In Response to Re: On the topic of online riggedness : Wooooo I won something 1st Prize ? Oooh "Rude comment" Ok Yes did read them all ..... same old Stories as far as I was concerned. Even TK has given up responding. What do you hope to achieve when you only want to hear negative comments to support your view's about Sky being fixed. I suggest "You are the one" that should Troll back through Archives and read the posts for Area 51 the past year you will find your Record is a bit worn out and needs changing not Sky.? My views, are unlike your views, but we are both entitled to them. So sorry if I don't wish you good luck in your Quest to discredit Sky Poker but I do wish you luck at the tables. gl Annie x Posted by logdon
Bit harsh annie.I prefer the more subtle approach,the more negative you are with people the more you will never make them see the real facts.Of course nothings rigged on this site its just when peoplle keep getting these negative outcomes in games they get very downhearted.Just keep patient with them and they will see that this happens in poker all of the time,no matter what site or in live games.All the best at the tables dav
In Response to Re: On the topic of online riggedness : Hi dave, You saying , "I'm a grumpy old woman". ! "AggroAnnie" ........ "You'd be right". ? I love area 51 and always read the posts here it just intrigues me to read others are getting caught by the same sucker hands as me, but then they are blaming it on Sky fixing it for them to lose. I have posted before on this subject and it fell on deaf ears. I harboured these thoughts at one time myself and looked for evidence but found none. Sure there are miracle out's and times when you say "I don't believe it" you hold Kings and Ace's come down Trips and full house hits and players that come back from 200 chips to win. That's Poker.? Have your Whinge Ok ! now get on with it. Don't blame Sky for your mistakes or bad luck. That's all I'm saying.? luvs Yeh annie x Posted by logdon
Annie Annie, Nobody is trying to discredit SkyPoker, after all, as a part of the SKY company they don't come any bigger than that. There business is all about profit and looking after all their customers. Sure SkyPoker has a few glitches, what poker site hasn't, those come with the territory where your not going to please all the people all the time .. All these people are saying is that it is possible, and has happened in the past .. NOT here though ..
So here's what some people may have seen and believed ..... This for anyone's information is FAKE , but with the technology out there, you can be sure someone is working on it somewhere .. FAKE video ..
10 reasons poker sites could be doctored for sites favour (not proof may i add just possible reasons im not that clever)
1. if good players win all the time the bad players would lose and not come back, meaning less players on site 2. if the bad players who make the ridiculous calls and hit far out odds to win, they wouldnt feel like such bad players cos they have won a few and continue reloading. 3. If good players won every game people would think it was fixed and not play against them. 4. The quicker players go out of a game by losing with a big hands when they are bound to call or push all in because of odds, will play another game giving the site more rake as you end up playing more games overall. 5. It puts people on tilt and they play more and at higher stakes to win it back meaning more rake for the site. 6. If the cards were coming out in favour of one player against another this could be because of there betting habbits and the site may know this and go against the regular player who make the site the most money as they know they will continue playing regardless (me). 7. Letting newbies win when they sign up keeps them interested and they stay with that site. 8. Makes more hands interesting creating more action and thus more reloads or rebuys if you go out early. 9. The government is involved and likes to make us all miserable so society complies with anything they say. 10. The system has leaned to adapt and become self aware and will soon take over the earth in 2012
There are many reasons it could be the question is why do we keep playing if we keep losing and believe it is. At the end of the day we choose to play online and sometimes wonder if its fixed. If it is then someone is doing well out of it and i just wish it was me. If it bothers you that much then play more live games and even then the dealer will prob be on the take just watch them chips very carefully
on point 7 it was certianly the case with me i have only ever deposited a tenner and it went straight up to £800 in no time thought it was the easiest game ever on line be patient and play good hands only when massive favorite as soon as hit the 800 mark started getting horrendous bad beats all the time and went back down to about 200 in no time still play the same so maybe just variance maybe not who knows who cares deep down we all love the game and while you can never beat live play its just handy to log on and have a dabble now and then
Sure SkyPoker has a few glitches, what poker site hasn't, those come with the territory where your not going to please all the people all the time ..
All these people are saying is that it is possible, and has happened in the past .. NOT here though ..
So here's what some people may have seen and believed .....
This for anyone's information is FAKE , but with the technology out there, you can be sure someone is working on it somewhere ..
FAKE video ..
This however really happened, and many people lost a lot of money ..
True video ,,
glk Annie, and keep fighting the good fight, everyone loves you
(not proof may i add just possible reasons im not that clever)
1. if good players win all the time the bad players would lose and not come back, meaning less players on site
2. if the bad players who make the ridiculous calls and hit far out odds to win, they wouldnt feel like such bad players cos they have won a few and continue reloading.
3. If good players won every game people would think it was fixed and not play against them.
4. The quicker players go out of a game by losing with a big hands when they are bound to call or push all in because of odds, will play another game giving the site more rake as you end up playing more games overall.
5. It puts people on tilt and they play more and at higher stakes to win it back meaning more rake for the site.
6. If the cards were coming out in favour of one player against another this could be because of there betting habbits and the site may know this and go against the regular player who make the site the most money as they know they will continue playing regardless (me).
7. Letting newbies win when they sign up keeps them interested and they stay with that site.
8. Makes more hands interesting creating more action and thus more reloads or rebuys if you go out early.
9. The government is involved and likes to make us all miserable so society complies with anything they say.
10. The system has leaned to adapt and become self aware and will soon take over the earth in 2012
There are many reasons it could be the question is why do we keep playing if we keep losing and believe it is. At the end of the day we choose to play online and sometimes wonder if its fixed. If it is then someone is doing well out of it and i just wish it was me. If it bothers you that much then play more live games and even then the dealer will prob be on the take just watch them chips very carefully