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Following on from last night's show and comments made this morning by Sky_Claire and Tikay, it is clear that Sky WILL listen to feedback about what people want to see. Therefore, I thought it would be a great shame if people didn't offer their feedback. I know there is plenty of feedback already on the show threads but I thought it would be a good idea to start this specific thread.
So, for what it's worth, here is my 2 cents worth:
I love the live shows and think they are the best part of the channel by far. I actually look forward to the evenings when they are on and I never miss one. I went on holiday for a week last month and I recorded them all to watch when I got back. I am very disappointed to learn that the 3D studio is going as I think that setup is fantastic.
As I understand it the channel is basically a marketing tool. In my own personal experience, the live shows are the SINGLE reason I am now hooked on poker. I played a couple of games on another site a few years ago and won a couple of games but never really got into it. Then I discovered Channel 865 around xmas 2008 and absolutely loved it and like I say it got me completely hooked on poker. If it wasn't for these shows I would never have discovered that there are correct ways to play poker, I would never have considered simple concepts such as pot odds etc and I would not be playing now, simple as that. As it is I spent around 7 months watching the show and never missing one while I finished my degree. On finishing my degree, I made my first deposit the night of my last exam and I have played on Sky virtually everyday since then. So, just in my personal experience, Channel 865 is an extremely valuable marketing tool for Sky.
Bottom line then, looking forward, what I would like to see is as many live shows as is at all possible. I wish they were on every day I have been disappointed every time one has been axed and I for one would absolutely hate to see the end of the live show on Channel 865.
I understand as well that they are doing away with the 3D graphics and I'd like to know the rationale behind this as I believe this adds to the show, watching a flat screen display is just like looking at your computer screen and as a TV presentation looks, in my opinion, boring.
Cash hands from all the different mastercash levels, and selected dyms (TV symbol) shown, hand after hand, all night.
No need for commentary, so will be cheap as chips to do? 2 - d is fine?
Encourage ppl to play more to get on TV - give us something interesting to watch - and avoid so many repeats.
- If people don't want to be shown - don't play MC/TV tables
......oh....and yeh bring primo back!
John that is a lovely post and we are so grateful for your support.
Kiwini4u- the main reason for the change in set is we are trying to cut back on costs. The studios we currently rent costs us a lareg amount of money per year which the business cannot justify. The money saved can therefore be reinvested into the website and other areas of Sky Poker.
Kevilfish- we show highlights of the SPT events across the channel and will be covering the final at DTD this September. This normally gets aired one week after the event as we need to edit the footage. These shows are scattered all over the schedule and are under the TV schedule section on this site. We are also hoping to attend the WSOPE and possibly the WPT in London this September and will be bringing you the highlights of them.
we needn't persuade skypoker to listen as it is wise for them to seek out the views of their customers. if they listen, good for them. if they act on what they hear, good too. if it means that they persevere making these decision, such as removing 3D, good for them too. but probably not good for business.
the decisions are theirs on business matters, the decisions are ours on whether skypoker are offering something more attractive than other options and how and where we choose to spend our time and money.
Hi All, but especially "THE SUITS"
I work in a business that has a large element of customer service as part of it's business plan, and over the past 20 odd years I've seen the transient effects that accountants have on businesses if they are allowed to 'dictate' what goes into the business plan.
In my experience I've never seen an accountant build a successful business, they only push cost cutting through (if allowed by weak management) with no thought to who actually pays for the goods and services.
Changes only happen with an influx of good ideas from forward thinking people who invest in creating a great/improved product, market it well and deliver exceptional customer service.
Cost cutting and devaluing the offering by 'product engineering' ie:
Less live broadcasts
Too many repeats
Not enough hand analysis - the main reason we are here - well except for the community
Alienates the current customer base, and does nothing to attract new ones.
Things that can be done:
Attack the costs that are not customer facing:
Renegotiate the studio rent & rate terms.
In my world 75% of the employees are frontline who make & sell, so look at your non-productive establishment, and make sure they are good value for their input.
Talk to your customers and deliver on the best 4 - 5 ideas that will surely become obvious very quickly.
Never think you know better than your customers, it leads you to making the wrong call, last night being a prime example - oh yes, if anyone said "they'll get used to it" FIRE THEM.
If you need any help in getting it right give me a call.
Lets hope they contact you.
Congrats again to Sue for her performance in Vegas.
The 2d version is ok for show my hand and analysis in the club but if they intend to do whole shows in 2D it'll ruin an excellent show. So bring back the primo and keep it in 3d.
Kidgrimsby, excellent post Sir. Far more eloquent than my drivel.
Also just to add, in any business no matter be it car sales or food or entertainment, what makes customers keep coming back time and again ?
"They have enjoyed their buying experience" !! Smile and make them laugh, it's that easy !
I'm gutted it was taken away yesterday especially when it was one of my best mates who went on to win the Primo last night!!! It's a great addition to the site and I really enjoy watching 865 and watching my tournament live whilst playing. Shame the only time I've been shown in a hand for analysis was when I was bluffed :P
Great post sir....were they also saying we'll learn to love rebuy rake in time?
Did Jonny Gould's name crop up at any point?
Were there any muffins left?
However when the SPT comes along, have live coverage. Select a featured table and use that. Then have highlights from other tables at night. Think that would be interesting.