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Knightplops of the Oval Table - SPT BLACKPOOL Challenge!! *****3 QUALIFIED......KNIGHTPLOPS MAXXY, C



  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited September 2010

    Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!

    I've saved £124 by s'litte my little backside into the SPT Final tonight!!

    Ever since i had that amazing week where i just kept winning MTT's for fun and i final tabled two 8pm main events in a week which resulted in me winning the wednesday night £2.5k doublestack, my form has been very up and down and the bankroll has took a bit of a hit and the bad beat i had in last Thursday Night's £8k Deepstack was a major kick in the teeth and i seriously did question at the time whether i could justify myself to buy-in directly for the SPT Final and give a good showing for myself and i seriously was in the mindset to possibly just playing any of the side games and become a professional railer for the weekend but i thought i want to qualify on merit by playing to qualify and not directly buy-in and it took 4 attempts (I set a target of 5 attempts at the start!) but i'm in the mix and i seriously now want to win SPT Nottingham because i feel i've still got unfinished business from SPT Manchester and i took a lot of positives from playing in last week's £8k doublestack which has helped!.

    Also many thanks to the legend that is Dollie for railing me tonight - OFFICER AND A GENTLEMEN IS THAT MAN!!!

  • candicandi Member Posts: 2,162
    edited September 2010
     WTG Craig! xx
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010



  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited September 2010

    Quite simply -


    I have had the mother of all really c r @ p nights on the poker tables and it has got to me big style so much i have wanted to get my cricket bat and smash a wall down because i have been so hacked off with getting outdrawn time after time and playing well and getting no luck whatsoever which has resulted in me losing my temper online and doing Phil Hellmuth style rants. I'm not a nasty person, its just so ruddy frustrating for someone like me who plays to win at all times and have a losing streak like this because it does not do the confidence any good.

    Because of this, i've decided that i am not playing any Poker till next Saturday because if i do and i have another bad beat, ill know ill lose it big style and that will result in a chat ban.

    Ill be still around on both Twitter and Facebook but i am staying away from the forum to cool down and hopefully be in a lot better mood in time for the biggie next weekend at Nottingham.

    That is all!......

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited September 2010

    Ok.....I have just brought in direct. It goes against my principle that this tournament should be 'open' to all players on Sky Poker but with only a few places left, needs must. There has been only 1/2 seats available in them tough Semi Finals, from what I can see, and I do feel that is down to the lower sats being made rebuy ones IMHO.

    Anyway.....3 Knights In.....lets hope we don't stand as a 3 legged donkey hey :))

  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010
    Still trying team.....Sunday is my last night of attemption... if not then its back to jiffy's and andrex :o(

  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010

    It looks like I'm going to have to do a MACHKA!!!!!!

    I shall come and try to qualify Friday night else be a professional railer and side game player for the weekend!!!!

    Need to book the hotel today...where is everyone else staying??

    Plus...are you getting there Friday or Saturday??




  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD*****....2 down & 5 to go - We stand as one!!!:
    It looks like I'm going to have to do a MACHKA!!!!!! I shall come and try to qualify Friday night else be a professional railer and side game player for the weekend!!!! Need to book the hotel today...where is everyone else staying?? Plus...are you getting there Friday or Saturday?? TEAM!!! I NEED ANSWERS..... Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xx
    Posted by TRIP5
    I'm staying in Jurys Inn (which i believe is now booked up via the website i booked it from!) but ill be in Nottingham on Saturday Morning.

    I had a look at DTD's website and according to their schedule there will be a £30 freezeout tourney starting at 8pm on the Saturday and a £40 deepstack tourney starting at 8pm on the Sunday (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong guys) so even if you dont qualify for the SPT Grand Final at least there may well be an opportunity to play some decent tourney poker on the side!!

    Then when i go home monday lunchtime, its off to the real home of cricket at Old Trafford for Lancashire CCC's end of season buffet and me propping up the bar!!

    Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!

  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010

    C'MON CT!!!!!!!!

    I'm soooooooo excited :o)

    The Jury's is indeed booked however the Brittania Notts still has availability and I don't think it's that far either.....

    Anyone coming on Friday for the final SPT qualification??

    WE STAND AS ONE!!!! (or in my case we rail as one...)

  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010
    Oh no she didn't!?????

    OH YES SHE DID :oD (ha, you didn't think i'd actually qualified did you??)

    Booked it, already have my beautiful dtd membership from my sleep through FIASCO in April, packed my passport and i'm ready for the off wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    See you Friday Nottingham

    Mighty Knights.....BRING IT HOME!!!!

    We stand as one

  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited September 2010
    good luck to all you Knights, and all the ploppers also there

    Looking forward to seeing you all there
  • sara36dd08sara36dd08 Member Posts: 826
    edited September 2010

      mighty knights

      5 off us in attendance fantastic

      will be arriving sat morning staying in the park hotel where ever that is

      looking forward to meeting the fellow mighty knights

      knights at the bar

      good luck on friday sir miss night tripps

      all the best sara 36dd

      down with ploppers
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2010
    I may do a Machka, I may not.  I will know Thursday evening if I can make it or not.  If I can I will:

    book a hotel Thursday night (for Fri and Sat nights)
    work in Bournemouth Friday
    driving up after work Friday evening
    play in whatever I can Fri, Sat and Sun
    drive home Sun night, Mon AM
    go to work 9am Monday
    drive home Monday evening

    WE STAND AS ONE!!!! (or in my case we rail as two...)
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT MAXXY, KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD***** 3 Playing & 2 Railers - We stand as one!!!:
    I may do a Machka, I may not.  I will know Thursday evening if I can make it or not.  If I can I will: book a hotel Thursday night (for Fri and Sat nights) work in Bournemouth Friday driving up after work Friday evening play in whatever I can Fri, Sat and Sun drive home Sun night, Mon AM go to work 9am Monday drive home Monday evening SLEEP! WE STAND AS ONE!!!! (or in my case we rail as two...)
    Posted by Machka
    Ahhhhh Mighty Pal...PLEEEEAAAAASSSE Dont make me rail as one!!!!

    Do A MIGHTY MACHKA...I'm only going because you're railing with me....




  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2010
    Right, hotel just booked.  Britannia Notts, hope I know someone else who is staying there. ;-)

    Since my car has been acting a little temperamentally lately I've just got a years RAC membership as well, £5 quid for a whole years cover after cashback, bargain.  Hope I don't need it.

    Need to go and pack now.  Hopefully I'll leave work earlyish tomorrow and get to DTD in time for the SPT Satellite.

    See you all then.
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Knights of the Oval Table - SPT Dusk til Dawn Challenge!! *****CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHT MAXXY, KNIGHT CT & KNIGHT SDD***** 3 Playing & 2 Railers - We stand as one!!!:
    Right, hotel just booked.  Britannia Notts, hope I know someone else who is staying there. ;-) Since my car has been acting a little temperamentally lately I've just got a years RAC membership as well, £5 quid for a whole years cover after cashback, bargain.  Hope I don't need it. Need to go and pack now.  Hopefully I'll leave work earlyish tomorrow and get to DTD in time for the SPT Satellite. See you all then.
    Posted by Machka


    Will be in the Brit bar from 7.00ish and DTD from 7.30ish (taxi dependent)...What time are you arriving? Do you want us to wait on for you? The SPT sat starts at 9pm....

  • rossjb14rossjb14 Member Posts: 700
    edited September 2010
    Good luck to the Knights and the Ploppers this weekend.  Love to be there but I have work commitments for tomorrow.

    We stand as one!
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2010

    Ahhhh mighty knights..It was an absolute pleasure to meet each and every one of you and a privilege to spend some time getting to know you! Honestly I couldn't have wished for a better team to rail and be railed by...individually and collectively we are brilliant!

    Along the way we have met some fantastic people...meeting my nemesis plopper (for his version see
    here ) has been a pleasure and I salute you on your bullseye play sir...though I believe my accuracy was considerably better than

    deuces live was my first meet in dtd on Friday night and like myself had never played live..he railed my 3 horrific beats in the rebuy and in return I railed him through the main event and even supported him and maxxy though a 3am kebab munch fest...

    solarcarro & the lovely yorkie74plop are amazing people and I can’t wait to play live poker with you soon...thanks guys xx

    Digger man you know you are brilliant and anytime you fancy being a knight pal give me a call :o)

    solack soooooo very sorry for betting out of turn however to share a table with you and diggers was a pleasure...I WON THE LAST LONGER BET ... I didn’t want to draw attention to it or anything but I earned one of your fine English (yes plopper English) pounds from DIGGERMAN MACHKA MAXALLY & FLASHFLUSH was a triumph in itself (not that  I’m one for huffing and puffing obv.) the extra pound that sky chipped in made it valllllluuuuuueeee toooooowwwwwwwnnnnnnn :o)

    tikay you are a gentleman and should be in stand up...'coxy shoved with 10 10...what a fish' pure genius sir and I can't wait to see you again in bland how are you so brilliant at sooo many things? step up analyst, chess master, photography genius, blogger extraordinaire...I could continue but I don’t want to embarrass you sir...1 question? How do they get you so cheap? was a pleasure to share mobile phone charging and one mighty poker hand with you before maxxy took me out with trip5...trip5 by name trip5 by nature. Btw you're dad is ACE!!


    thank you all for looking after me and each other I don’t want to go into details but YOU ARE BRILLIANT...


    you were very much missed and we can’t wait to meet you all soon






  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited September 2010
    great stuff LADY PLOPETTE, glad you enjoyed the weekend........oh and did you acquire any new clothes??? shopping were we??????
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited September 2010
    Fantastic team you have Maid Marion and was an absolute privelege to meet you.  Its actually a shame I was in the tournament so long as I missed a lot of the social side which is often better than the poker!
    Massive thank you for the railing you gave me and Sian alongside Dave the Deuce who I thought was player of the tournament.

    And to all the knights who gave me the best exit round of applause in the house I bow to your mightyness

    I may be Team Dohhhhhh, I may have had a star for the week but you guys were the STARS of the weekend

    Arise Team Knights, I salute you all!

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