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The "THAT Show" Blog Feedback Thread.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
edited August 2010 in Poker Chat

Please Post your comments & Feedback from the "THAT Show" Blog on this thread.


The Blog is HERE


  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited August 2010 is the 1st comment......your link doesn't errrr, link.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited August 2010
    Mission control 'we have a problem'
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited August 2010

    Sorry.....but your link back seems not to work either (from blog to thread)

    Easy question to start with then.......what does USP stand for?

  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited August 2010
    Its on the community home page under "Latest Blogs", just next to the chilled cabinet.
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited August 2010
    Reading it makes sense, all very clear and geared towards SkyPoker and 865 running good.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited August 2010


    Just testing......

    Hopefully, both work now.

    It was due to one of these things.....

    1) I  posted both Links before either the Blog or the Thread had been published, as they needed to go live at the same time.

    2) It was the funny-bone logic - to divert attention from the subject.

    3) I messed up.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: The "THAT Show" Blog Feedback Thread.:
    Sorry.....but your link back seems not to work either (from blog to thread) Easy question to start with then.......what does USP stand for?
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Thanks Alan.

    USP = "Unique Selling Point"

  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2010
    I think it's great that the live shows on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday will continue, these are the best nights of the week for me. Also the pre-recorded schedule looks even better now with 3 final tables from the flagship tournaments being filmed, I am looking forward to these and they will give everyone extra incentive to reach the final table.

    Further, I think I will get used to the return to 2D graphics with extra things promised for the future shows.

    Finally, I am really looking forward to seeing these new USPs when they come out.

    Good work Sky and thanks for the update Tikay.

  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited August 2010
    Good to hear traffic on the site is on the up.  As for the tv channel.  I dont have a sky subscription and rarely watch it.  I do put on master cash on my pc tho.  Thats a great show along with totp.  Instead of repeats all the time, why cant you show continuous cash games from tv marked tables, in realtime, with slight delay of course.  You wont need any presenters or analysts , just show it.  Far more interesting thaan repeats imo.

    I know its been mentioned before, but it would be great if you could have like a live sit n go that ppl qualified for online.  Hole cams and everything. Thats a couple of shows worth...
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2010
    Hi tikay

    Sky Poker, Sky team, brill, fantastic, we love you all... Just a coton pickin minute, 2D, does that mean when we got LM presenting, we are going to have to start looking at the cards now?, sigh, just sigh ;)

    Seriously, thanks for the blog tikay, onward and upward, gooooooooooooooo Sky Poker.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2010
    If you're taking a dimension away from the cards please don't go adding it to the presenters, I don't want Orford climbing out of the screen onto my lounge carpet "The Grudge" style.

    On second thought if Lisa-Marie... no, never mind.

    But seriously, my main issue with 2D over 3D is that the hand analysis seems terribly clinical and loses all entertainment factor.  There really is a huge perceived difference to me between seeing someone analyzing the hands and hearing someone talk about a hand.  I have tried to watch many instructional poker videos and it's hard enough to keep focussed for 30 minutes, let alone hours.

    I'm sure the presenters and analysts will bring their own unique style to this "cut to table" analysis.  I guess time will tell if it goes down well with the viewers.

  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2010
    Hi Tony,

    As i have said on other threads, I thought the Dealers Choice was a good programme and i think it does warrant a place in the schedule.
    If your base is moving north, will the current rota of presenters and analysts(how are great btw), still going to be on our screens, or have i jumped the gun again?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: The "THAT Show" Blog Feedback Thread.:
    Hi Tony, As i have said on other threads, I thought the Dealers Choice was a good programme and i think it does warrant a place in the schedule. If your base is moving north, will the current rota of presenters and analysts(how are great btw), still going to be on our screens, or have i jumped the gun again? col
    Posted by mr_mbro
    Channel 865 has no plans to move North - it's new Studio will be in Osterley, Middlesex, on the Great West Road, about 5 miles from our current Studio, which is in Feltham, near Heathrow.

    "Dealers Choice" - well we will let everyone know if & when it re-appears. They plan to use August to test a few things, maybe make a few Pilot Shows, &, one hopes, Dealers Choice may then get onto the TV Schedule. 
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited August 2010
    Hasn't bskyb just announced huge, and record, profits? Surely they can afford to keep the current studio if it is such a valuable resource to their sky gaming subsidiary. Somebody needs to have a chat with James Murdoch lol.
  • kidgrimsbykidgrimsby Member Posts: 85
    edited August 2010

    Tikay, Claire,Mandy & the suits,

                As business executives learn, sooner or later, people don't like radical change, so last Sunday at 8.00pm when we all got ready to put our feet into our "comfortable warm and nice old pair of slippers " AKA SKY865 Primo Live; the shock of not been greeted by our old friends in their familiar 3D surroundings, not seeing live hands, and being fed unrecognisable features and chat, was too much to take in one go; resulting in the torrent of comments.

               The beauty of this community is the fact that we can give both bad & good comments, because  we've become friends with Sky Poker and each other over the past few years; it's only in this sort of environment you would feel happy & relaxed enough to be truthful in what you  post.

              It's good to know you (and hopefully the suits) have recognised the issues and the mostly constructive comments you've had will be played into what 'you' do next. You do so many things right, and I'm sure you will in the future, and if not there will be three or four hundred people happy to tell you what they think.

       Tony, Max Clifford will be proud of your opening comments, let's hope the suits don't let you down.



  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited August 2010
    I have to agree with Machka on the 3D vs 2D scenario.But i'll wait until I've watched Sundays show
    before I condemn/approve it.
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited August 2010
    How far is Osterley from the old Hoover Factory?  Surely worth a visit for its splendour if not too far, although sadly now a Tesco store.
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for the information Tikay - great news that Sky Poker is continuing to grow and flourish. 

    I think the main gripe for a lot of the 'original' players is that the TV channel has changed so much over the years. I understand what you say about 'not standing still' but from a daily regular tournament being shown on the TV at the start to now only Thursdays and Sundays to watch a tournament it does not have the same appeal.  Add into the equation that Thursday's are generally Bounty Hunters which for all the good will in the world does not promote some of the finer qualities of poker (ie making a decent laydown and getting a better spot rather than shoving all in  in the hope of gaining a bounty) it does look disappointing!  

    Online as well, the emphasis for tournies tends to be bounty hunters, rebuys and satelittes - all of which are limiting the choice for those players with a little larger bankroll who want a decent tournament with a decentish prize (something a little larger to ToT).  I know that these will need players to play in, but how are they going to be attracted to play on the site with less TV emphasis on these type of tournaments?

    ABSOLUTELY ALL of the presenting team are great and I hope they will not fall by the wayside anytime soon and that the on screen chemistry is not lost with the new formats.  I remember being a guest in the studio a couple of years ago and watching in awe at how the 3D images differ so greatly from the studio to on the screen.  It gave Sky Poker that 'extra something' to other online poker TV shows (including the old PNL which I used to watch avidly before).  

    I have been, and will continue to be, a Sky Poker regular - both on the tables and on the forum - and only want to see it succeed.  I just hope that the balance can be maintained online and on TV to keep attracting and retaining new and existing customers.


  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited August 2010
    Ok, my first post on this whole topic (what a week to take a holiday).

    I watched the repeat last night of 'Dealers Choice.'  I've got to say I enjoyed the show thoroughly.  Obviously this was in a more 'magazine' format but it appealed to me.  I can totally understand those who have stated they preferred the Primo show, this is all down to personal preferences (or Players Choice, geddit!).

    2D v 3D

    I'm going to stick my bottom on the chopping block, I prefer the 2D format.  I love the interaction between presenter and analyst, I find this thoroughly entertaining.  However on occasion I can get a little miffed when this 'crashes' into the hand and before we know it the clickers gone half-way or all the way through the hand without the play being examined at all.  DP and Tikay worked the balance perfectly in Dealers Choice IMO, very good interaction and your usual tangents between the hands but having it as a 2D screen focused everyone on the hand in play when it started and helped deliver detailed and interesting analysis.  The 2D also makes me think back to the 'Poker Night Live' days on another place which I still look back on fondly.


    Change happens.  The Roman Empire lived by the motto 'expand or die.'  Sheryl Crow said 'A Change will do you good.'  All of our favourite shows will develop and change over time.  This has to happen before shows go stale and stagnant.  However what we are very lucky enough to have here is a site and 'powers that be' who I genuinely believe listen to our feedback and care about our opinions.  If you want to try and find another pokersite that will do anything close to this please do, but I've been around a long time and kicked the cards over in most virtual gin joints, I've never found one.  We should be constructive, give our opinions in a professional and respectful way.  Our voices are being heard.

    So back to the tables, see you at the felt all.  Peace.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited August 2010

    well written tikay.

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