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PLayers Away

murphinhomurphinho Member Posts: 4
edited September 2010 in Poker Chat
Hey Guys

What do you think about freerolls on sky poker and also the tournys as well, at the moment I am finding every table players sit out at least min of  THE FIRST 20 MINUTES , at least 3 players per table are sitting out , the last 3 tournaments I have sat down I have played no poker for 55 minutes due to 5 out of 6 players sitting out this is not just in freerolls its happening in other tournaments ,

Has any body experienced the same situation or similar ?

What do you think about this ?


  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2010
    I would delete your username if i were you matey
  • tikay1tikay1 Member Posts: 741
    edited August 2010

    Hi Murph,

    With due respect, you should NEVER include your e-Mail address or even User Name on Forum Posts. It'd be prudent to remove them both soonest.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2010

    And in the 2 posts in Community Suggestions.

  • Sky_mod1Sky_mod1 Member Posts: 88
    edited August 2010

    I have edited your post, and removed your email, and username, unfortunately it is against forum rules.

    Thank you for your understanding

    Sky Mod
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2010

    Unfortunately, it is all part and parcel of poker, players may sit out if they wish.
  • murphinhomurphinho Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    Hi Unfortunately, it is all part and parcel of poker, players may sit out if they wish.
    Posted by acebarry10

    I understand what your saying but not when a player has sat out for min of 20 minutes at the very start of a tourny and never played a hand then maybe 20 minus later they join in . Do you think that is ok ? does not affect you wen you play poker and out of the 6 players for 30 mins theres only you playing !!!
  • murphinhomurphinho Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2010
    and sorry guys about putting my details didnt realise what I did

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away : Hi I understand what your saying but not when a player has sat out for min of 20 minutes at the very start of a tourny and never played a hand then maybe 20 minus later they join in . Do you think that is ok ? does not affect you wen you play poker and out of the 6 players for 30 mins theres only you playing !!!
    Posted by murphinho

    To be honest, I really dont mind, I just keep pinching the blinds till/if they join in, there has been lots of occasions I have been on a table with "Away players" and have blinded them out, more chips for me lol, its poker, it happens :)Phill Hellmuth does not join in a tourny until level 3, and thats live :)
  • explantyexplanty Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2010
    In Response to PLayers Away:
    Hey Guys What do you think about freerolls on sky poker and also the tournys as well, at the moment I am finding every table players sit out at least min of  THE FIRST 20 MINUTES , at least 3 players per table are sitting out , the last 3 tournaments I have sat down I have played no poker for 55 minutes due to 5 out of 6 players sitting out this is not just in freerolls its happening in other tournaments , Has any body experienced the same situation or similar ? For  A QEUSTION TO SKY POKER CAN YOU PUT  A TIME LIMIT ON FOR PLAYERS SITTING OUT WHO HAVE NOT PLAYED 1 HAND IN THE TOURNY OR A MIN OF 5 HANDS !! What do you think about this ?
    Posted by murphinho
    i agree, its a pain, if you dont play a hand for 5 mins then you should be kicked off
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    In Response to PLayers Away : i agree, its a pain, if you dont play a hand for 5 mins then you should be kicked off
    Posted by explanty
    Hi explanty,

    May I ask why you consider it to be "a pain", & why you think "away" players are a disadvantage, please?

    This matter is exercising the Suits minds considerably, because it goes 100% against everything a poker player would normally think.

    There has been a LOT of adverse comment, agreeing with your view, so Sky Poker take the comments very seriously, but it's a mystery to Sky Poker, & to myself.

    So, can you elaborate, please?

    I know you are referring to Freerolls here, but take it one step further. If I pay to enter a Tourney, DYM or whatever,  & choose, as I often do, & for a variety of reasons, to sit out, & the Software then "kicks me off", I'd sue the Cardroom, & never ever play there again. Why? Because it's my money, my choice, & my right to decide whether to sit in or sit out, & no rule could ever be framed to say othwerwise.
  • GavinxxxxGavinxxxx Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2010
    This is daft

    Some people just like to have a moan about anything lol
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away : Hi explanty, May I ask why you consider it to be "a pain", & why you think "away" players are a disadvantage, please? This matter is exercising the Suits minds considerably, because it goes 100% against everything a poker player would normally think. There has been a LOT of adverse comment, agreeing with your view, so Sky Poker take the comments very seriously, but it's a mystery to Sky Poker, & to myself. So, can you elaborate, please? I know you are referring to Freerolls here, but take it one step further. If I pay to enter a Tourney, DYM or whatever,  & choose, as I often do, & for a variety of reasons, to sit out, & the Software then "kicks me off", I'd sue the Cardroom, & never ever play there again. Why? Because it's my money, my choice, & my right to decide whether to sit in or sit out, & no rule could ever be framed to say othwerwise.   TIA.
    Posted by Tikay10

    I was thinking about this the other day. Say if you were in a live tournament and got disqualified for some reason but for not cheating or any other serious offence. Say you persistently kept acting out of turn i.e breaking the rules. Would you be entitled to a refund of your buyin? 

  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited September 2010
    It has always been a contentious issue, the "away" player.

    If a player is away or chooses not to join a game until a certain point or level then fair enough.

    It is the player who is playing hide & seek and jumping in mid-hand that is a bit irritating (imo)

    It is widely known what Phil Helmuth does in tourneys, but to be fair he IS away and not hiding under the table waiting for a pair of Aces to hit the felt.

    It would be great if something could be built into on-line tourneys where you have the option of joining at a certain level. option box that could be ticked saying, I wish to be away for 30 minutes or 4 levels or something like that.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited September 2010

     i think the main reson for prople being peved with it is there there to play poker and have a game i myself dont really care if they sitout but i can see y people get upset with it
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away : I was thinking about this the other day. Say if you were in a live tournament and got disqualified for some reason but for not cheating or any other serious offence. Say you persistently kept acting out of turn i.e breaking the rules. Would you be entitled to a refund of your buyin? 
    Posted by BrownnDog
    No, you would NOT be entitled to a refund in the circumstances you describe.

    But "sitting out" has never been against the Rules of Poker, nor will it ever be. So if I sat-out  & they disqualified me because of that, I'd never play there again, & would INSIST on a full refund, because I am doing NOTHING WRONG, or against the letter OR spirit of the Rules, by sitting out.

    If the Rules of Poker one day change to make sitting out against the Rules, that's different. But no poker rule book, anywhere, ever, says that it wrong in any way, shape, or form, to sit out. 

    The Reason I asked "explanty" to explain, is because I'm trying to understand the problem, & I'm doing that because it's a problem Sky Poker want to deal with fairly, but they don't understand it, either. Essentially, the seated players are getting free money, which is why it baffles me that it's perceived as a problem by several Clients.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    It has always been a contentious issue, the "away" player. If a player is away or chooses not to join a game until a certain point or level then fair enough. It is the player who is playing hide & seek and jumping in mid-hand that is a bit irritating (imo) It is widely known what Phil Helmuth does in tourneys, but to be fair he IS away and not hiding under the table waiting for a pair of Aces to hit the felt. It would be great if something could be built into on-line tourneys where you have the option of joining at a certain level. option box that could be ticked saying, I wish to be away for 30 minutes or 4 levels or something like that.
    Posted by emilyegg
    Agreed, but that's not what the players are complaining about in this instance.

    I would not be in favour of your closing suggestion. Sometimes I, or others, cannot predict that we will arrive late. I often arrive late due to unforseen committments elsewhere, or work, traffic-jam, whatever. My Blinds are paid, so that's fine. But if I were disqualified because I arrived late, I'd be very cross indeed.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited September 2010
    Hi tikay

    Give me at least on table of "away" players every tourny, I would be happy
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited September 2010
    I guess some players, especially "less serious" poker players, actually want to "play poker" if that makes sense. I imagine a large proportion of the people who play freerolls are players new to poker and are keen to play the game like they see on TV e.g lots of bluffs, big bets and all-ins. So if they are seated at a table with many players sitting out, then poker loses that glamorous side and they easily become bored by just "nicking" the blinds. 

    I on the other hand would love to sit there and steal the blinds and accumulate a lot of chips early. 

    Each to their own I guess. But It confuses me when people complain about things that are free!!  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    I guess some players, especially "less serious" poker players, actually want to "play poker" if that makes sense. I imagine a large proportion of the people who play freerolls are players new to poker and are keen to play the game like they see on TV e.g lots of bluffs, big bets and all-ins. So if they are seated at a table with many players sitting out, then poker loses that glamorous side and they easily become bored by just "nicking" the blinds.  I on the other hand would love to sit there and steal the blinds and accumulate a lot of chips early.  Each to their own I guess. But It confuses me when people complain about things that are free!!  
    Posted by BrownnDog
    Yes, that all makes sense Lewis, but it misses one central point.

    You cannot have one set of rules, & one set of software, for Freerolls & another for normal "paid" Tourneys. It's simply not possible. So it's one, or the other.

    The reason I have engaged in debate on this thread is because to arrive at the best, & correct, solution, for the Sky Poker Clients, Sky Poker need to understand the problem. They sought the view of myself & others, but I was, & am not, able to grasp the problem. And as yet, nobody has explained to me why it exercises people's minds so much.
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: PLayers Away:
    Hi tikay Give me at least on table of "away" players every tourny, I would be happy
    Posted by acebarry10
    oh cmon baz u aint that scared of havin opposition are ya ;o)
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