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WSOP Live Update - 3 go into 3. GL to Guy, Sue, & Tony!



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited July 2010

    The Close-of-Play interview with all three has been completed, & Attila is now uploading it.

    I forget the exact counts - they are in the Interview - but it's something like Sue 103k, Tony 93k, & Guy 55k.

    And so, same time, same place, tomorrow, for Day FOUR of the WSOP.

    The Money Bubble will bust sometime on Day Four, probably an hour either side of the Dinner-Break.

    Will our three still be in?

    Don't bet against it! It's been an extrordinary effort by our Team, by any criteria. Well done them.

    And so that's goodnight - again, from Claire & myself. We WERE booked to go home on Tursday, later deferred to Wednesday, & now, who knows?

    Night all!

  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited July 2010
    A fantastic performance by "the team".
    Keep it going folks.
  • chubberschubbers Member Posts: 491
    edited July 2010
    Well done to the sky poker 3, Guy, Sue and Tony.
    Lets hope you all make it to the cash now, then onto day 5 and beyond, who know's Tony and claire might have to book a trip in Novemeber,for the final table... Here's hoping.....
  • supersmithsupersmith Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2010
    Very well done to all 3 of you, especially Tony coming back from 18k with that horrible 75 thingymajig. Lets hope we get 3 cashes tomorrow and make Sky proud, gl all!!
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited July 2010
    Another feat worthy of note: all four Mizrachi brothers are through to day 4.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2010

    It seems Tony just can't get that break, to take a comfortable stack into a table captain stack.

    I bet he's unbelievably frustrated.

    But it's amazing how he keeps taking it on the chin and bouncing back.

    Next big hand is the key, if he can just get lucky (HOLD!! not even get lucky), 1 time, he cud be a real threat here. How many knocks can the guy take? Great resilliance and self belief.

    Good luck to all 3.
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited July 2010
    GREAT news from the guys in Las Vegas. I'm impressed by all three for varying reasons: Guy for his Tikay-esque patience at the table, Tony for being resilient enough to take that cruel six on the river and STILL get back to business and Sue for just ticking along, busting players and gliding through the tournament so far.

    I sincerely hope all of them cash and have a good feeling about a deep run. It's an annoying poker expression for sure, but I'm going with it:


  • labrat64labrat64 Member Posts: 987
    edited July 2010
    The sky poker team is doing a brilliant job out there. Congratulations to all 3 of you. Just how amazing will it be if all three were to cash. Best of luck all of you, and Sue, i guess the whole of Grimsby are gonna love ya lol, and tell the kid not to listen to the dealers, he can rail as he likes ha ha
  • bobcat52bobcat52 Member Posts: 568
    edited July 2010
    A brilliant performance by team SKY.

    Sue, for showing the boys how it's done,

    Tony for brilliant comeback from almost dead

    and Guy for keeping his cool despite the absence of hands.

    Unlucky for Will Brewin but no doubt he'll be back next year.

    Well done Tony and all the rest of the team for the 1st class coverage.

    p.s.     Welcome back D'oh
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited July 2010

    Well done the 3 still in, are the others still out there? hope you all go as far as possible good luck and run good!!! Sounds like your all having fun and playing good poker


  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited July 2010
    Great perfomance folks...... run good plz!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited July 2010
    Question; Whats the difference between these two groups of poker players?

    Group A Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Tom Dwan, Mike Matusow, Phil Laak, Joe Cada, Annette Oberstad, Elky (Bertrand Grospellier), James Akenhead, Neil Channing, Dave Ulliott, etc etc. etc.

    Group B  Sue Norsden, Guy Collins and Tony Stroud

    Answer; Group A have all been eliminated from the 2010 WSOP Main Event, Group B are all still in it!

    What an sensational night for Team Sky, very well played by all 3. Tony's comeback from 18K in particular was amazing.

    The bubble is getting close obviously, 1240 remain according to the official figures, so 493 eliminations to go, but with the average stack around 175K there's going to be much hard work to get there. I'm wishing you guys the very best of luck for tomorrow, make sure Tikay and Claire's flights get delayed even further and that you all fly home with plenty of $$$$$.

    PS - All 4 Mazarachi brothers also made it through day 3.
  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited July 2010
    Wow......... that's all i can say at the minute!!

    Wouldn't it be amazing if one or better still all 3 remaining Team Sky Members have to make another visit to  Vegas in November and reading these updates and the ones i followed on Twitter in the early hours this morning it seriously would not surprise me if that happened but Day 4 will be a tough one and 747 is the magic number to aim for!!!....

    That is all!....
  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited July 2010
    well done sky three.  Hope u all carry on tomorrow, so the sky three become the november nine lots of luck may the cards be with you.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited July 2010

    our brilliant three musketeers and d'Urrrr-tikay too. 
  • candicandi Member Posts: 2,162
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: WSOP Live Update - 3 go into 3. GL to Guy, Sue, & Tony!:
    GREAT news from the guys in Las Vegas. I'm impressed by all three for varying reasons: Guy for his Tikay-esque patience at the table, Tony for being resilient enough to take that cruel six on the river and STILL get back to business and Sue for just ticking along, busting players and gliding through the tournament so far. I sincerely hope all of them cash and have a good feeling about a deep run. It's an annoying poker expression for sure, but I'm going with it: SKY POKER TRIO CASH..... ONEEEEEEEE TIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    + 1million : ) xxx  Very very well played  all  three of you.  A magnificent performance!

    Let me hear you say wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! xxx and a high five!
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited July 2010
    Brilliant News, just Brilliant. COME ON SUE, GUY AND TONY.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited July 2010
    Great stuff our 3, and fantastic stuff from ati... Claire, tikay and the team too THANK YOU
  • LENGALENGLENGALENG Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2010
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited July 2010
    Excellent performance guys and gal!

    With 10% of the field getting paid we would be lucky to get 1 cash out of 6 "Amateur" players in a field full of pro's. So to have 3 players still in on the day the money will start is fantastic.

    Keep up what your doing, still a way to go yet!
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