebuys, the rebuy is free but 1p rake.
Firstly, I must congratulate you on the structure of the tourney. It is wonderfully playable and strikes a happy medium between the normal faster structures and the deep stacks (not that I'm biased in any way, you understand!)
In the three weeks it has been running there has been great support for it, which leads me to the questions. Firstly, as it's been so popular, why change it so quickly? I know you said that it was originally planned to include re-buys but maybe it was a blessing in disguise when that didn't quite happen! There appears to be some unrest about its introduction so wouldn't it be a better option to put re-buys on the new tourneys rather than on this one?
Also, is there a catchy new name for these new tourneys? In my opinion, the reason for the popularity of this tournament has a lot to do with your association with it! "Take On Tikay" is an eye-catcher when people look at the tournament list (go figure! lol) and with a reasonably priced buy-in and good structure people have decided to give it a go! So will these new tourneys have a similarly eye-catching impact? And will they be put on at the same time (8.30pm is just right!)? I certainly hope so because it would be such a shame if they did not attract the numbers!
Incidentally, I don't mind re-buys and will happily play this whenever I can!
In Response to Re: T-o-T becomes a REBUY? : I rember one site, wont mention names out of fairness. But they do these freeroll rebuys, the rebuy is free but 1p rake. Posted by The_Don90
lol--sounds fun!!-- Now thats an innovation-innit !!
In Response to Re: T-o-T becomes a REBUY? : lol--sounds fun!!-- Now thats an innovation-innit !! Posted by oynutter
I found the main problem with it was there was 4000 people in it. 3000 of them bought at least one rebuy, one guy bout 200 rebuys which meant he had to actually win it to break even. But because of the set up of it being rake, no extra money was added to the pot, so why rebuy?
Well, you have to rebuy if you want another chance to win the pot--- I sometimes play a 10p rebuy, with a 50 quid guarantee, its a shove fest at first, with the whole table going all in until everyone has 4 or 5 times the starting stack, then it settles down--- but its worth going all in with any two if you know there will be 6 or 7 callers, as you only have to win once to have a good chance of winning once the rebuy period ends--- Its just a laugh at these stakes, but in a five quid tourney, only a few players cwould use such tactics
Well, you have to rebuy if you want another chance to win the pot--- I sometimes play a 10p rebuy, with a 50 quid guarantee, its a shove fest at first, with the whole table going all in until everyone has 4 or 5 times the starting stack, then it settles down--- but its worth going all in with any two if you know there will be 6 or 7 callers, as you only have to win once to have a good chance of winning once the rebuy period ends--- Its just a laugh at these stakes, but in a five quid tourney, only a few players cwould use such tactics Posted by oynutter
In that sence yes i understand that but its getting added to the pot usually. In the case of my one a guy re-bought £2 worth of rake, the winner only got £2 so even if he wins he only breaks even.
maybe the wsop main event should be a rebuy tourny, just think of the rake!!!!. i cant think of 1 other game/sport that once you are out/finished/done/beatin, you can go" heres some more money can i join back in" if you want to spend more money put it on another tourny, at least you will be starting the game with the same amount of chips as everyone else and not x2, x3 or 4x behind the guys at the top of the leader board. i agree tk ,more choice for the consumer is great , and yes you dont have to buy in and add on, but, and it is a big but i feel the re buy is offered to players at a time when emotions are at there highest (when you have just lost) to maybe a bad beat or a suck out. you automatically want to get back in there and fight. its human nature!!! . if all people played poker with a clear and level head ( most dont, including myself) and said to themselves" i will play this and allow myself 1 buyin" then thats fine, but like i said earlier when we lose and the endorphines and adrenaline is pumping round the body immediately after the showdown, we are at are most vulnerable. not saying this is your problem or skys, but no site condones playing under the influence of drugs and alcohol so why allow a player under the influence of stronger drugs to spend more money 5 secs after this rush. just think it is morally wrong. phil
If the structure remains the same, then blinds at the end of the rebuy period will only be 50/100.
Therefore you can guarantee a stack of 7.5k, 75 big blinds, at the end of level one, for 3 buy ins, (fee, 1 rebuy to 5k and an add on) - £16.50 same as the buy in for the main event that night
The rebuy here wont effect the play too much, maybe people will be gambling/racing with AK/AQ and likewise 77/88/99 - but if theyre shoving wide, with the structure in the first hour, they are just going to get picked off.
I hope people play the rebuy, give it a chance, rather than see the 'R' sign and ignore it, which I fear many will. As Gareth proved with his result above - theres every chance you can go deep for the initial entry fee and benefit from a bigger prize pool.
Nice result fella.
Imagine running KK into AA first hand of the tournament and be able to have another go! - Reckon theyre the only sort of rebuys you're gonna get with this structure.
The phrase "They wouldn't let it lie" somehow springs to mind.
Friday's tourney is now way,way out of my price range but even if I could stump up the cash to ensure I had at least one re-buy and the add on at my disposal its suddenly turned into a format I wouldn't touch with a very long barge poll.
So hats off to the proposed £2.20 freeze out version - will welcome that with open arms
Rebuys are what you want to make them and shouldn't be written off. The most popular tournaments on other sites are invariably rebuys.
I played the £600 Guaranteed Rebuy last night. The total entry fees 'at kickoff' were about £300. After the rebuy/add-on period ended the tournament had exceeded the guarantee by just a few pounds, so there was an average of one additional buy-in per player overall. The tournament wasn't a shove-fest and I didn't see anyone playing particularly loosely. The difference was that after an hour the field had remained the same as when it started. I took the add-on, so the entry cost for me was £10 and IMO a field of 51 players with a Prize pool of £600 is good business once it becomes a freezeout.
It was a good tournament and spoiled by just one thing. I was completely dominated all through it by Kiwi who went on to crush me in the H2H. I was struggling for any playable hands for most of the tournament and without the option to add-on I couldn't have lasted to the very end.
All in all it was a good experience and many congrats and well played to Kiwiluckbox )
old saying " just because you can, doesnt mean you should" Posted by pod1
As far as rebuying is concerned that's spot on ...... also because you can doesn't mean you are compelled to. Those that wish to rebuy are only adding to the prizepool. It's their choice, don't knock it.
It means that the free market ensures Customers have a choice. Which, in turn, means, that suppliers/service providers need to always try to innovate & improve, to generate more business whilst retaining their existing Client-Base. And those that don't will fail.
I think sky could at least half the rake on rebuys, personally I don't know of a site that charges full rake (or any rake) on rebuys
Firstly, I must congratulate you on the structure of the tourney. It is wonderfully playable and strikes a happy medium between the normal faster structures and the deep stacks (not that I'm biased in any way, you understand!)
In the three weeks it has been running there has been great support for it, which leads me to the questions. Firstly, as it's been so popular, why change it so quickly? I know you said that it was originally planned to include re-buys but maybe it was a blessing in disguise when that didn't quite happen! There appears to be some unrest about its introduction so wouldn't it be a better option to put re-buys on the new tourneys rather than on this one?
Also, is there a catchy new name for these new tourneys? In my opinion, the reason for the popularity of this tournament has a lot to do with your association with it! "Take On Tikay" is an eye-catcher when people look at the tournament list (go figure! lol) and with a reasonably priced buy-in and good structure people have decided to give it a go! So will these new tourneys have a similarly eye-catching impact? And will they be put on at the same time (8.30pm is just right!)? I certainly hope so because it would be such a shame if they did not attract the numbers!
Incidentally, I don't mind re-buys and will happily play this whenever I can!
tunbridge wells
Although Oynutter, is by far the most reasonable.
I do think tk is between a rock and a hard place with this mtt.
Rake v long structure !
I will play this on Friday and give it ago.
My fear is this mtt was only in its infancy and
was not broken .
i just hope that it is not broken now !
Friday's tourney is now way,way out of my price range but even if I could stump up the cash to ensure I had at least one re-buy and the add on at my disposal its suddenly turned into a format I wouldn't touch with a very long barge poll.
So hats off to the proposed £2.20 freeze out version - will welcome that with open arms
I played the £600 Guaranteed Rebuy last night. The total entry fees 'at kickoff' were about £300. After the rebuy/add-on period ended the tournament had exceeded the guarantee by just a few pounds, so there was an average of one additional buy-in per player overall. The tournament wasn't a shove-fest and I didn't see anyone playing particularly loosely. The difference was that after an hour the field had remained the same as when it started. I took the add-on, so the entry cost for me was £10 and IMO a field of 51 players with a Prize pool of £600 is good business once it becomes a freezeout.
It was a good tournament and spoiled by just one thing. I was completely dominated all through it by Kiwi who went on to crush me in the H2H. I was struggling for any playable hands for most of the tournament and without the option to add-on I couldn't have lasted to the very end.
All in all it was a good experience and many congrats and well played to Kiwiluckbox
After discussion with other forum deepstack players and doing some research online ,
i have decided not to play this take on tikay mmmm deepstack .
pity really it was the best value fiver game on skypoker .
from my research online concerning rebuy mtts ,
the experts recommend don't enter these unless you plan to rebuy 5 times and
the buy back in has no rake on it .
in my opinion i believe it will turn this deepstack in to a turbo mtt .