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Terrible site



  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited August 2009
    well said,  col   + 1 from benny
  • fingers615fingers615 Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2009
    What a great post mr mbro. I don't post on here that often, only when i've got something sensible to say normally, so not that often. lol. But i do read this forum every day, and one thing that is obvious to anyone is that Mr Tony Kendall does an awful lot for the community on this site. He is constantly rallying the troops. He always puts his weight behind almost anything that the players on this site ask for. I for one think that he is to be congratulated and thanked for all the  hard work he puts in on this site, and i know that a great many of the ppl on this forum think the same. Good luck all. Mike
  • SpongeDougSpongeDoug Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2009
    I think TK and Dunn have kissed and made up so lets draw a line under it!

    (BUT TK has a lot of loyal fans/friends and is greatly respected on here and anyone who attacks him.... well I'll say no more)


    there, line drawn
  • AT_0504AT_0504 Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2009

    Yes it is a shambles the way this softeware rewards bad play.

    Really, it is shocking.

    The number of people I know that would'nt touch this site with a barge pole is surprising.

    Then there is the fact it appears to always go on the blink.

  • IAMALLIN2IAMALLIN2 Member Posts: 561
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Terrible site:
    Yes it is a shambles the way this softeware rewards bad play. Really, it is shocking. The number of people I know that would'nt touch this site with a barge pole is surprising. Then there is the fact it appears to always go on the blink.
    Posted by AT_0504
    Please see sky mod post

    If you think there is a problem follow the link given

    I would suggest you use the spell check first as softEware sounds odd

    Also feel free to give "the number of people you know" the link as well

    Kindest Regards
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Terrible site:
    In Response to Re: Terrible site : I play mainly cash only occasionally tournaments, thats why you will not find many stats on me if you looked and I only played 2 games. I assure you I have plently of hands played on this site. I was abit on tilt when I first made post. Sorry I offended Tikay but I dont think numnuts is that offensive. At least I did not swear. I wouldnt of minded some constructive critism rather than something sarcastic.Maybe I am running bad but im getting very suspicious. How can people call with rubbish all the time and hit. Any sensible player knows if you play like that you will lose, youve got to. Anyway I apoligise again but was real annoyed at time.
    Posted by dunn80
    you cannot expect constructive criticism on a thread that offers nothing but insults,i bid you good luck on others sites.......
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited August 2009
    u should be called dumb80 lol obviously you lost and cant take it you should try looking closer to home for someone to blame
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Terrible site:
    u should be called dumb80 lol obviously you lost and cant take it you should try looking closer to home for someone to blame
    Posted by loonytoons
    Oh well done loonytoon, we try to calm things down and you come in and stoke the fires. I know you will say it was in jest but this is how people get their backs up and end up say things that become abusive.

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