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master cash



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited October 2010

    Studio Guests.

    Interestingly, it's been some time since we had Studio Guests, many many months, & we've been carefully monitoring feedback to see if anyone complained or noticed. Nobody has, until now, which says something. The Sports" Stars" & Celebs cost a few bob, too, which adds up over time.

    Everything is still being organised as to TSP, but I think it's pretty certain that at some stage, having some of them in the Studio from time to time will bring a new & fresh dimension, as several Posts have suggested, & it'll almost certainly happen. 

    But it wont be, I don't imagine, before the Studio Move, which is scheduled for late November or early December. The existing studio set up (where we are now) has been changed, & to bring in Guests right now is a bit difficult technically, requiring some lighting & camera modifications. There is no point spending cash on a Studio we are soon to vacate, so best wait for the Studio move, & as that is close to Xmas, we'll probably get the other side of December before it happens.

    I'll ask Atilla to comment, tomorrow, if I remember. She's a bit grumpy today, so I'm scared to ask, to be honest. ;)
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2010
    Brilliant thread and idea defo gets a thumbs up
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2010
    I also think it would NOT be in anyones best interests to BAN players from certain tables,but leave it to them to do the RIGHT thing
  • DaveOwlXDaveOwlX Member Posts: 140
    edited October 2010
    I did like the studio guests and the '3D' analysed hands but I don't miss them terribly. If the budget can go to other improvements for the channel then I'd rather it be put into those instead. I can imagine people who play on Sky Poker though and possibly even TSP (as mentioned) may come on and play live in the studio. I don't think they would ask for any money either if they got the tourney entry for free!

    Great to see feedback is being listened to though and improvements are coming.
  • pr1nnyraidpr1nnyraid Member Posts: 495
    edited October 2010
    tikay are u saying some of those guests were paid appearance fees? or do u mean the cost of registering them etc

    because on occasions the 'celebrity' guests came accross completely unarticulate it must have been awful trying to coax info out of them on live tv
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: master cash:
    tikay are u saying some of those guests were paid appearance fees? or do u mean the cost of registering them etc because on occasions the 'celebrity' guests came accross completely unarticulate it must have been awful trying to coax info out of them on live tv
    Posted by hotpotato
    Morning Mr Potato, I'm glad you Posted, because it reminded me, I need to reply to an earlier Post of yours, which I'll do a little later today.

    For now, I'll just deal with this one.

    Appearance Fees for Guests - depends upon the Guest, but certainly they all get exs, travel & hotel, & in some cases, a fee.

    The business model for that is not as simple as you may think, & a Celeb or Sporting Guest ticks several boxes. If the Guest is "right", it brings added entertainment value to the Show, & Viewers.

    If we have, say, an Athlete on, the Sky Poker Relations Manager - a very fine young man - will go onto all the big Athletics Forums & spam their appearance, ditto with a boxer, et al. When Ron "Chopper Harris" appears, as he did several times, he goes onto the various Chelsea FC fora & puffs the Show, & with Frank Worthington, onto the Leicester City & Huddersfield Town fora. What this achieves is to attract fresh viewers to the Show, who are all potential new Clients. If we get, say, 500 extra Chelsea fans watching the Show, & "convert" 5% of them, who subsequently sign up & Deposit, it makes the business case. When Mr McCririck was on, he puffed all the Racing fora, & that brings several thousand new pairs of eyes, so despite his abrasiveness, indeed rudeness, he was, in many ways, a very good Guest.

    You are right, of course, in alluding to their ability to come across well in front of TV Cameras, not everyone can, & footballers on the wholeare not exactly known for stratospheric IQ's, or correct use of the English language. One or two of them were, shall we say, "hard work". So yes, it's fair to say that some of them, as you say, "came accross completely unarticulate". 
  • pr1nnyraidpr1nnyraid Member Posts: 495
    edited October 2010
    ahh, i hadnt seen that angle.. i guess it makes sense if they would drum up extra interest..
    (how do i know which post you are replying to? ? or do i just traul the forum?)

    cheers teeks, love you
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited October 2010
    I would pay good money to see dohhhhhhhhhh and lucky77777 as studio guests!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: master cash:
    ahh, i hadnt seen that angle.. i guess it makes sense if they would drum up extra interest.. (how do i know which post you are replying to? ? or do i just traul the forum?) cheers teeks, love you
    Posted by hotpotato
    When I reply, I will quote it.
  • pr1nnyraidpr1nnyraid Member Posts: 495
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: master cash:
    In Response to Re: master cash : When I reply, I will quote it.
    Posted by Tikay10
    eagerly anticipated.. am i in trouble
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: master cash:
    In Response to Re: master cash : eagerly anticipated.. am i in trouble
    Posted by hotpotato
    Not wrong, you SO are!
  • Rubes375Rubes375 Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010
    The other sky channels use the 'red button' for votes and polls.

    Could you chaps use it to make programmes more interactive and have viewer votes and polls to gauge the general view of moves etc??

    Could cost very little as the technology is there and be a bit of fun?
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited October 2010
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