Yes, it's the big one- The Primo. At least £12.5K up for distribution and, if last week was anything to go by, it will probably be more like £15k!
Ed and I are ready to bring you full coverage of tonight's carnage from 8pm- along with some mid-level cash, The Poker Clinic featuring the forum's very own Trip5 (aka Irene) live on the phone and plenty of famous players in new exclusive interviews recorded just the other week.
So start your engines- we want your input on this thread. Hand requests, banter, questions- fire at will!
Ed has an interesting challenge on the go- see this thread- and we'll be updating you on that throughout the night!
And my comedy topic for tonight-
What happened on your worst dating experience?
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere?
Maybe something they specifically said or did which caused that romantic record playing in your head to come to an abrupt halt with the sound of the needle being dragged across it rapidly.
Here's mine- the moment I went in for a snog and distinctly felt a moustache. And no, not mine...
Hi Rich think there is a patten forming here everyone you try and chat up at the tables turns out to be a bloke .And now you are telling us that you cant even tell the difference between male or female in real life LMAO.First thing tomorrow go to Specsavers or seek medical help ASAP.
Hi Rich think there is a patten forming here everyone you try and chat up at the tables turns out to be a bloke .And now you are telling us that you cant even tell the difference between male or female in real life LMAO.First thing tomorrow go to Specsavers or seek medical help ASAP. Posted by chew07
No, she was definitely female! She just had a little tache that was barely noticeable until you got in close.
That said, her name was Bryan and she had a really low voice. Hang on a second....
Oh dear, another one that I'm tempted to answer but probably shouldn't Shouldn't give anyone info on my play unless these unnamed people happen to be on my live table and then I'd probably scarper
What happened on your worst dating experience?
Surprise surprise it was an arranged date! Greeted by essentially a twig that resembled a woman and her friend that I knew, we went around Sheffield having a few drinks in bars then came to this particular bar (note this was about 10 years ago) that you had to be 21+ to enter. Only my friend that I came with wasn't allowed in (he looked about 12 and didn't bring his ID) and so being the great friend I was I couldn't ditch him so at that point we were split off from one another. Later on we managed to all meet up again and were about to go into a club. Cue this 'blind' date (I almost wish I had been to be honest...) deciding she doesn't feel well and wants to go home. Pretending it was a '**** my luck' moment I was secretly glad of this. Later on though I find out that she was planning on leaving through a toilet window to get away from the date.
Think i'll mark that one down to a lucky break for us both as it clearly wouldn't have had a future
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere?
Similar-ish story to you this one Rich...
Another time when I knew that it just wasn't right is when I took a girl to a pub and it was one of those summer days when the sunlight shined into the pub somewhat through the windows. Lucky for me it was that sort of day as when sat on one of the sofas I noticed a big shine coming from her face. Thank you sun for I noticed a great big (previously camouflaged) moustache which was bigger than my own at that age I might add gleaming away in the sunlight. Let's just say from that moment on things got a bit 'hairy' (ahem). Joking on the last part but it didn't work out nor did I buy her a razor for Christmas.
My last encounter was an online dating match up. I've been with her 4 years now in December but she doesn't like Poker. Biggest disaster of them all haha.
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere?
As soon as i saw her
I got to know a girl through a phone dating site (before internet dating sites). She descibed herself as cuddly , so i knew she wasn,t skinny. we spoke for hours on the phone for a cpl of weeks and then decided to meet. As i came out of the train station i saw the car and my heart sunk. I couldn,t see that clearly as it was dark but could make out the frame of her body. I,ve nothing against big girls, but theres big then theres huge. she was the latter. I could have turned back but there were no more trains home so went with the flow. I saw her for a couple of weeks as i didn,t have the heart to tell her i wasn,t attractted to her, and personality wise she was great. After several excuses of having a headache she fianlly got the message and gradually we stopped seeing each other
What happened on your worst dating experience?
I met another girl from the same dating line and our first date involved me getting the coach up to Carlisle as she was staying for the weekend with her family, who she had not seen in a while for a wedding. She had told her family we had being seeing each other for a few months even though the only contact we had was a few hours on the phone. I thought this was odd but decided to go along with it
I met her outside her brothers house (where we would be staying) and was pleasantly suprised by her good looks. I wasn,t aware we would be sleeping togethor in the same room as her 4 kids though. The weekend went suprisingly well and I met all her family and on the Monday we got the train home, she went to York and me to Lancaster. When i tried to phone her again she wouldn,t answer and eventualy when she did she admitted she had just used me for that weekend as she was to embarassed to introduce her "real" boyfriend to her family as he was an alchoholic. I was gutted at the time, but looking back I was far to young to take on 4 kids anyway
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere? ----------- As soon as i saw her I got to know a girl through a phone dating site (before internet dating sites). She descibed herself as cuddly , so i knew she wasn,t skinny. we spoke for hours on the phone for a cpl of weeks and then decided to meet. As i came out of the train station i saw the car and my heart sunk. I couldn,t see that clearly as it was dark but could make out the frame of her body. I,ve nothing against big girls, but theres big then theres huge. she was the latter. I could have turned back but there were no more trains home so went with the flow. I saw her for a couple of weeks as i didn,t have the heart to tell her i wasn,t attractted to her, and personality wise she was great. After several excuses of having a headache she fianlly got the message and gradually we stopped seeing each other What happened on your worst dating experience? I met another girl from the same dating line and our first date involved me getting the coach up to Carlisle as she was staying for the weekend with her family, who she had not seen in a while for a wedding. She had told her family we had being seeing each other for a few months even though the only contact we had was a few hours on the phone. I thought this was odd but decided to go along with it I met her outside her brothers house (where we would be staying) and was pleasantly suprised by her good looks. I wasn,t aware we would be sleeping togethor in the same room as her 4 kids though. The weekend went suprisingly well and I met all her family and on the Monday we got the train home, she went to York and me to Lancaster. When i tried to phone her again she wouldn,t answer and eventualy when she did she admitted she had just used me for that weekend as she was to embarassed to introduce her "real" boyfriend to her family as he was an alchoholic. I was gutted at the time, but looking back I was far to young to take on 4 kids anyway That was the end of phone dating 4 me Posted by MP33
1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL The old cuddly description!!
2. You really have gotta stop "going with it"
3. Alcoholics ftw, but did u get sum??????
haha great read that. Go to NSC and tell us how much u binked on your bet.
Not a date as such but a girl I met when out drinking.
Anyway, got lucky and ended up back at hers. I'd been drinking shots all night and my stomach wasn't feeling the best but I wasn't giving up that easily. Eventually made our way to the bedroom and just as we were about to get down to the deed I was sick all over her.
Thought I would post a hand to have a look at as well - ID 301291184.
Fairly simple I imagine. I guess I was just a little silly as it was clear the board was straightening after the flop and especially the turn but was I aggressive enough? They DID have a lot more chips than me so could afford to take a gamble.
Would like to know as Ed is usually the best in terms of telling it how it is To make matters worse I had trips just now on another freeroll and was beaten exactly the same way but didn't lose many chips as I anticipated another scenario. That's poker...or is it?
Another hand 301323827 in a freeroll was a little frustrating but again it happens. Beaten by a pair of 9's with an all in on the flop. Crazy villain or crazy me? He appeared to be bullying the table for blinds initially.
can`t mention names ( dohhhh ) this person went on a date every thing was great chating wise, cider wise, then being a gent took her home when they was invited in for a coffee ? well it got a bit amorous when other parts did not want want too touch those part`s unless it was your own ?
i had just taken my date to the local pub. everything was going really sweetly and it looked really good. that is until her sister walked in. i had taken her out and spent the night with her earlier in the week! i did try to protest that the date was only as friends but she had already seen me with my lips locked on her sisters'. what followed included lots of shouting and profanity and with me left on the floor with severely bruised testicles and an even more bruised ego!!!! for some reason i found it very hard to get a date in that town after that.
aka knight tripdave, value-town, bubble girl trippyplop
go easy on me boys...i'm a veritable virgin...
Come on you cowards! Spill the beans! I'm sure Giddins will have a few! LOL
No, she was definitely female! She just had a little tache that was barely noticeable until you got in close.
That said, her name was Bryan and she had a really low voice. Hang on a second....
What happened on your worst dating experience?
Surprise surprise it was an arranged date! Greeted by essentially a twig that resembled a woman and her friend that I knew, we went around Sheffield having a few drinks in bars then came to this particular bar (note this was about 10 years ago) that you had to be 21+ to enter. Only my friend that I came with wasn't allowed in (he looked about 12 and didn't bring his ID) and so being the great friend I was I couldn't ditch him so at that point we were split off from one another. Later on we managed to all meet up again and were about to go into a club. Cue this 'blind' date (I almost wish I had been to be honest...) deciding she doesn't feel well and wants to go home. Pretending it was a '**** my luck' moment I was secretly glad of this. Later on though I find out that she was planning on leaving through a toilet window to get away from the date.
Think i'll mark that one down to a lucky break for us both as it clearly wouldn't have had a future
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere?
Similar-ish story to you this one Rich...
Another time when I knew that it just wasn't right is when I took a girl to a pub and it was one of those summer days when the sunlight shined into the pub somewhat through the windows. Lucky for me it was that sort of day as when sat on one of the sofas I noticed a big shine coming from her face. Thank you sun for I noticed a great big (previously camouflaged) moustache which was bigger than my own at that age I might add gleaming away in the sunlight. Let's just say from that moment on things got a bit 'hairy' (ahem). Joking on the last part but it didn't work out nor did I buy her a razor for Christmas.
My last encounter was an online dating match up. I've been with her 4 years now in December but she doesn't like Poker. Biggest disaster of them all haha.
hi rich, can i just apologise, late i know, for not shaving properly the last time we met.
Or, put it another way- What was the moment you knew straight away that the date was going nowhere?
As soon as i saw her
I got to know a girl through a phone dating site (before internet dating sites). She descibed herself as cuddly , so i knew she wasn,t skinny. we spoke for hours on the phone for a cpl of weeks and then decided to meet.
As i came out of the train station i saw the car and my heart sunk. I couldn,t see that clearly as it was dark but could make out the frame of her body. I,ve nothing against big girls, but theres big then theres huge. she was the latter.
I could have turned back but there were no more trains home so went with the flow.
I saw her for a couple of weeks as i didn,t have the heart to tell her i wasn,t attractted to her, and personality wise she was great.
After several excuses of having a headache she fianlly got the message and gradually we stopped seeing each other
What happened on your worst dating experience?
I met another girl from the same dating line and our first date involved me getting the coach up to Carlisle as she was staying for the weekend with her family, who she had not seen in a while for a wedding. She had told her family we had being seeing each other for a few months even though the only contact we had was a few hours on the phone. I thought this was odd but decided to go along with it
I met her outside her brothers house (where we would be staying) and was pleasantly suprised by her good looks.
I wasn,t aware we would be sleeping togethor in the same room as her 4 kids though.
The weekend went suprisingly well and I met all her family and on the Monday we got the train home, she went to York and me to Lancaster.
When i tried to phone her again she wouldn,t answer and eventualy when she did she admitted she had just used me for that weekend as she was to embarassed to introduce her "real" boyfriend to her family as he was an alchoholic.
I was gutted at the time, but looking back I was far to young to take on 4 kids anyway
That was the end of phone dating 4 me
Just before the crucial moment of our first night in bed together.............She told be she was pregnant.
Now i've heard of premature...........but that's just ridiculous. especially since I was using protection.
Anyway, got lucky and ended up back at hers. I'd been drinking shots all night and my stomach wasn't feeling the best but I wasn't giving up that easily. Eventually made our way to the bedroom and just as we were about to get down to the deed I was sick all over her.
She didn't see me again.
"By the way, I'm, pregnant!"
Wow Trev- that's a good one.
This is gonna be a great topic!
Keep em coming- could be a classic tonight.
Fairly simple I imagine. I guess I was just a little silly as it was clear the board was straightening after the flop and especially the turn but was I aggressive enough? They DID have a lot more chips than me so could afford to take a gamble.
Would like to know as Ed is usually the best in terms of telling it how it is
Another hand 301323827 in a freeroll was a little frustrating but again it happens. Beaten by a pair of 9's with an all in on the flop. Crazy villain or crazy me? He appeared to be bullying the table for blinds initially.
Both actually fairly loose for me.
i had just taken my date to the local pub. everything was going really sweetly and it looked really good. that is until her sister walked in. i had taken her out and spent the night with her earlier in the week! i did try to protest that the date was only as friends but she had already seen me with my lips locked on her sisters'. what followed included lots of shouting and profanity and with me left on the floor with severely bruised testicles and an even more bruised ego!!!! for some reason i found it very hard to get a date in that town after that.
Hi Rich & Ed have a great show tonight
Would just like to say GOOD LUCK to Irene in tonights Primo & on the phone hope she has a great night & Cashes