EPIC FAIL in the SPT tonight....19th/24. Did not help when I had a runner runner straight against me so I knew it wasnt going to be a great game for me! On a brighter note.....I have just finished 2nd/60 in the 8.15pm Deepstack and therefore now have 60 gold coins for which to fund my quest Saturday night!!! Posted by MAXALLY
Good grief! Enough of the excuses, just get the job done!
PS Sooooo glad I don't have to go through this torment! Sorry! You'll do it mate, keep the faith!
In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD*****....2 down & 5 to go - We stand as one!!! : Good grief! Enough of the excuses, just get the job done! PS Sooooo glad I don't have to go through this torment! Sorry! You'll do it mate, keep the faith! Posted by DiggerMan
Or do what i did and S'lite your way to either the Primo for as little as £1.50 or in my case the £8k BH for just £1 and cash big like i did on Thursday Night and freeroll yourself into SPT Nottingham - Simples!...........
Believe me i may well do the same thing again this week as every time i S'lite my way to an 8pm main event (mainly either the Thursday Night BH or Primo) i have cashed big in it where as whenever i buy directly i do the complete opposite and bust out quite early lol!
In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD*****....2 down & 5 to go - We stand as one!!! : +1 Or do what i did and S'lite your way to either the Primo for as little as £1.50 or in my case the £8k BH for just £1 and cash big like i did on Thursday Night and freeroll yourself into SPT Nottingham - Simples!........... Believe me i may well do the same thing again this week as every time i S'lite my way to an 8pm main event (mainly either the Thursday Night BH or Primo) i have cashed big in it where as whenever i buy directly i do the completeopposite and bust out quite early lol! Posted by OnlyOneCT
Well......attempted three over the week end........FAILED in three. That will be the best part of 75 quid gone! * sigh *
Last night's effort about summed my luck up in these qualifiers. In level 3, I raised from the button with a 3 x raise. SB folded and BB pushed all in for about 3k and only just had me covered. As I was sitting there with AA, I snap call. I was pleased to see a under-pair of 10 10. Unfortunately, I was against a player with a name like 'I always HIT the RiVer MAN'......and he did.GG.
I built my BR up over last week but these efforts, plus attempting the open and primo over the week end , have set me back.
As SKY POKER are blatantly NOT LISTENING to requests for more FREEZE OUT satellites but keep continuing with them awful re-buys! , I have to admit that my quest could be over unless I build my BR up over the next couple of weeks
If I do not make it, I nominate DARICH to be a substitute Knight for the week end as he will have no other friends there! )
Pesky RV'd eh......Naughty man!!!!!! How is everyone else doing? Still no home broadband but I am desperately working on it!!!!!!!! Will hopefully be online by the weekend and will have a bloomin good crack at it ) Wish we could get a response on the 1 freezeout per day suggestion though... xx Posted by TRIP5
I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about yourself?
Well......attempted three over the week end........FAILED in three. That will be the best part of 75 quid gone! * sigh * Last night's effort about summed my luck up in these qualifiers. In level 3, I raised from the button with a 3 x raise. SB folded and BB pushed all in for about 3k and only just had me covered. As I was sitting there with AA, I snap call. I was pleased to see a under-pair of 10 10. Unfortunately, I was against a player with a name like 'I always HIT the RiVer MAN'......and he did.GG. I built my BR up over last week but these efforts, plus attempting the open and primo over the week end , have set me back. As SKY POKER are blatantly NOT LISTENING to requests for more FREEZE OUT satellites but keep continuing with them awful re-buys! , I have to admit that my quest could be over unless I build my BR up over the next couple of weeks If I do not make it, I nominate DARICH to be a substitute Knight for the week end as he will have no other friends there! ) KNIGHTOFVICE..........(looking for advice!) Posted by MAXALLY
I am willing to offer my services if they are so desired!!
Your probably getting sick of me saying this but i've made another final table.
I know some players get good runs and keep on the right side of varience but never have i been on such a run like this:
(The is the results of the last 6 MTT'S/S&G'S i have played on the site!)
£2.5k Double Stack - 1/335 £15 DYM - 1/6 £50 BH Scary - 2/36 £8k Bounty Hunter - 343/505 (Got to have one bad MTT failure haha lol!) £1.2k Bounty Hunter - 29/204 £150 Bounty Hunter - 3/38
In the last 8 days i think i've been on at least 7 final tables (3 in the last 3 days and 2 8PM Main Event FT's within 1 week!) and i am certainly going into SPT Nottingham with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Fellow Knights there is proof that you can get to SPT Nottingham without even bothering to qualify via those "highly popular" rebuy Sats!
As we speak Alan i'm currently watching your progress in the Primo and i hope you can do what i did twice in 7 days and take down a massive cash tonight and buy your way into SPT Nottingham fella!
As we speak Alan i'm currently watching your progress in the Primo and i hope you can do what i did twice in 7 days and take down a massive cash tonight and buy your way into SPT Nottingham fella! UP DA KNIGHTS!!!........ Posted by OnlyOneCT
Cheers Craig! thanks for you support on the rail tonight mate. As you saw, I ran my KK into AA but I was never folding there. Cashed in 47th but not enough to buy in direct . I think I will try and build my BR up again over the week and have another triple attempt next w/end in them semi final jobbies.....
In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD*****....2 down & 5 to go - We stand as one!!! : Cheers Craig! thanks for you support on the rail tonight mate. As you saw, I ran my KK into AA but I was never folding there. Cashed in 47th but not enough to buy in direct . I think I will try and build my BR up again over the week and have another triple attempt next w/end in them semi final jobbies..... Posted by MAXALLY
It was a serious case of bad luck running into Aces with your Kings at a point where you probably needed to have found a double up just to sit back a little bit and then possibly gone on to have challenged for a final table spot but not a bad cash whatsoever and you'll get to Nottingham i'm sure of it!
Sorry....What I actually meant was CAN YOU JOIN ME ON SATURDAY????
I got a bit giddy yesterday, what with being back on-line and all but I have plans tonight so will be playing in Saturdays SPT Semi...Let me know if you're joining in...See you at the felts team!
Sorry....What I actually meant was CAN YOU JOIN ME ON SATURDAY???? I got a bit giddy yesterday, what with being back on-line and all but I have plans tonight so will be playing in Saturdays SPT Semi...Let me know if you're joining in...See you at the felts team! WE STAND AS ONE!!!!!!!! xx Posted by TRIP5
Hi Irene
Ohhhh serious best of luck for tonight!!
Sadly i won't be around to do any railing as im off to Chester Races very shortly and i believe a certain Knight MAXXY is also there aswell (PEOPLE OF CHESTER WATCH OUT HAHAHA LOL!!!).
C'mon 2 Knights at SPT Nottingham is good but ain't good enough so i expect the likes of your good self to also make it aswell!
PS Sooooo glad I don't have to go through this torment! Sorry! You'll do it mate, keep the faith!
BRILLIANT 2nd Deepy Vice....Keep it up mighty Knight!!!
DTD WE STAND AS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Onwards & upwards
Or do what i did and S'lite your way to either the Primo for as little as £1.50 or in my case the £8k BH for just £1 and cash big like i did on Thursday Night and freeroll yourself into SPT Nottingham - Simples!...........
Believe me i may well do the same thing again this week as every time i S'lite my way to an 8pm main event (mainly either the Thursday Night BH or Primo) i have cashed big in it where as whenever i buy directly i do the complete opposite and bust out quite early lol!
Its looking good for ya for Nottingham then !!!
My tinter is playing up so not been able to rail!!!!!!
How is everyone else doing? Still no home broadband but I am desperately working on it!!!!!!!!
Will hopefully be online by the weekend and will have a bloomin good crack at it
Wish we could get a response on the 1 freezeout per day suggestion though...
Btw - Thanks Aaron I'm very fine ;o)
Your probably getting sick of me saying this but i've made another final table.

I know some players get good runs and keep on the right side of varience but never have i been on such a run like this:
(The is the results of the last 6 MTT'S/S&G'S i have played on the site!)
£2.5k Double Stack - 1/335
£15 DYM - 1/6
£50 BH Scary - 2/36
£8k Bounty Hunter - 343/505 (Got to have one bad MTT failure haha lol!)
£1.2k Bounty Hunter - 29/204
£150 Bounty Hunter - 3/38
In the last 8 days i think i've been on at least 7 final tables (3 in the last 3 days and 2 8PM Main Event FT's within 1 week!) and i am certainly going into SPT Nottingham with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Fellow Knights there is proof that you can get to SPT Nottingham without even bothering to qualify via those "highly popular" rebuy Sats!
That is all!...
As we speak Alan i'm currently watching your progress in the Primo and i hope you can do what i did twice in 7 days and take down a massive cash tonight and buy your way into SPT Nottingham fella!
UP DA KNIGHTS!!!........
Excellent Results CT & Maxxy!! Watched the primo ans saw you came in 47th
Managed to get some tokens for my Friday night's attempt at least.
(cheers for your support Sir Rossy Knight, albeit, brief!...lol)
Tournament CompleteFinished at 00:08 - 18 Aug01:23:45:67This is a TV-only gameStarts AtStarted AtBuy-InRunning ForPrize PoolRegistered48 / 250Players LeftChipsBlind LimitsBlinds CurrentNextInStacks LargestAverageSmallest1Rosco15 - £96 + 20 League Points2MAXALLY - £60 + 16 League Points3VIKINGPETE - £36 + 12 League Points4Neilio123 - £26.40 + 8 League Points5COSHIDA106 - £21.60 + 4 League PointsRebuys/Addons available
My Brave & Mighty Knights...With the blessing of wi-fi I am back!!!!!!!!!!
I shall be buying direct into tomorrows nights SPT semi-final - wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
CARE TO JOIN ME????? (unless you've already qualified obv.)
Raise your lances and bring it home Knights!!!
I got a bit giddy yesterday, what with being back on-line and all but I have plans tonight so will be playing in Saturdays SPT Semi...Let me know if you're joining in...See you at the felts team!
Ohhhh serious best of luck for tonight!!
Sadly i won't be around to do any railing as im off to Chester Races very shortly and i believe a certain Knight MAXXY is also there aswell (PEOPLE OF CHESTER WATCH OUT HAHAHA LOL!!!).
C'mon 2 Knights at SPT Nottingham is good but ain't good enough so i expect the likes of your good self to also make it aswell!
UP DA KNIGHTS!..................